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January 16, 1970 THE CONCORDIAN Pag* 5 1. THE GROUCHO LETTERS: L«tters From and fTo Oroucho Marx. Laughter galore at the muitachioed madcap exchanges ripostes with Fred Allen, Goodman Ace, Thurber Peretman; offers advice to doctors, corporate heads, politicians, and complete strangers. Pub. at $4.85...

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Published: 1970
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Summary:January 16, 1970 THE CONCORDIAN Pag* 5 1. THE GROUCHO LETTERS: L«tters From and fTo Oroucho Marx. Laughter galore at the muitachioed madcap exchanges ripostes with Fred Allen, Goodman Ace, Thurber Peretman; offers advice to doctors, corporate heads, politicians, and complete strangers. Pub. at $4.85. Sale $1.00 2. COUNTERPOINT. Compiled and edited by Roy Newqulst. Penetrating comments on life and living, writ-ers and writing by 63 leading au- Trumon Ca pote, Bruce Catton, Ty-rone Guthrie. Harper Lee, Helen Maclnnes, Emlyn Williams, et al. 653 pages. Pub. at $6.95 Sate $1.00 3. WILD SEASON. By Allan W. Eckert. A brilliant naturalist relates the frantic drama of a lake and its crea tu res in May—the wild season of feeding, fighting, mating, birth and death. One of the most thrilling animal-nature books ever written. Illus. Pub. at $4.95. Sale $1.00 4. SHAW ON RELIGION. Ed by War-ren S. Smith. Brilliant, saucy, and irreverent observations <;xtradted from his plays, writings, and letters. Pub. at $5.00. Sale $1.00 5. FACES NEVER LIE: New Art of Japanese Phytiogomy. By Hachiro As-ano. Intriguing guide to character an-alysis through facial interpretation. 70 photos including Lincoln, Liz Tay-lor, FDR, Pope John, Castro, JFK, Brigitte Bardot. et al, plus 95 Illus-trations provide a lucid key to judg-ing intelligence, fidelity, tempera-ment, sincerity, etc. Pub. at $3.75. Sale $2.00 6. THE CORRESPONDENTS' WAR. By Charles H. Brown. Superb ac-count of America's sensationalist press during the Spanish-American War. Stephan Crane, Richard Harding Dav-is, Hearst. Pulitzer, the daring ex-ploits of frontline reporters In the last of the pre-tclctype wars. Many illus. Pub. at $8.95. Sale $2.00 7 JULY 1914: Selected Docmuents on the Outbreak of the First World War. Ed. by Imanuel Geiss. With exten-sive commentary by Germany's lead-ing scholar-historian of WWI origins, nearly two hundred documents, most never before seen outside state arch-ives, make a fascinating record of a world falling cumsily into war. Pub. at $6.95. Sale $2.00 8. THE OTHER CONQUEST. By John j . Norwich. Fascinating story of the Norman conquest of Southern Italy and Sicily in the 11th century against formidable Lombarl, Byzantine, Sara-cen and Papal resistance. Brilliantly recounts the period, battles, intrigues and insurrections that led to the em-ergence of two great Norman lead-ers, the brothers Roger and Robert de Hauteville. Photos. Pub. at $6.95. Sale $2.00 9. THE LONDON HERETICS 1870-1914. By Warren S. Smith. From Bible-smashers to fiery churchmen, the re-ligiuos and moral rebels of late Vic-torian England pointed the way for the spiritual unrest of our own cen-tury, Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, An-nie Bcsant. William Morris; the se-cularists, positlvists, Theosophists, etc.