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Wednesday, May 23, 1945 PAGE 3 The Concordian C OY\/ltyi<dJuOL> Graduates To Be Feted At Teas By Cobber Mothers And College Kise Voice Students Presented In Two Musical Programs Presented in two recitals were students of Mrs. Agnes J. Kise. Included in the musicals were a group of Concordia st...

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Published: 1945
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Summary:Wednesday, May 23, 1945 PAGE 3 The Concordian C OY\/ltyi<dJuOL> Graduates To Be Feted At Teas By Cobber Mothers And College Kise Voice Students Presented In Two Musical Programs Presented in two recitals were students of Mrs. Agnes J. Kise. Included in the musicals were a group of Concordia students. These recitals were last Saturday and Tues-day. At the Saturday recital Sylvia Gerhardson, New London, sang "In the Time of Roses" by Rei-chart; Ethel Twedt, Hingham, Mont., "Thou'rt Lovely as a Flower," Schumann; Delia Ruud, Malta, Mont. "Open Thy Blue Eyes," Massenet; Marjorie Loken, Glcnfield, N. D., "Widmung," Franz; Ruth Carlson, Finley, N. D., "Still as the Night," Bohm; Ruth Haaland, Fergus Falls, "Caro mio ben," Giordani; Emelia Kisinger, Fargo, N. D., "Star Vicino," Rosa; Carol Jean Johnson, Sharon, N. D., "Florian Song," Godard;" Marjorie Thomp-son, Fisher, "The Mission of a Rose," Cowen; Shirley Knutson, Dutton, Mont.* "When Song Is Sweet/' Sans Souci; Sonia Huse-by, Mclntosh, "Lascia ch'io Pi-anga (Rinaldo)/' Handel; Marian Ritteman, Hawley, "Homing," Del Riego; Lou Ceil Dittmer, Cas-selton, N. D., "The Hills of Home," Fox; Mary Lou Wenberg, Fargo, N. D., "Du bist die Ruh," Schubert; Carol Hegland, Roseau, "Sapphie Ode," Brahms; In the Tuesday recital included MRS. AGNES KISE Sad Sacks Resourceful is the word for members of the first year cloth-ing class. Three members of this on the program were Corinne An- group, Avis Rollag, Beaver Creek; derson , Moorhead , "Du bist die Ruh" and "Rose, Softly Bloom-ing," Schubert; Eileen Arnold, M a r g a r e t M o n t - a n d W o l f Point g, Bernice Garnaas, Casselton, N. D., "Ridente la Cal- Sheyenne, N. D., have enlarged ma," Mozart; Aaronetta Hanson, .their spring wardrobe by making Fargo, N. D., "Star Vicino," Ro-sa; Gene Boldt, Fargo, N. D., "Aus meinen Thronen spriessen," and "Die Rose, die Lilie, die Trau-be," Schubert; Ruth Lovaas, dresses from grain sacks. This material is a cotton crash. One of the dresses was made with a plain material, one has a design in cross stitch and the der the direction of Miss Dorothea Ne.vramon. To At Trinity Church "Ave Marie," Verdi; Ruth Schil- other was designed with a block lerstrom, "The Girls of Cadiz," print. This clothing class is un- Delibes; Luane Lefdahl, Malta, Mont, "Plaisir d'Amour/' Marti-ni; Eleanor Hehn, Leith, N. D., "Jesuis Titania (Mignon)," Thom-as; Bennett Harris, Fargo, N. D., "Auf dem Kirchhofe," Brahms; Charlotte Heisler, "One Fine Day," Puccini; Virginia Dale, Moorhead, "Divinites du Sytx," A«««1 1 M ^ O + ^ », Gluck; Barbara Ekem, "Rural h v A£™K £ d ^ a t " r d a ^ ' M a ? ™> Song/' Deli'Acqua; and Lois Me- ft **<>*' f c - M. Running at the Kenlie, "Die Mamacht," Brahms. ^ « Z / t a P*1 b T an<>uet was the marriage of Luane Lefdahl, daughter of Mrs. Ella Lefdahl, Malta, Mont., to Howard Hover-son, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoverson, Manvel, N. D. During her freshman year Miss Lefdahl belonged to the chapel choir and