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October 11, 1957 THE CONCORDIAN Pag© 5 Seniors, Concert Band Pace Classes, Activities The averages of the classes, societies and activities were released recently by the regis-trar's office from last year. Societies Add New Members In Fall Pledging Most of the societies on campus have added mem...

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Published: 1957
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Summary:October 11, 1957 THE CONCORDIAN Pag© 5 Seniors, Concert Band Pace Classes, Activities The averages of the classes, societies and activities were released recently by the regis-trar's office from last year. Societies Add New Members In Fall Pledging Most of the societies on campus have added members to their ranks as new pledges were ac-cepted after fall pledging last week. Joining Chi Zeta Lambda were Joyce Helgeland, LuAnne Schultz, Carol J. Larson, Evonne Flaa, and Sylvia Tjostem; Chi Delta Phi: Lowell Jensen, Gerald Aamot and Harvey Stalwick. Phi Kappa Chi pledges are Phyllis Syverson, Barbara Nat-terstad, Marlene B. Olson and Estelle Bermodes. Accepted into Alpha Zela Phi Society were Betty Caltvedi, Elaine Frisirom, Betsey Ham-asaki, Mar j orie Holman, Mar-garet Reinsch, Ina Stadum, Jan-ice Olson-, Peggy Stamp and Carole J. Olson. There were no Athenian openings. New members of LDS-AES are Eloise Thoralson, ' Deanna Christianson, Evelyn Eskeli, La-verne Seibert, Karen Larson, Joan Stamp, Marilyn Meldahl, Marilon Hafdahl, Claudine Woy-en, Delores Gunderson, Janice Terras, Pat Benson and John Lieneman. Nu Sigma Rho-Delta-Rho fall pledgees were Bev Bergstad, Liz Buran, Loyce Halvorson, Charlene Herman, Aloha Rosen-dahl, and Jene Shaw; Ralph Un-derlee, David Rebers, Sid Sheg-geby, Orrin Stevens, Dennis Haa-land, and Kenneth Engh. Joining A K X w e r e new pledges Dianne Larsen, Jean Berg, and Mary Swenson. Mon-damin received Dick Berg, Jerry Beck, and Jim Olson as new members. MSP welcomed Joanne Bor-seth and Carol Torgerson. Join-ing STP were Keith Kleven, Dennis Anderson and Virgil Tol-~ lefson. The seniors ranked highest of the four classes with an average of 1.97. The junior class followed with a 1.79 average, the sopho-mores 1.66 and the freshmen 1.45, The society averages were as follows: Alpha Zeta Phi 2.09 Mu Sigma Phi 1.94 Phi Kappa Chi 1.86 Athenian 1.86 Chi Delta Phi 1.85 Lamba Delta Sigma 1.83 Alpha Kappa Chi 1.80 Alpha Epsilon Sigma 1.77 Delta Rho 1.77 Beta Tau Omega 1.76 Chi Zeta Lambda 1.76 Nu Sigma Rho 1.72 Sigma Tau Pi 1.63 Mondamin 1.54 The activity averages are led by the Concert Band with a 1.97 rating. The debators followed with a 1.91, the Concordian staff 1.90, Concert Choir 1.81, cafe-teria workers, 1.74, football team 1.49, and basketball team 1.34. Stalking Around MONDAY, OCTOBER 14 Women's League, North Lounge Fjelstad Hall, 8 p.m. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16 LBI Series, Old Main Chapel 7 p.m. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17 Western Division M. E. A., Fieldhouse, 7:30 a.m. Mu Phi Epsilon Tea, North Lounge F j e l s t a d Hall, 2-5 p.m. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18 Western Division M. E .A., Fieldhouse, until 6:30 p.m. St. Thomas football game, There, 8 p.m. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19 Movie, "Land of Fur y", North Lounge Fjelstad Hall, 8 p.m. Dorm DlSDlaV t h e v a r i o u s Homecoming displays seen around campus is this one at the "Bride Over Prexy's Pond" near Park Region Hall, extolling the virtues of a Cobber victory Saturday. Women's League Tea At Fjelstad Today Today (Friday) at 2 p.m. the Women's League, of Moorhead, consisting of faculty and wives, will hold its guest tea in the North Lounge of Fjelstad Hall. Featured on the program are Prof, and Mrs. Cy Running, who lived in Mexico last year while Mr. Running was on a leave of absence as head of Concordia's art department. Mrs. Running will tell of ex-periences in operating a house-hold while living in her San Miguel, Mexico, home. Her hus-band will talk on art develop-ment and studies in Mexico. He will. also show some of his paintings. Hostesses are wives of faculty members, Mmes. Rendahl, Wy-cisk, Bailey and Mundhjeld. * * * Monday evening, October 14, at 8 p.m., the Women's League will hold its regular meeting in the North Lounge of Fjelstad. Included on the program will be devotions led by Mrs. Scho-berg, a musical selection by Mrs. Gulsvig, a welcome of new members, and the business ses-sion conducted by league presi-dent, Miss Pearl Bjork. A social hour will follow. STUDENT CHAPEL Taking the place of the regu-lar student chapel hour this morning was the Homecoming Pep Fest, with Jake Christian-sen, head football coach, speak-ing, PRAYER FELLOWSHIP Due to the Homecoming activi-ties there will be no Prayer Fel-lowship this Saturday evening. The Fellowship will meet next Saturday evening as usual. SCA There will be no SCA meeting this Sunday. LBI SERIES The third Bible study on Phil-lipians will be conducted by Pastor Vikstrom in the Old Main Chapel, Wednesday evening at 7 p.m. MISSION AMBASSADORS Mission Ambassadors, the new mission club on campus, will meet regularly the second and fourth Tuesday of each month in Main 13, president Phil Hal-vorson anounced. The next meet-ing will be on October 22 at 7 p.m. Each separate mission field will be represented as the theme for the meetings- Class Officers Picked Welcome Alumnus! whirt havt yon b$$a o-.*- Seniors, juniors and sopho-mores took time from their in-dividual activities recently to meet and elect class officers. Jim Olson will serve as presi-dent for the seniors; wilh Arlen Hermodsen, vice president; Julia Edwards, secretary; and Lowell Mohn, treasurer. Juniors elected Rod Olson, president; Dick Hodges, vice president; Gail Olson secretary; and Al Nohre, treasurer. Sophomores chose Roy Nilsen, president; Dan Simundson, vice president; Ruth Langemo, secre-tary; and Donald Foss, treasur-er. Place the Face: In a specially conceived cartoon vignette, the brainchild of a former staff worker, the seven men's so-cieties on campus are each given a trademark. It is up to the reader to determine which men's society fits each of the panels. The Concordian Editors assume no responsibility for the reactions they will bring forth 1 SIMISON & HEDEAAARK DRUG CO. PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS 406 Center Ave., Moorhead, Minn. Dial 3-1684 Free Delivery DOKKEN'S BARBER SHOP Under Wood's Cafe - Phone For App't. Dial 3-3581 915 Main Ave Willis Dokken, Prop. Moorhead, Minn Ted Rue Fargo's Newest Barbershop • Expert Service • Television Gate City Barber Shop Ph. 2-8714 Gate City Bldg. Welcome Alumni A Camera For Every Purpose & Purse Your Camera Head- Quarters 631 N/P. Ave. A. R. Michelson '43 FARGO Films Finishing Flash Bulbs Phone 5-6651 Asst. Mgr. PARK REGION - 120B Monette Steinhaus fcjELSTAD Hope Kvidt IOUTH - 122 Sharon Pederson GROSE - 8 John Salmonson BROWN-222 Bill Hanson BROWN-322 Dean Moe