—this brilliant new study captures all the turbulence and dynamism of a fascinating era. Illus. Pub. at $6.95. Sale $2.00 10. A PARADE OF PRINCES. Sel by Christopher Sinclair-Stevenson. Illus. by Fritz WcRner. Delightful collec-tion of Princely adventures by such spinners of tales as Charles Dickens, James Thurber, Oscar Wilde, A. A. Milne, et al Pub. at $3.95. Sale $2.00 11. Sex A. The Bloomer Girl—VICKY. By M. M. Marberry. Hilarious, lusty saga of Victoria C. Wood hull, Free Lover, Suffragette, and publisher who precipitated the great Rev. Henry Ward Beecher sex scandal. Pub. at $5.95. Sale $2.00 12. Edwin Way Teale's WANDERING THROUGH WINTER. With 49 spec-tacular nature photographs. Triumph-ant finale to beloved American natur-alist's •"Seasons" books— the record of a 20,000 mile journey of adventure through the North American winter. Pub. at $6.50. Sale $2.00 13. SEEKERS OF TOMORROW: Mas-ters of Modern Science Fiction. By Sam Moskowitz. Brilliant critical stu-dy of Ray Bradbury, Arthur C. Clar-ke, Isaac Asimov, Robert Helnlein, other leading creators of science fic-tion. Pub. at $6.50. Sale $2.00 FRIENDSHIP AND FRATRICIDE: An Analysis of Whittaker Chambers and Alger Hiss. By Meyer A. Zelig. M.D. This careful psychoanalytic portrait illuminates one of the most dramatic cases in history. Six years of untiring research throws new light on the personal intervention of Richard Nix-on, the role of the FBI, and the strange circumstances of Chambers' death. An utterly fascinating reading experience. Pub. at $8.95. Sale $2.95 17. THE DEVIL DRIVES: A Life of Sir Richard Burton. By Fawn Brodie. Major biography of the legendary 19th century explorer, ethnologist, linguist and raconteur, llus. Pub. at $6.95. Sale $2.95. 18. THE FIRST MASOCHIST. By James Cleugh. Intriguing biography of Leopold von Sacher-Masoch whose in-credible demands for sexual stimuli gave the term "masochism" to pos-terity as one of the two extremes in man's emotional makeup. Pub. at $6.85. Sale $2.96 19. THE THOMAS WOLFE READER. Sel. by C. Hugh Holman. Rich, wide-ly representative selection of his four novels, plus eight short stories, and in tt» entirety "The Story of a Nov-el," one of the most impressive testa-ments written by an American. Pub. at $7.50. Sale $2.95 "CAMEO BOOKS" FOR COLLECTORS 14. Showpiece books on the fine and decorative arts. Each contains a lively, authoritative text and 60 to 75 full color plates of exceptional quality. 5i"x74", bound in natural finish linen, stamped in gold leaf. EUROPEAN PORCELAIN. By Mina Bacci. 69 full color plates. Meissen. Wedgwood. Rouen, et al . Only- 2.95 15. Large, lavishly-illustrated vol-umes at outstanding values. Over 100 plates, many in color, and u sparkling, evocative text highlights each 8i"xll" book. MEXICAN AND CENTRAL AMERI-CAN MYTHOLOGY. By Irene Nich-olson. Mayan. Aztec cultures, etc. Over 100 plates, 24 In color. Only 2.95 EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY. Trans, from Mythologie Generale Larousse. Bast, Horus, Isis. etc. 151 plates, 25 in color Only 2.95 SOUTH AMERICAN MYTHOLOGY. By Harold Osgorne. 3,000 years of fascinating lore. 124 plates, 24 in color Only 2.95 NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN MY-THOLOGY. By Cottie Burland. Gods and heroes of principal tribes. Over 125 plates, 24 in color . Only 2.95 ROMAN MYTHOLOGY. By Stewart Perowne. Jupiter. Mars. Diana, etc. Over 100 plates, 24 in color Only 2.95 JAPANESE MYTHOLOGY. By Ju-liet Piggott. Over 100 illus., 24 pages in color. Stirring Buddhist and Shin-to legends Only 295 SCANDINAVIAN MYTHOLOGY. By H. R. Ellis Davidson. Tales of Odin, Thor. the Valkyries, etc Only 2.95 20. A GUIDE TO THE SOCIAL SCIEN-CES. Ed. by Norman MacKenzie. Ten scholars describe their special disciplines—anthropology, economics, social psychology, political ideology, etc. contributors include Prof. James MacGregor Burns, Leon Bramson, T. B, Bottomore, and Asa Briggs. Pub. at $6.50. Sale $2.95 21. GREAT ART TREASURES in Am-erica's Smaller Museums. By Eds. of Country Beautiful. Handsome volume containing a brilliant pictorial collec-tion of the finest works of art in 44 of the nation's outstanding