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PAGE 2 THE CONCORDIAN Friday, January 31, 1947 Faculty To Laugh At Itself Tonight In "Flunkers* Frolic" "Faculty Fantasmagoria," or "Flunkers* Frolic" will go on the boards tonight -at 8 p.m. in the chapel. This series of skits in which the faculty chaffs at its own dig...

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Published: 1947
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Summary:PAGE 2 THE CONCORDIAN Friday, January 31, 1947 Faculty To Laugh At Itself Tonight In "Flunkers* Frolic" "Faculty Fantasmagoria," or "Flunkers* Frolic" will go on the boards tonight -at 8 p.m. in the chapel. This series of skits in which the faculty chaffs at its own dignity is under the sponsorship of the Concordia college Women's league. A second performance will be pre- Chosen To Head Religious Groups sented tomorrow night. A roving reporter has uncov-ered some details of the fun frolic. According to the snoop-scoop of this1 press. Prof. R. E. Fuglestad will make like Frank Sinatra. Prof. Cyrus Running again climbs upon his soap box to analyze.the music of college society programs, and Prof. L. A. Moe will follow in a Burton Holmes manner. Uncovered also were some fac-ulty views to be elaborated more thoroughly tonight by Prof. H. C. Nordlie, Miss Agnes Ellingsen, and a committee, on the subjects of ladiesL hats, radio drama, and student politics. The classical tradition of the public program will be continued with "Accordian and Strings" by Prof. Sigvald Thompson, Mr, Gor-don Jones, and Miss Elaine Kjer-stad on an otherwise light pro-gram. Prof. Running is chairman of the script committee and Miss Agnes Risetter will direct the pro-duction. Mrs. L. A. Moe is chair-man of the music committee, Prof. A. H. Sanden heads the properties committee, the Rev. Q. M. Bratlie is in charge of the house commit-tee, and Prof. Fuglestad will direct cleaning up operations. Re-freshments will be served after the program by Miss Florence Kruger and committee. The 75 cents admission charge includes the price of lunch. Wo-men's league members have been making advance ticket sales. Pro-ceeds of the program will be used for furnishing the lounge of the new men's dormitory. Fjelstad Coeds Elect Awes Council President Phyllis Awes is the newly elect-ed president of Fjelstad hall. Other officers elected to the Fjel-stad council are Phyllis Johnson, vice president; Blanche Rockne, treasurer; Borgni Skorpen, Lila Reiquam, Virginia Omlie, senior representatives; and Olivia Tufte, Charleen Hanson, junior represen-tatives. Marlys Stenson, sophomore, and Ruth Sellie, freshman, who served on the council last semester, will continue in their positions for the remainder of the school year. The new council of Dosland hall has also been announced. Jill Har-stad is the newly elected presi-dent; Lucille Evansori, vice presi-dent; Kathryn Skerik, secretary-treasurer; Phyllis Westlund, social chairman; Opal Haagenson, devo-tion; Helen Bratlie, telephone; and Phyllis Aaker, mail. Teas Set For March, April Dates for the girls' societies spring open house teas have been set by the Intersociety council. There will be a tea in North lounge of Fjelstad hall every Sat-urday in March and the first Sat-urday in April. At a recent meeting of the Sigma Rho literary society, Borgni Skorpen was elected president. Other officers are Blanche Rock-ne, vice president; A>m Hanson, secretary; Mary Opsahl, treasu-rer; Natica Richardson, curiatrix; and Ellen Flotlin, pianist. Plans are in progress for a sleigh ride to be held Saturday night if weather conditions per-mit. Refreshments and fun will be provided after the ride in the South lounge of Fjelstad hall. Del-ta Rho, brother society, will also be included in this party. 'Christ Promises' Is Leaguers Will Hear Daniel Moe will speak to the Mission Crusaders on the subject, "Christ Promises," Sunday morn-ing at 8:45 in the chapel. De-votion will be read by Tenner Thompson, and Lois Larson will be the missionary messenger. A trio composed of Jean Mercer, Doris Bakke, and Patricia Thomas will sing and a solo will be sung by John Wambheim. MARCUS GRAVDAL and ROBERT ANDERSON were installed last Sunday as the new presidents of the Luther league and Mission Crusaders, respectively. These two campus religious organizations meet every Sunday in the chapel and both men and women students, as well as faculty mem-bers, participate in tho programs. Schedule Of Events FRIDAY 8 p.m.