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Pag* 2 THE CONCORDIAN February 14, 1964 Rebellion from the North — KFME TV, Channel 13, fea-tures "Henry IV," Part I, Acts 1 and 2, Tues., Feb. 18, at 8:30 p.m. The presentation, one of fifteen scheduled for KFME TV, is part of the series, "An Age of Kings," Shakespearean pagenir...

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Published: 1964
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Summary:Pag* 2 THE CONCORDIAN February 14, 1964 Rebellion from the North — KFME TV, Channel 13, fea-tures "Henry IV," Part I, Acts 1 and 2, Tues., Feb. 18, at 8:30 p.m. The presentation, one of fifteen scheduled for KFME TV, is part of the series, "An Age of Kings," Shakespearean pageniry featuring the lives of seven monarchs. Produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation, the series is the first time that Shakespeare's plays have been presented in chronological order. Pottenger Takes Post On Admissions Staff Mr. Wallace Pottenger, resident head of Brown Hall for the past five and one-half years, has joined the staff of the admissions office as an admissions counselor. His energy in this new year-round position will be concentrated chiefly in northern Minnesota. In his capacity as admissions counselor he will contact high school counselors and principals, visit high schools in the area and attend the numerous career days set up in the high schools around the country. Concordia's other admission counselors are Edward Ellenson and Zahi Ismir. Mr. Pottenger graduated from Concordia in 1951. He is doing graduate work in counseling at NDSU where he expects to complete his master's degree this year. He and his family will continue to reside in the dormitory for the remainder of the semester. Taking Mr. Pottenger's place for the balance of the year is Michael Tweeton with some part time assistance from Dave Ben-son. Tweeton graduated from Concordia last semester with a major in English and a minor in mathematics. Between his fresh-man and sophomore years he spent a number of years in the service. Benson, in addition to his responsibilities at Brown Hall, will assume the position of Director of Student Activities next year. Join David Nammar in a 42 days STUDENT & FACULTY GRAND TOUR OF EUROPE leaving Fargo July 1st, 1964 for registration or details call or write: NORTH DAKOTA AUTOMOBILE CLUB 18 South 8th St., Fargo AD 2-7441 Next Time Try the AUTO-DINE featuring the ALL-AMERICAN LUNCH for only 47c HAMBURGER — U.S. Government inspected beef on 4 inch bun FRENCH FRIES —grade A Russets SHAKE — thick and creamy THE AUTO-DINE 1004 Main Ave. Moorhead Win an All-Amorican lunch every day for a weekl FILL OUT AND BRING THIS COUPON TO THE AUTO-DINE TO REGISTER. Name Address Phone 'Brigadoonv Roles Announced "So definitely Scottish you can't miss it!" expounded as-sistant director Paul Christian-son about Brigadoon, Concor-dia's Rip Van Winkle musical coming April 15-18. Chorug and orchestra parts were completed Monday night for the story of the Scottish town, Brigadoon, that lives only one day in a century. In-viting romance are sopranos Sue Matthews, Bonnie Miller, Alice Bervig, Jeanne Iverson, Paulette Benson, Sharon Nel-son, Susan Picket! and Marlys Alswager. Balancing the lyrical fable of a quaint highland that appears on no maps and knows no strife are altos Betty Jo White, Sue Hoxeng, Mary Schroeder, Carol Haaland, Bev Brendsel, Kirsten Nielsen, Eunice Stoa and Char-lotte Okland. Bass parts Dave Peterson, Bill Haines, Roger Haugland, Jim Wallin, Dean Nelson, Tim Sol-berg, Rick Engen and Terry Bickle transport the audience D.C. Semester For information concerning the Washington Semester pro-gram held at the American University in Washington, D. C, contact Dr. Noblitt, 6A Cobber Hall. Current sopho-mores and juniors are eligible for next year's program. Four former participants still on campus and also available for consultation are: Paul Arne-son, Roger Hanson, George Grimsrud and Steve Setness. Application blanks can be secured