small art museums. Over 220 works pic-tured, more than 50 in full color. representing the world's art from prehistoric times to the present, from Giotto and Rembrandt to Wyeth and Rothko. Authoritative text. 91"xl2". Pub. at $12.95. Sale $5.95 22. THE NORMAL WOMAN. By Mad-eline Gray. Sex, childbirth, meno-pause— this encyclopedic work ex-plains both the physical and emotion-al aspects of all the mysterious prob-lems every woman shares. Endorsed by noted doctors and psychiatrists for women of all ages—to give men a real comprehension of the feminine mystique. Reliable and revealing. Pub. at $7.95. Sale $3.95 23. WHEN LINCOLN DIED. By Ralph Borrwson. Intro, by Henry Steelfc Commager. Story of Lincoln's assas-sination told by those who were there—the Union soldier on whose bed Lincoln died, a railroal man in charge of the funeral train and count-less others. Nearly two hundred rare photographs, etchings and maps docu-ment this moving history. A must for every collector of Lincolniana. 7"xlO". Pub. at $8.95. Sale $4.95 NOTE: Add coupon for mail order. 1. THE CONQUEST OF CHILE. By H. R. S. Popcock. A fascinating ex-cursion into history—savage Indians, bloody battles with an empire as the prize. Exciting to the general reader, invaluable to students. Pub. at $7.95. Sate 12.98 2. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF THE ARTS. Consulting Editor: Herbert Read. So tremendous in sire, scope and nu-thoritativeness that it encompasses thirteen separate "dictionaries." 10,- 250 ENTRIES. 3,550 ILLUSTRATIONS 79 FULL COLOR PLATES, 984 DOU-BLE- SIE PAGES. A one-volume edu-cation in Architecture, Ballet, Bio-graphy, Film, Graphics, Literature, Music, Opera, Painting, Photography, Philosophy, Sculpture, and Theatre. 8i"xli"x2t" thick, bound in library buckram. Orig. $35.00 Sensational at $14.95 3. AMERICA'S HISTORIC HOUSES. By the Editors of Country Beautiful. 160 illus., 50 in full-color. Lavishly depicts the great diversity of Ameri-ca's history as reflected in 96 dwell-ings of men and women who made that history. Recounts the background, events, famous figures and charms of The Hermitage, Sagamore Hill, Monticello, Hull House, The Palace of the Governors, many others. 91"xl2". Pub. at $12.95. Sale $7.95 4. GREAT ART TREASURES in Am-erica's Smaller Musuems. By Eds. of Country Beautiful. Handsome volume containing a brilliant pictoral collec-tion of the finest works of art in 44 of the nation's outstanding small art museums. Over 220 works pictured, more than 50 in full color, represent-ing the world's art from prehistric times to the present, from Giotto and Rembrandt to Wyeth and Rothko. Au-thoritative text. 9iMxl2'\ Pub. at $12 - 05 Sale $5.95 5.' THE HISTORY OF THE DEVIL AND IDEA OF EVIL. By Paul Carus. Over 300 rare illustrations. One of the classic scholarly works on dem-onology. Covers Devil worship in an-cient Egypt. Persia and Israel; The Devil in Early Christianity; The Dc-monology of Northern Europe; The Devil's Prime; The Inquisition, much more. Pub. at $15.00. Sale $6.95 6. THE AMERICAN WEST—Pictorial Epic of a Continent. By Lucius Beebe ACharles Clegg. Over 1.000 draw-ings photos and prints, complement the excitinfi text of the wild West as it really was. 8"xll". Orig. pub at $10.00. Only $695 7 LAROUSSE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MODERN HISTORY. Ed. by Marcel Dunan. et al. Fwd. by Hugh Trevor- Roper. Huge, brilliantly written ref-erence guide to world history from 1500 to the present, including a com-prehensive record of man's achieve-ment in the arts. Over 500 remark-able illustrations. 32 pp. in color. 