this year is a member of the concert choir. Her literary Musical Held By Mu Phi Epsilon Mu Phi Epsilon held a musical at the home of Mrs. R. W. War-ner in Fargo May 15. Virginia Dale of Moorhead society is Alpha Zeta Phi. • The wedding is to be held Sat-played "Bach Chaconne." Estelle urday in Trinity Lutheran church Johnson of New England, N. D., at high noon. Reverend Roy Har-sang "Oh Thou That Tellest" by risville will perform the ceremo- Handel; "Death and the Maiden" ny-by Schubert, and "Lieblich Van- Maid of honor is to be Ruth f gen" by Brahms. Phoebe Berge Sogard of Alamo, N. D., and Ona Hoverson, sister of the groom, will be junior maid of honor. of Fargo was her accompanist. A Brahms "Intermezzo" was groom, will be best men. played by Julianne Quamme of Bruce Ringen of Kindred, N. D., Pelican Rapids after which Mari- and Leo Hoverson, cousin of the on Keinholz of Fargo played a violin solo, "Andante Cantabile." An aria from "Aida" was sung by Mrs. Inez Olson of Jamestown, y Mi N. D. Her accompanist was Miss Duea. Mrs. H. O. Anderson, Mrs. Shaw, and Mrs. H. J. Gilbertson had charge of the arrangements. They were assisted by Dorothy Mae Gilbertson of Finley, N. D., LaVine Skarsbo of Carpio, N. D., and Signe Williamsen of Chicago, 111. Mrs. H. O. Anderson, presi-dent of Mu Phi officiated at the formal affair. At the wedding Jone Clark of Havre, Mont., and the concert choir will sing. Dorothy Mae Gil-bertson of Finley, N. D., will be organist. Wensel Meat Market 17 No. 4th Street Dial 3-2058 - Moorhead, Minn. Brown And Deans Honor Seniors At the home of President Brown, Dean Cora Martinson, Dean L. A. Moe and Brown will entertain the graduates at a re-ception Friday, 8 p, m. This is an annual affair held in honor of the seniors, and all seniors are welcome to come. During the evening the graduates will make a recording as this is a traditional part of the evening- Following this there will be a social hour and refreshments. Religious Groups Elect New Officers New presidents of the religious organizations on the college cam-pus were elected recently. Serv-ing as head of Luther League next year will be Lowell Tjon of Bottineau, N. D., while Martin Larsen of Rochert and Dorothy Johnshoy of Moorhead will serve as president of Mission Crusaders and Lutheran Daughters of the Reformation, respectively. Other officers of the Luther League are Ronald Soderquist of Columbus, N. D., vice president; Elaine Johnson of Brantford, N. D., secretary, and Otto Schmitt of Regent, N. D., treasurer. Orville Sunde of Christine, N. D., was elected vice president of Mission Crusaders; Geraldine Bjornstad of Arnegard, N. D., sec-retary; Ella Schryver of Lake Park, treasurer; Dewey Teigen of Starbuck, in charge of the Missionary Messenger, and Edith Maasjo of Fingal, N. D., pianist. On the LDR council will be Vivian Vikan of Bottineau, N. D. as vice president; Mabel Lee of Wolf Point, Mont., secretary, and Dorothy Helland of Bottineau, N. D., treasurer. Wednesday evenings are re-served for meetings of the LDR. Mission Crusaders meet Sunday morning at 8:30, while Luther League meets at 6:15 p. m. Sun-day. Zeta Sigma!Pi To Hold Banquet Members of Zeta Sigma Pi, national social science fraternity, will have a banquet Thursday evening at the Gopher Grill. At this affair the newly elected offi-cers will be installed. They are Marlys Braaten, Barney, N. D,, president; Dolores Smestad, Hat-ton, N. D., vice president; Ruth Harwood, Moorhead, secretary; Doris Schroeder, Tolley, N. D., treasurer; and Norma Fering, Al-varado, head of the service men's bureau. As a number on the program Miss Fering will read her re-search paper. At the last regular meeting of the fraternity for this year Gene Kvaalen, Lambert, Mont.,. and Miss Schroeder read their re-search papers. 