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November 22, 1957 THE CONCORDIAN Page 3 Choir To Sing At Vienna Show Stalking Around FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Movie, "Red Shoes", Field-house, 8 p.m. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 FROSH FROLICS, Fieldhouse, 8 p.m. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Film series: "What Makes Atoms Stick Together" and "Gl...

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Published: 1957
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Summary:November 22, 1957 THE CONCORDIAN Page 3 Choir To Sing At Vienna Show Stalking Around FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22 Movie, "Red Shoes", Field-house, 8 p.m. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 23 FROSH FROLICS, Fieldhouse, 8 p.m. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 24 Film series: "What Makes Atoms Stick Together" and "Glacier Park Studies", Old Main Auditorium, 2:30 p.m. SCA, Fieldhouse, 5:30 p.m. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25 Concordia Night at Trinity Lu-theran Church, 8 p.m. Psychology Club, Science 102, 7:30 p.m. Intramural, Fieldhouse TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 26 WRA, Fieldhouse, 7 p.m. French Soiree, North Lounge, Fjelstad, 7:30 p.m. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 27 Thanksgiving vacation begins, 11:30 a.m. SUNDAY, DECEMBER 1 Film series: "Historic Switzer-land, The Rhone Valley", and "Winter in the Swiss Alps", Old Main Auditorium, 2:30 p.m. MONDAY, DECEMBER 2 Classes resume Mu Phi Epsilon, Mu Phi Chap-ter Room, 8 p.m. AAUW Dinner and meeting, Norse Room - North Lounge Fjelstad TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3 ALL - COLLEGE PARTY, Fieldhoust 3 p.m. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4 Bard, Book and Canto, South Lounge Fjelstad, 7 p.m. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6 Tri-State Debate Tournament Women's League Bake Sale, North gym, all afternoon Faculty meeting, Main 10, 4 p.m. Artist Course, Rita Streich— soprano, Fieldhouse 8 p.m. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7 Tri-State Debate Tournament Movie, "Quartet", North Lounge Fjelstad, 8 p.m. Basketball game, NDSC-Con-cordia, Fieldhouse, 8 p.m. NOW SHOWING MOST TREMENDOUS MOTION PICTURE EVER! CECILBDEMILLE'S THE TEN COMMANDMENTS Two shows doily. Matinee at 1:30 Evening at 8 p.m. PRICES: Matinee Adults 90c — Juniors 75c Children 60c — Evening: Adults $1.50 — Juniors 90c — Children 60c MOORHEAD Theatre Christ's Lordship Concordia's 1957 Spiritual Life Conference which closed last night with a communion service. was the theme d o m i n a t ing Speakers dominating the annual conference were Rev. Roy Olson (upper left) of Pacific Lutheran College and Rev. Arndt Halvorson, recently nam-ed professor of homilelics at Luther Seminary. Rita Streich To In Gym Dec. 6 by Kim Strand Germany's newly - emerged coloratura soprano, Rita Streich, is scheduled to appear Friday, December 6, as the next attrac-tion in the current Artist Course series. Acclaimed musician of distinction with a by critics as a Reita Streich voice of rare beauty, Miss Streich's appearance at Concor-dia Fieldhouse is certain to en-chant and captivate the entire audience. Although Miss Streich has en-thralled thousands of music lovers abroad with her superla-tive singing/ heavy commit-ments in both concerts and op-era, until now, prevented her from undertaking an American tour. The talented soprano made her American debut this past August in Hollywood bowl, proving herself to be an extra-ordinary singing artist. Admission to this cultural presentation is free. The expense of booking such an attraction is great. A large attendance would thereby insure the same calibre of events in future Artist series. Views On The News- Immediate Remedy Not Foreseen In Recent Federal Action, Says Scribe by William Hanson After seven increases in two and one half years, the Federal Reserve Board last week approved a half-point reduction in the discount rate in four of its twelve districts: New York, Atlanta, St. Louis, and Richmond. The general opinion is that the cut was launched as a move to revitalize the nation's lagging economy. One effect of the Federal Reserve Board's action was a healthy jump in previously declining stock prices. The day after the announcement was released, stock prices made their biggest gain since 1931. A Reserve Board spokesman said that the cut in the discount rate was approved because "in-flation . . . has ceased to be a dominant factor in the econ-omy." Yet the general business trend is toward inflation, and it is difficult to see how the Board's action will radically alter this trend. Industrial production and ex-pansion, vital factors in the economy, have been slowing down, and, from all indications, seem likely to make an about-face. Steel makers are operating at 80% of capacity. Cement pro-ducers contemplate reduced op-erations early next year, and paper makers have shelved plans to increase their capacities to millions of tons. One reason for this slowdown must be con-sumer demand, which, at pres-ent, is at low-ebb. The Reserve Board's action gave the securities markets a hypodermic, and, when taken by itself, may have a psychological effect on the consumer with the hoped-for boost to the nation's economic morale. Arrangements have been com-pleted for Concordia's Concert Choir to sing at the Vienna Fes-tival. The Choir will present the Vienna concert during the 1958 European tour. Coordinator of Music, Kurt J. Wycisk has announced plans for the Concert Choir's forthcoming summer tour. Under the direc-tion of Paul J. Christiansen, the Concordia College Concert Choir will present 30 concerts in June as they travel through Norway as well as other Eurpean coun-tries. An invitation to the choir for the upcoming tour was extended by the League of Norsemen (Nordmanns Forbundet) of Oslo, Norway. The same organization assisted with a concert tour of the Concordia Concert Band in 1935 and of the choir in 1949. President Knutson staled that Concordia College is grateful for the assistance from the League of Norsemen. "The cultural ex-change programs among the na-tions are being accelerated, for an intelligent leadership recog-nizes that this kind of activity does much to foster understand-ing and peace." On July 5 the choir will fly from Oslo to The Hague, Hol-land, with a brief stopover in Copenhagen, D e n m a r k . The probable schedule includes con-certs in Holland July 5-9 after which the choir will travel and concertize through Germany to Vienna along Cologne, Bonn, Wiesbaden, Heidelberg, Stutt-gart, Augsburg, Munich, Salz-burg and Ling, climaxing the tour with participation in the internationally known Vienna Music Festival July 17-21. The choir received a special invitation in 1956 to attend the Vienna Festival. BLUEBIRD COFFEE SHOP 618 Center Ave. Moorhead Something Trinity's new Holtkamp pipe organ will be . . _ _ , dedicated Sunday as the first event of the N e w TOr Irinity: church's Diamond Jubilee observance. Arthur Poister, a leading American organ master, will play dedicatory recitals at 4 and 8 p.m. A Camera For Every Purpose & Purst Your Camera Head- Quarters 631 N. P. Ave. FARGO Films Finishing Flash Bulbs Phone 5-6651 Briggs Floral Co. 721 Center Avenue Moorhead, Minnesota Dial 3-1373