8"xlli". Pub. at $20.00. Sale $9.95 8. COMPLETE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. The famous Shakes-peare Head Edition of the Oxford University Press, prepared by the not-ed Elizabethan scholar, Arthur Henry Bullin. An attractive, extremely leg-ible volume containing all the Com-edies, Histories and Tragedies—37 im-mortal plays, plus the Sonnets and other poetry; of Life of Shakespeare; glossary. 1,280 pages in all, handsome-ly bound. Only $6.95 9 EGYPTIAN MYTHOLOGY. Text trans, from Mythologie Generale Lar-ousse. Sumptuous volume brings to life the stories of Bast Horus, Isis. Ptah et al. 151 illustrations, 25 in color. Only $2.95 10 JAPANESE MYTHOLOGY. By Jul-iet Piggott. Over 100 illus. 24 pages in color. Stirring Buddhist and Shin-to legends. Only $2.95 11. NORTH AMERICAN INDIAN MY-THOLOGY. By Cottle Burland. Gods and heroes, beliefs and outlooks of principal tribes and regions; 24 color plates, over 100 illustrations of In-dian life, art. ceremonial costumes, etc. Sl-Xll". Only $2.95 12. Chartet Jackion's A SECOND-HAND LIFE. Powerful, shattering nov-el that explores with raw power the appetites of a sex-obsessed woman. By the author of Loit Weekend. Pub. at $5.95. Sale $1.00 13. THE OTHER CONQUEST. By John J. Norwich. Fascinating story of the Norman conquest of Southern Italy and Sicily in the 11th century against formidable Lombard, Byzantine, Sara-cen and Papal resistance. Brilliantly recounts the period, battles, intrigues and insurrections that led to the em-ergence of two great Norman leaders, tho brothers Roger and Robert de Hauteville. Photos. Pub. at $6.95 Sale $2.00 14. OLD JULES COUNTRY: A Selec-tion from the Works of Mari Sandoz. Generous sampling of the non-fiction writings of one of our most inspired interpreters of the American West Pub. at $4.95. Sale $1.00 15. VALENTINO. By Irving Shulman. Stunning biography of the Great Lov-er that separates the man from the myth. Provides a memorable social study of a celluloid Casanova con-stantly beset by weight problems whose two off-screen marriages were probably never consummated, yet nur-tured a legend for sexual prowess that has continued long after his death. Photos. Pub. at $6.95 Sale $2.00 18. PALACE8 OF EUROPE. By Wayne Dynes. Brilliantly captures the mag-nificent architecture, gardens and art collections of twelve notable royal mansions, and describes the principle figures and events associated with each building. 180 b & w and color illustrations, including floor plant and period engravings. Special Import $2.95 17. Chemistry in the Kitchen—THE SAUCE COOK BOOK. By Peter & Nancy Kranz. Step-by-Step, the crea-tion of and recipes for miraculous sauces. Includes a first-of-its-kind1 glossary on saucemaklng. Illus. Pub. at $4.95. Sale $2.98 18. WILD SEASON. By Allan W. Eck-ert. A brilliant naturalist relates the frantic drama of a lake and its creatures in May—the wild season of feeding, fighting, mating, birth and death. One of the most thrilling ani-mal- nature books ever written. Illus. Pub. at $4.95. Sale $1.00 19. THOMAS JEFFERSON: Fighter for Freedom & Human Righti. By Sonla Daugherty. Warm and reward-ing portrait of the great American and statesman. Illus. Pub. at $4.50. Sale $2.00 20. TRIBES AND FORMS IN AFRI-CAN ART. By William Fagg. 170 plates, anl text by British Museum's leallng authority on African art and anthropology, shows the individual-ity, intuitive skill and richness oi sculptural form in 122 different cul-tures. 9»"xir*. Pub. at $12.50. Sale $7.95 "CAMEO BOOKS" FOR COLLECTORS Showpiece books on the fine and decorative arts. Each contains a lively, authorative text and 60 to 75 full color plates of exceptional quality. 5J"x74", bound In natural finish linen, stamped in gold leaf. AFRICAN MASKS. By Franes Monti. 69 full color plates. From Upper Volta carvings to Benin ivories Only $2.95 ENGLISH SILVER. By Judith Ban-ister. 