704 Center Ave. Moorhead Entertaining tihe seniors, parents, faculty members and the student body will be two social functions climaxing the grad-uation weekend. They are the all-college commencement tea on Sunday at 3 p. m. and the Cobber Mothers' Coffee MondajT afternoon at 2:30 in the North O r\ t J lounge, of Fjelstad hall. oerg Hresented ^ n n ff ^ The all-college affair is an ann-ual event sponsored by the social board of the faculty. Music for Presented In Piano Recital Dolores Berg of Fargo, pupil of Prof. Paul J. Christiansen, was presented by Mu Phi Epsilon in her junior piano recital Friday evening in the recital hall. Miss Berg began her program by playing the C Major, D Minor, and D flat Major Sonatas by Scharlatti and "Turkish March" by Mozart. Beethoven's "Pathetlque Sona-ta" in three movements, "AlIegTo Con Brio," "Adagio Cantible" and "Rondo" were included in the second group. Three selections by Chopin, "Prelude in B Major," "Waltz in E. Minor," "Prelude in B flat Major" and Brahms' "Waltz in C sharp Major" concluded the pro-gram. Ushers for the event were Le-nore Loftus of Wolf Point, Mont., and Julianne Quamme of Pelican Rapids. Miss Berg is a member of Mu Phi Epsilon, national music sor-ority, Alpha Psi Omega, national dramatics fraternity, and Alpha Kappa Chi literary society. the tea will be provided by mem-bers of faculty, under the direc-tion of Miss Clara Duea. Pourers will be Mesdames Roy Harrisville, David Stoeve, S. A. Berge and R. M. Fjelstad. The receiving line is comprised of Dr. J. N. Brown, Dean Cora Martin-son, Dean and Mrs. L. A. Moe, Prof, and Mrs. C. M. Running and two senior representatives. Pourers for the coffee will be Mesdames Charles Lund, Detroit Lakes; Clara Gilbertson, Kali-spell, Mont.; G. B. Everson, Moor-head, and August Hoeger, Fargo, mothers of the graduates. Heading the hostess committee are Mesdames Selmer Berge, W. O. Bilstad and E. G. Geyer. The receiving line includes members of the outgoing executive board. They are Mesdames Julian Mel-berg, C. E. Dale, R. M. Fjelstad, Adolph Fiskum and H. Folmer Hanson. Women's League Elect Officers Elected president of the Wom-en's League at their meeting on Monday, May 14, was Mrs. G. L. Schoberg. Re-elected to former offices were Miss Martha Brennun, vice-president; Mrs. K. O. Lee, secre-tary; Miss Norma Nelson, treas-nounced the engagement of Jone firer; a n d Misses Agnes Ellingson Engagement Told Of Clark-Wiberg At the annual Alpha Kappa Chi-Mondamin banquet held at the Gardner hotel May 12 Miss Clara Duea, representing Mrs. Ralph Clark of Havre, Mont., an- Clark to Lt. G. Lyman Wiberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Wiberg of Trail. Miss Clark is a senior at Con-cordia, majored in economics and has been a member of the concert choir for three years. Lieutenant Wiberg, ex '45, was a member of the choir and Mon-damin literary society. He enter-ed the army in March of '43. In June 1944 he received his Bache-lor of Science degree as well as his meteorologists commission at the Universty of Chicago. At present he is stationed in the Bermudas and makes regular flights with a reconnisance crew on a B-25.