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April 18, 1952 THE CONCORDIAN" Page 3 Cobbers Keep Cupid Busy THAT FAMILIAR TIME of the year is here again when everyone is hit by a fever. This contagious disease has numerous symptoms and leaves a variety of scars but predominant are those found in the attitude of young couples. Above is proo...

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Published: 1952
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Summary:April 18, 1952 THE CONCORDIAN" Page 3 Cobbers Keep Cupid Busy THAT FAMILIAR TIME of the year is here again when everyone is hit by a fever. This contagious disease has numerous symptoms and leaves a variety of scars but predominant are those found in the attitude of young couples. Above is proof that the disease has struck Cobberland. (Photo by Morton Eliason.) The 'Big Top' Is Calling All Freshmen And Transfers "The Big Top" is calling all freshmen and transfer stu-dents to the LDS-AES pledge parties on Saturday. Animals and clowns will be on hand to aid in the fun of the circus. LDS is holding two teas for the women in North lounge of Fjel- stad from 2 to 3 p. m. and from Anne Hartmann and Myrtle Schultz sent out the invitations while the programs were prepared by Mary Ellen George, Joanne Fagstad, Enid Larson, Phyllis The Rev. R. S. Tarrant of Day- Rude, Loralee Henning, Jean ton, Ohio is speaking Sunday Madison, Delores Tweten, Joan evening for the LSA meeting at Hill and Barbara Quarne. 6:30 in the college chapel. Marjorie Podoll. Phyllis Mag- Tarrant is a Negro pastor, trav- nuson, Betty Weikum, Joy An-eling for the National Lutheran kerfelt, Patricia Gelder, Marilyn Council, Division of American Haugrud and Marlene Molgard Missions. His purpose is to ac- are making the refreshments, quaint the area congregations Table decorations were made by with the work of missions. LOJS Johnson, Merilyn Smith, Included in the program is a Clara Braaten, Anita Arveson, Bible study on Romans 8 led by Margaret Paulson, Gloriann Sill- Paul Sponheim. Devotions will be erud, Francos Kiai and Gwen given by Pat George and a piano Brown. In charge of posters are solo by Neil Johnson. Maria Jean Peterson, Audrey Cobbers arc asked to bring Vclline and Carol Jones. L 9 A their Bibles. LDR Helen Hanson will give a re-port on the ELC convention held recently at Luther college at LDR Wednesday night at 6:45 in the South lounge of Fjelstad hall. A musical reading will be given by Helen Torkelson. Geraldine f^f Johnson will sing a vocal solo. The decorations committee is composed of Mary Ellen Borstad, Barbara Braseth, Gerdes Bille-hus, Marilyn Erickson, Ellen Swenson, Delores Nelson, Janine Hanson and Marilyn Rude. Mar-tha Mickelson and Zora Houkom are arranging for flowers. In-cluded on the favors committee vis Walwick, Arline Lar- , Doris Mae Clausen, Ramona Dahlen and Helen Mae Peter- MISSION CRUSADERS "Glimpses from Zululand" will be the topic presented at Mis-sion Crusaders, Sunday morning at 8:45 in the college chapel. Colored slides provided by Mar-garet Nordlie will be shown with Don Sponheim as narrator. Albert Olsen will lead devo-tions and special music will be furnished by Myron Tollefson. PRAYER FELLOWSHIP Don Sponheim will speak on "Trusts of the Spirit" at Prayer Fellowship, Saturday evening at 6:30 in the Brown hall chapel. THE SEARCH Robert Evenson is the author of the script for "The Search" which will be presented at 6 p. m. Sunday evening over KFGO. It is the story of Bach as a com-poser, a writer, and above all a Christian. The cast for this story will be Pat Gaare, Robert Nelson and Dale Sandstrom with Dennis Stutrud as the narrator. Miriam Torvik will be the organist for the program. son. AES East dining room of the cafe-teria will be the scene of the AES open house Saturday morn-ing at 10 a. m. Rudy Moe is em-ceeing the program. Clowns, vocal numbers and a talk by advisor R. E. Fuglestad make up the program. Norman Olsen is in charge of the food. Publicity is being hand-led by Gale Mitchell, chairman; Jack Schwandt and James Roy. Gordon Carlson as chairman of the program committee is as-sisted by Robert Williams, Don-ald Smestad and Mac Redmond. Jerry Jordheim sent out the in-vitations. JOHNSHOY-AASLAND Mrs. J. Walter Johnshoy