71 full color pictures. Five centuries of high craftsman-ship Only $2.95 NOTE: Add coupon for mail order. 1. THE EXPLOSION OF SCIENCE. The Physical Universe. Ed by Sir Bernard Lovell and T. Margerison. 143 full-color illus., 337 black and white photos. Sumptous, oversized (101x14) book full of marvels scientists have discovered during the last 15 years explained for laymen and presented with spectacular Illustrations and dia-grams. Topics covered by world-fam-ous authorities incl.: The Depths of Space, The Architecture of Motter, Assault On The Atom, Chemist's Boun-ty. The Sun, many more. Pub. af $24.95. Only $9.95 2. 50 AMERICAN MASTERPIECES. 200 Years of Great Paintings. Giant size volume (15 x 171) containing 50 of the greatest American paintings In full color, full page reproductions from Benjamin West and James Peale of Colonial times to Grandma Moses and Andrew Wyeth including such as Catlin, Nast, Currier Ac Ives, Whistler. W. Homer, Eakins, Reming-ton. Hopper, Bellows, Evergood, and other equally famous. Descriptive text for each artist and reproduction. Soft-bound for easy removal of pictures —everpone suitable for framing. A true art bonanza. Limited Stock avail-able. Onlp $5.95 3. GEORGE CATLIN And The Old Frontier. By Harold McCracken. Fab-ulous picture and text presentation of the work of the 19th century dean of American Indian painters. Includes the mysterious Mandan torture cere-mony, scalping, medicine men, Flat-head women, warriors, secret puberty, rites, etc. 167 illustrations, 36 in full color of the original paintings. 9 x 12. Pub. at $18.50. Only $5.95 4. THE GOLDEN AGE OF THE AM-ERICAN RACING CAR. By Griffith Borgeson. With 220 photos & draw-ings. The complete story of the men, the machines, the tracks, the en-gineering, and the feats of the great years between World Wars I 6c II when American racing cars achieved classical perfection. 8 x 111. Pub. at $12.50 Only $3.95 5. THE GREAT IRON TRAIL: The Story of the Firtt Transcontinental Railroad. By R. W. Howarl. With 23 Photos. Blood, sweat and dollars built the first modern American railroad, 2000 miles from Omaha to Sacramen-to, and those who peopled the pro-ject were a motley assemblage of explorers, inventors, iron men, lab-orers, and financiers. Orig. Pub. at $6.50. New complete ed. Only $2.98 6. GREAT SEA BATTLES. By O. Warner. Over 250 Photos, plus many Full Color Illus., maps, letters ana diagrams. Magnificent presentation ot some of the finest hours in the naval history of many nations. Covers the most dramatic moments of 400 years ot conflicts fj;om Lepanto to World War II. 93 x 12]. Pub. at $25.00. Only $9.95* 7. HANDWRITING ANALYSIS. The Art and Scionct of Reading Character. By M. N. Bunker, More than 160 Illus., step by step instructions. Pub. at $10.00. Only $1.98 S. Television—A Pictorial History: HOW 8WEET IT WAS. By A. Shul-man & R. Youman. Huge historical panorame with 1,435 photos and com-mentarp of the shows, personalities comedians, music, specials, panels and quiz shows, Congressional hearings, news shats. campaigns and elections; from trival moments to significant events—unique and fascinating. 8ft x 101. Orig. Pub. at $12.50. Only $4.95 9. IMMORTALS OF THE SCREEN. Ed by Ray Stuart. Over 600 memorable photographs. A big album of movie" stills with brief biographies of Holly-wood's most glamorous stars: Gable, Leslie Howard, Harlow, W. C. Fields, the Barrymores, Valentino. Bogart, Beery, and many more. 8i xlU. Orig. pub. at $7.50. New, completed. Only H $2.9B 10. INDIAN A ESKIMO ARTIFACTS OF NORTH AMERICA. By C. Miles. Over 2000 examples in this pictorial guide, including 7 color plates, cov-ering all of the major kinds of North American native-made artifacts—tools, weapons, pottery, basketry, boats, re-galia, etc. with technical details of manufacture and lore about the usage from as far back as pre-Columbian times. 