—Clunkers' Frolic" Chapel SATURDAY 8:00 p.m.—Freshman Hard Times Party Gym 8 p.m.—Second performance of "Flunkers' Frolic" Chapel SUNDAY 6:30 p.m.—Luther League Chapel 8:45 a.m.—Mission Crusaders Chapel TUESDAY 6:30 p.m.—IRC Room 17 WEDNESDAY 6:30 p.m.—LDR South lounge Brotherhood Is Host To Extension Program At the regular monthly meeting of the Trinity Lutheran brother-hood last Tuesday evening, two of the Concordia college debate squads and a male quartet enter-tained. Marcus Gravdal and Robert Lil-lo debated on the affirmative team, and Amon Johnson and Myles Efteland on the -negative. Their subject was the 1946-47 in-ternational debate question. MC Topic; Moe Sunday LUTHER LEAGUE Speaker at Sunday's Luther league meeting will be the Rev. J. Melvin Moe of Olivet Lutheran church in Fargo. Donald Sorlien will lead in de-votion. Earl Reitan will play a violin solo and Marilyn Olson will sing. Organist for the meeting will be Ellen flotlin. LDR At the LDR program Wednes-day evening, officers for the new semester were installed. The first semester t president, B l a n c h e Rockne, and the new president, Adelaide Klyve, spoke. Eleanor Midboe was pianist and Grace Barbie sang a vocal solo. Evelyn Swenson led in devotion and La- Verne Bolme read the worship offering. The LDR treasure chests were collected. Lamba Delts Have Social; Schedule Semester Election Members of the Lambda Delta Sigma literary society met for an informal program and lunch last Saturday evening in South lounge of Fjelstad hall. At their next meeting the nomi-nating committee will present the slate of officers for the second se-mester and election will be held. Every Inch a Clothing Store MOORHEAD, MINN. Nurses To Install Officers Tuesday Chi Nu Chi's new officers will be installed Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in. the off-campus room by Evelyn Campbell, out-going vice presi-dent. The new officers are Thel-ma Fauske, president; Lois Ege-land, vice president; Miss Camp-bell, secretary; and Ruth Schul-stad, treasurer. The remainder of the program will consist of informal discus-sions. ' Chi Nu Chi' has 22 members, all of whom are nurses or interested in nursing. Miss Alma Olson and Miss Lois Pedersen are their ad-visers. Six Complete Home Ec Course Senior women majoring in home economics who have completed their course in home management are Anne Omundson, Alta Schrei-ber, Adeline Mourn, Ella Schryver, Norma Knutson, and Mabel Lee. Freshmen To Greet Second Semester At Hard Time Party Informality and old clothes will be the rule for frosh Saturday night when the freshmen hold a hard-time party at 8:00 in the gym. There will be a program in addition to audience participation stunts. Eugene Lee and Robert Lillo are in charge of general arrange-ments and a committee composed of Vernon Hanson, Ronald Jack-son, William Burd, Alfred Loktu, Lynn Giere, Phyllis Stoelting, Jill Harstad, and Harriet Hanson are arranging the program. Decorations are being planned by John Odland, assisted by Jack Mueller, Albert Fortman, Jon S k y b e r g, Donald Rasmussen, Philip Hetland, Beryl Bailey, Mary Bjorgen, Dorothy Dale, Kathryne Baarstad, and Constance Lunde. Marian Butler heads the food committee which also includes Shirley Bergesen, Jeanette Even-son, and Louise Finstad. Mrs. Oien To Speaki At Cobber Mothers Club Mothers of high school seniors. in Fargo and Moorhead will be the guests of the Cobber Mothers in North lounge of Fjelstad hall, Monday afternoon, Feb. 3, at 2:45 o'clock. Mrs. Julia Oien, superintendent of the North Dakota House of Mercy, will be the' speaker. Mrs. J. Melvin Moe will lead in devo-tion, and a piano number will be played by Mrs, L. A. Moe. Mrs. G. B. Arveson is in charge of refresh-ments. Rugland Will Speak To Cobber Clubbers The Cobber club will hold its monthly meeting Monday, Feb. 3, at 6:30 p.m. in the home econo-mics department. Miss Clara Rug-land, Cobber graduate of 1927, will be the speaker of the evening. Miss Rugland has been engaged in Red Cross work overseas and is now serving on a ship bringing war brides to the United States.