of Moorhead announces the engage-ment and approaching marriage of her daughter, Ruth Elaine, to Harold R. Aas-land, son of Mr. and Mrs. C a r l Aasland of Tucson, Arizona. Ruth is a graduate of '48 and is now mu-sic supervisor and vocal in-s Bagley. She was a member of Alpha Zeta Phi, Mu Phi Ep-silon and band. Harold is a '51 graduate and is now attending Luther Theolo-gical seminary. The wedding wi 11 take place June 12, in Bethesda Lutheran church, Moorhead. WBIGHT-MOORE Marriage vows were spoken by Rose Mary Wright, a senior, and Second Lieut. Marshall Moore, March 28 at 7 p. m. in the Bethes-da Lutheran church, Moorhead. Cobbers participating were Betty Jo Pehrson, maid of honor; Beverly Midboe, Doris Otteson, Laree McNeal, Mary Lou Thomp-son and Carol Chinn. A two week honeymoon was spent in Arizona, where Marshall is stationed. Rose Mary will re-join him after graduation in June. ''Expressionism " Theme For Mu Phi Mu Phi Epsilon, national mu-sic sorority, will meet, at 8 p. m. Monday in the college chapter room. Arlenc puckneberg Ydstie, vice president, will preside, and Thclma Halverson is in charge of the musicalc to be presented. The program will deal with "Expressionism" and Barbara Salveson will give an informal talk on the subject. Margaret Huslegard, pianist, will play Schoenberg's six pieces for piano. Ruth Upstad, soprano, and Lois Johnshoy, contralto, with Elean-or Odegaard as accompanist will sing a group of songs dealing with the subject for the evening. Sylvia Moet pianist, will play a group of original compositions, among which will be a tone poem. Beverly Midboe, pianist, will play "Sonatina" toy Kubik. Ernest Lloyd, cellist, will play "Song for Cello" by Sigvald Thompson. "Verklarte Nacht" by Schoen-berg, a recording, and "Pierot Lunaire" by Schoenberg will be played by Thelma Halverson. "A Guy Is A Guy" Doris Day "Be Anything" Eddy Howard "Moanin' Low" Harry James "Whispering Winds" Patti Page "Kiss of Fire" Georgia Gibbs JOHNSHOY-GRINDLAND Mrs. J. Walter Johnshoy also announces the engagement of her daughter, Lois Constance, to Robert Grindland, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Grindland o f Bainville, Mon-tana. Lois is a sen-ior and a mem-ber of the con-cert choir, Al-pha Zeta Phi a n d Mu Phi Epsilon. Robert, a '50 graduate, has completed two years at Luther Theological sem-inary and will interne at Devils Lake, N. D. next year. MICKELSON-LARSON The engagement and approach-ing marriage of Martha Mickel-son to the Rev. David H. Larson, son of Mr. David Larson, Min-neapolis, is announced by Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Mickelson o f I Fargo. Martha, a member of LDS, Mu Phi ji E p s i 1 o'n and ' Zeta Sigma Pi. Mr. Larson was t graduated from Luther T'he(o1ogical semin-ary. He is now associate pastor at the First Lutheran church in Fargo, and has accepted a call to Laurel, Montana. The wedding is set for June 14 at First Lutheran church. STKICKER-LANGLEY Mrs. W. L. Strieker of Casper, Wyoming, announces the engage-ment and ap-proaching mar-riage of her daughter, Bev-erly M a e, to Langley of Tul-sa, Oklahoma. The wedding is p l a n n e d for June 27. Beverly at-tended C o n c o r d i a last year. She worked on the Mission Cru-saders council, LDR council and was a member of Phi Kappa Chi society. Clifford received his B. S. de-gree at the Tulsa University in 1950. He was affiliated with Sig-ma Chi fraternity. ' Erling Rolfsruds * To Present Concert AtBethesdaSunday Mr. and Mrs. Erling N. Rolfs-rud, both Concordia graduates, will give a concert of sacred music in Bethesda Lutheran church in Moorhead Sunday at 3 p. m. Mrs. Rolfsrud, contralto, will sing with her husband as accompanist. The concert is open to the public. A free will offering will be taken. Mr. Rolfsrud, who taught at Concordia for five years in the business education department, will speak in chapel April 22. His latest book, "White Angar kok," the biography of the first missionary in Greenland, will be the subject of his talk. He will discuss another of his books, "Brother to the Eagle," which is scheduled for. release in May or June at Wahpeton. It is the story of Carl Ben Eielson, a North Dakota aviator hero. Other books by Mr. Rolfsrud include "Gopher Tails for Papa"