81 x 11 J. Pub. at $25.00. Only $5.95 11. AIRCRAFT, AIRCRAFT, AIR-CRAFT. By J. Taylor. Over 200 black & white photos including many rare ones & engravings. 24 pages in full color. A fascinating picture history from the time of the early bnlloonlsts to today's Jets, helicopters, space cap-sules and every kind of aircraft. 81 x 11. Import Special $2.98 12. AMERICAN ANTIQUES 1800-1900. A Collector's History And Guide. By oseph T. Butler. With 177 illus. 7 in full color. Encyclopedia, extensively illustrated survey of 19th century an-tiques covering furniture, ceramics, glass, silver, metalwork. textiles, lighting devices and use in modern settings. 71x101. Orig. pub. a $7.95. New, complete ed. Only $3.95 13. AMERICAN FOLK ART. By Petei . Welsh. Published by The Smithson-ian Institution. 65 illus. in color ana black & white. A beautiful presen-tation from the Eleanor and Mabel Van Alstyne Collection. Cigar store Indians and carousel figures, weather-vanes, signs, paintings, etc. 9 x 9 , softbound. Pub. at $2.95. Only $1.00 14. ASTRONOMY: A History of Man's Investigation of the Untverie. By Fred Hoyle. Hundreds of illus.—drawings, paintings, engravings & photos, many in color. A masterpiece of description and synthesis of man's attempts to understand the universe—from earli-est- known discoveries to modern astro-physics; the lives and works of Coper-nicus, Kepler, Galileo, Newton, Ed-dlngton, Einstein, Urcy and others. Lavishly illustrated. 8 x 11 volume. Orig. Pub. at $12.95. New, complete ed., Only $4.95 15. THE BOOK OF THE HAND: An Illustrated History of Palmistry. By Fred Gettings. Profusely illustrated with more than 200 reproductions from old books and documents and with photographs and palm prints. How to analyze character and predict the future, a new system for clas-sifying the different hand forms and an informative, fascinating history oi palmistrp in this deluxe 81 x 111 vol-ume. Special $4.95 16. CARS, CARS, CARS. By S. C. H. Davis. 220 photos in black & white plus 24 pages In full color and 12 line drawings. A pictorial history ot motor cars throughout the world from the pioners of the industry to pre-sent day models. 81 x 11. I m port Special $2.98 17. THE COMPLETE ILLUSTRATED BOOK OF YOGA. By Swami Vishnu-denananda. Over 140 full page photos. All the essential knowledge: asanas. breathing exercises, concentration, me-ditation, diet, philosophy, longevity, training programs, etc. Orig. Pub. at $10.00. Only $3.95 18 JAPAN: A History in Art. By Brad-ley Smith. With 237 works of art re-produced in Full Color. A uniquely beautiful book and most remarkable record of a people and its culture containing a matchless collection of pictures superbly photographed. Di-vided Into 10 historical periods from the Archaic to the Meiji. It covers the heroes and sages, theater, literature, religious and social ceremony, murals sculpture, ceramics, prints. 9 x 123. Pub. at $30.00 Onlp $17:95 19. THE MASTERY OF OIL PAINT-ING. By F. Taubes. 96 illus., including 6 in full color. Practical guide to materials and techniques for the art-ist including extensive anlysis of how the old masters worked. Orig. Pub. at $6.95. Only $3.49 20. NEW TENDENCIES IN ART. By A. Pellegrini. 300 Illus. in full color and black Sc white. Beautiful volume on the work of contemporary artists in all countries providing a basic under-standing of Pop Art, New Abstrac-tion, Programed Art, Happenings, etc. Including works of Motherwell. de Kooning, Rothko, Gottlieb, Ad Rein-hardt, etc. Pub. at $12.50. Only $5.95