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Friday, May 20, 1955 THE CONCORDIAN Page 3 PRAYER FELLOWSHIP Dr. Herman A. Larsen is the speaker at Prayer Fellowship Saturday evening at 6:30 by Proxy's Pond. A sophomore from Glendive, Mont., Alvin Erickson, has been elected as new leader for Prayer Fellowship for next semester. MISSION CRUSA...

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Published: 1955
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Summary:Friday, May 20, 1955 THE CONCORDIAN Page 3 PRAYER FELLOWSHIP Dr. Herman A. Larsen is the speaker at Prayer Fellowship Saturday evening at 6:30 by Proxy's Pond. A sophomore from Glendive, Mont., Alvin Erickson, has been elected as new leader for Prayer Fellowship for next semester. MISSION CRUSADERS The final meeting of Mission Crusaders will be a special sun-rise service at 7:30 a. m. Sunday. Weather permitting, the group will gather outside by Prexy's Pond; otherwise in Old Main chapel. Pastor Sdgvald Fauske will be the speaker and will also conduct the installation service for the newly elected officers. Devotions, a hymn sing led by Bob Carvell and music by a girls' trio will be on the program. LSA A campfire marshmallow roast has been planned for LSA Sunday at 8 p. m. The place will be announced later. Devotions and ta hymn sing are on the evening's program. Team captain is Don Anderson. ALL DAY PICNIC PLANNED An all day picnic is in store for Art Club members Monday at Buffalo Park, beginning at 7:30 a. m. Officers for next semester are: Jim O'Rourke, president; Leroy Krause, vice president; Frances Corbett, secretary, and Carl Sande, treasurer. Senate repre-sentative is Dean Moe. Five Musicians To Display Various Talents In Season's Last Recital William Reinthaler, junior from Bk>om5ngton, 111., and James Neff, junior from Normal, III., will pre-sent a joint recital in voice and composition in the music hall to-night at 8. Mr. Reinthaler, accompanied by Norma Wennerstrom, will present the following numbers; "Bist Du Bei Mir," Bach; "Ritrosa bellezza/' Handel; "Madamia" from Don Gi-ovanni, Mozart; "Erinnerung, Op 63, No. 2," "Am Sonntag Mor-gen, Op. 49, No. 1," "Ein Sonnett, Op. 14, No. 4" and "Verratt, Op. 105, No. 5." all by Brahms; "A Ballynure Ballad," arr. by Her-bert Hughes; "Sea Fever," John Ireland; 'The Sally Gardens" and "Oliver Cromwell," am by Benja-min Britten. Reinthaler Neff Carlson "I Hear An Army," composed by James Neff, will also be sung by Mr. Reinthaler, accompanied by Roy Stahl. A string quartet composed of Isabelle Thompson, James Strnad, Margaret Blickensderfcr and Sig-vald Thompson will present an-other composition by Mr. Neff, "String Quartet, Allegro, Andan-te, Presto and Theme and Varia-tions." Senior's Memories By Roger Sandeno When a senior has just cooled his final test. He thinks about the last four years, which he is not so sure he's glad are over—the parties, the (picnics, election time, and all the rest. About the times he was willing to freeze, If he could get away on Sunday and take the kinks out of his skis. The night the play director threw a rage, Because it was dress rehearsal and Mrs. Malaprop had her wig on backwards when she came on the stage. His memories are fond In connection with the extra-curricular activities that take place in the spring on the banks of Prexy's Pond. And what could be sillier Than having a light so bright at Fjelstad that an inmate in pin-curls can lean out of the third-floor window and tell her roommate, "I've never seen the guy before, but his manner is familiar." When the girl comes in, she is bawled out for her flippancy. Because of course three minutes between her watch and the official clock is an inexcusable discrepancy. Well, here it's time for graduation. And due to unforeseen difficulties, we are still spending dimes because we have not got free campus intercommunication. Another thing about which we are very earnest Is the fact that our rooms are not always fumaced. For although it is OK in the autumn, It is rather unnice of them to turn off the heat