from Professor Nob-litt and must be returned to him not later than March 16. ON THE F/» | # UPPER DECK at 119 Broadway - FARGO What better way to say "BE MY VALENTINE1" cm,arlinson s UtwtUrt St. SUv€rtmHli$ POWMTH •TIttIT XT CtNTEIt MtMUC MOORHCAD. MINNESOTA Bea Larson across the Atlantic to romance in a never-never land. Paul quipped about ih« tenor parts, "A funny thing happened. One of the tenor parts was so high thai even one of the girls couldn't get it." Tenors include Doug Alfors, Richard P ill man, Gerald Bu-haug, Mike Kile, Laverne Woltjer, Doris Hess, Glee Hauge, Carol Rennekke and Byron Hildahl. Brigadoon is spiced with the swirl of bagpipes, with the or-chestra chosen to convey kilt melodies. Trumpeters are Bruce Erick-son, John Schutz and Bob Wals-wick. On trombone will be By-ron Schon, while Cheri Knudson will bequile the French horn. Besides Blanche Anderson flut-ing and Dave Wallin drumming, Jane Tourtlotte will command the tympani. "The wind instrumentalists are primary chair's in concert band," Paul commented, "clar-inetists Charlene Carlson and Sharon Hillestad, Don Bender on oboe and Susan Dimmitt on bassoon. "All but two string players are in the Fargo-Moorhead Sym-phony." Fred Thompson, Ron Rietz and Jenny Johanson are on cello with John Strandness and Peg Heiberg on bass. Violin-ists are Mary Jennings, Sally Aronson, Nancy Solberg, Mary Ann Rydell, Judy Rietz and Tom Flakoll. Almon Bock at piano completes the Scottish band. Concluded Paul with quiet enthusiasm, "I'm fortunate in getting high caliber musicians in the orchestra.*' Young Republicans Schedule Mock Nominating Convention Plans are being formulated for a mock political convention to be held on the Concordia campus on April 34, sponsored by the Cobber Young Republi-can Club. Scheduled events include a keynote address on Fri., April 3, by Robert Forsyth, Minnesota State Republican Chairman, and speeches by three nationally prominent Republican figures, yet to be announced. A banquet is slated for the evening of Sat., April 4. The convention c e n t e r s around nomination of the Re-publican presidential and vice presidential candidates for 1964. Students from Concor-dia, MSC and NDSU are in-vited to participate. According to Young Republican Presi-dent Steve Chandler, about 500 students are expected to be selected as delegates to the convention. Campaign managers for the EUROPE • »%Q < ROUND 4sf %T4B? TRIP By Jet — During The Summer FARGO - GLASGOW - FARGO Make Your Reservations Now! HORVIK TRAVEL SERVICE SOf • 1st Ave. N. Dial 234-9771 Moorhead OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAYS various Republican nominees will be selected and funds allo-cated from the Republican Club. They will then be expected to campaign on campus for their particular nominee. The cam-paign manager of the winning candidate will be awarded a cash prize. Fashions Highlight A K X Bridal Show All Cobber females interested in bringing the tender subject of matrimony to the minds of their blushing beaus, attention! The AKX Bridal Show, to be held Tues., Feb. 18, at 8:00 p.m. in the field house, promises to do just that. Modeling spring fashions and wedding fashions are members of AKX-Mondamin, joined by a star-studded cast of faculty and faculty child-ren. Mother of the groom is Mrs. Thibideau, with Dr. Carl Bailey filling in as father of the groom. Prof. Al Monson is the father of the bride and Mrs. A. O. Borstad is mother of the lucky girl. The son and daughter of Pastor Carl Lee and Prof. Al Anderson, respec-tively, don the attire of ring-bearer and flower girl. Fashions, furnished by Herbst Department Store and the Fargo Toggery, range from formal wear to swimsuits. Roller Skating When it's cold outside, it is warm and cheerful at Holiday Inn Restaurant at the Intersection of Hwys. 75 and 94 JIM SHASKY RUBE BEYER DOKKEN'S BARBER SHOP Phone Us for Appointment Dial 233-3581 8:00 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., Tuesday through Saturday FREE PARKING IN BACK 913 Main Avenue Moorhead, Minnesota