in the winter if one's blankets are too short and one's feet stick out at the bautumn. And then the caf. What a letdown When you setdown. But seriously, when we have left these hallowed halls of sprinkler systems, and the echoes of us all have died in the distances, We know that of Concordia we will have none but pleasant remin-istances. Now if you doubt I'll ever make a poet, You may say so to your roommate and write it in your diary and hope I soon graduate, but during the precious days remaining and at each Homecoming, for goodness sake don't show it. There is nothing old-fashioned about looking ahead and planning for the future. That is why Thrift will never be out of date. For greater enjoyment today and to-morrow, live well within your income and Deposit the balance in an Account at this Bank. AMERICAN STATE BANK Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation MOORHEAD MINNESOTA Corrine Carlson, senior from Fessenden, N. D., will present a piano recital in the college chapel Edinburgh U Calls Rendahl Roy Rendahl will leave June 14 to attend the summer session of the University of Edinburgh, Scot-land, an institute on the history of European civilization. He will take the Icelandic Air-line to Reykjavik, Iceland, and the steamer "Gullfess" from there to Edinburgh. The summer session continues for six weeks. The season is part of a British University summer session pro-gram administered by the Insti-tute of International Education and includes the University of Edinburgh, Stratford on Avon, University of London and Oxford University. Parish Workers Club, LDR Elect New Officers The Parish Workers Club re-cently elected the following offi-cers for the coming year: Ardys Mathison, president; Geri Ness, vice president; Beverly Stene, secretary-treasurer, and Lois Kit-telson, senate representative. Mrs. Myrtle Schee, LDR adviser, installed the new officers at the Mother-Daughter Banquet Wed-nesday, May 1. The officers are: Ruth Tolo, president; Kathryn Getz, vice president; Jenlne Peterson, sec-retary, and Fern Florey, treasurer. A joint recital in voice and vio-lin will be presented by Jean Sev-erud, senior from Dickinson, N. D., and Bonita Stutrud, junior from Moorhead, Minn., next week. Due to a postiponement, the date is as yet unknown, Mrs. Severud, soprano, accom-panied by Sondra Bergsagel, will present the following numbers: "Pretty Ring Time," "Rest Sweet Nymphs" and "Robin Good Fel-low" by Peter Warlock; "Die Lo-tusblume," Schumann, and "Der Jager, O Wusst Ich Poch Den Weg Zurick," Brahms. A student of John Bergsagel, Jean belongs to Mu Phi Epsilon and LDS. Grand Barber Shop 624 First Avenue North EDDIE GALL Fargo Severud Stutrud Miss Stutrud, violinist, accom-panied by Sherry Bjorklund, will play "Sonata in F, Op. 24, Allegro, Adagio, Scherzo, Rondo" by Bee-thoven and "Nocturne" and "Cor-tege" by Lilli Boulanger. Bonniet a member of AKX and Mu Phi Epsilon, is a student of Isabelle Thompson. Numerous items of business faced the incoming cabinet as its members gathered for their first stab at governing. Aside from setting up commit-tees and making other arrange-ments for the senate agenda, dis-cussion centered around the Stu-dent- Faculty Retreat to be held early in September. The appointments made are cov-ered on front page. Senate agenda was set up as follows: I. Invocation II. Roll call and minutes III. Approval of agenda IV. Ajpproval of senate rules V. Election of secretary, parliamentarian and ser-geant at arms VI. Approval of NSA dele-gates VII. Election of Ashram dele-gate VIII. Approval of Homecom-ing committee heads IX. Nominations for student government adviser X. Approval of editors XI. Approval of Foreign Stu-dent Committee XII. Approval of Constitution Revision Committee. Present: Halgrimson, Westrum, Anderson, Steimvand, Jordahl, Snortum, Scherfenberg, Grimsrud, Gj^vre, Stengel, Wanke, Odegaard. Dial 3-1373 Davy Crockett Jess Parker Unchained Melody Lea Baxter Cherry Pink and Apple Blossom White Prez Trads Dance With Me Henry Georgia Gibbs Crazy Otto Johnnie Maddox music company