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Pagre 4 THE CONOORDIAN Friday, May 8, 1986 College Literary Societies Discuss Gardening Plans, Maytime, Etiquette As Regular Topics of Semester Themes Commencement Is*Held at Nu Sig Meeting; Politics Theme Of Mondamins Commencement, spring gardening, May time, and etiquette were topic used as themes...

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Summary:Pagre 4 THE CONOORDIAN Friday, May 8, 1986 College Literary Societies Discuss Gardening Plans, Maytime, Etiquette As Regular Topics of Semester Themes Commencement Is*Held at Nu Sig Meeting; Politics Theme Of Mondamins Commencement, spring gardening, May time, and etiquette were topic used as themes in the various society meetings Saturday. Nu Sigs Seniors Have Commencement Nu Sigma Rho held graduation exer-cises for its members. Ethel Roos, president, introduced Agnes Adrian as salutatorlan. Ardis Anderson sang a solo, after which Beryl Jensen read the class history. The class poem was given by Bernice Brevik, and Ingeborg Akre read the last will and testament. Agnes Wik gave the prophecy, and a piano trio, Alina Neumann, Astrid Knoff, and LaVerne Kilen, played "Hustling Leaves." The program was concluded by singing the senior song. A short business meeting concerning banquet plans followed. Alpha Zcts Entertain Gardening Plans "Spring Gardening" was the theme of the Alpha Zeta Phi society meeting. Katherine Evingson expressed her feel-ings by singing "Joy." Evelyn Dale spoke humorously on the "seedy" topic of gardening, and Agnes Herseth gave a musical reading called "Spring Gard-ening." The Zetagin was written by Inez Pederson and Gladys Johnshoy. Athenians Hear Speakers on Etiquette. The Athenian literary society heard Lowell Holte and Paul Hegg speak on points of etiquette, after the society songs had been sung. The Observer was presented by Philip Lysne and Bruce Brademeyer. Vernon Schroeder gave the critic's report before the busi-ness meeting. Delta Rho Observes Two "Hilitcrs" Osmund Akre and Joel Moe were presented as senior "hiliters" by Wayne Wallin at the Delta Rho meeting Sat-urday. A clarinet duet was played by Ralph Botten and Norman Wallin Donald Gilbertson and Arthur Bratlie read the Chanticleer. Alton Carlson and Nick Matthecs were called on for impromptu talks. Singing of society songs concluded the program. Setness Expounds On Politics The present day political outlook was discussed by Alford Setness at the meeting of the Mondamin literary so-ciety. Amyl Norman played a group of baritone solos, and the Husker was read by Mervin Grcgreson and Julius Hovland. A business meeting followed. May lime Breezes Is A. K. X. Topic Choice "May Time" furnished the atmos-phere for the Alpha Kappa Chi program Cleaning—Repairing Rcfityllng—Relining L. MILO MATSON FURRIER Phone 1408 — 420 Center Ave. Moorhead, Minnesota MOORHEAD Women's Apparel for TEACHERS AND STUDENTS Coats, Dresses, Millinery, Shoe*, Hosiery, lingerie, Blouses, Sweaters, Etc. Also Piece Goods and Notions For Mother's Kind of Cooking EAT -AT— BLUEBIRD COFFEE SHOP €18 Center HOORHEAD, MINN. After society songs were sung, a "May Breeze" brought a reading by Ruth Malkewick. Lucia Ivcrson, Jeanne Le- Claire and Gladys Bauman sang about "May Times." Glendora Garvik of-fered some of her poetry as "May Bon-nets," and Lucia Iverson sounded some "May Notes" as she sang "Love's Old Sweet Song." The "May Fates," Mar-garet Nelson and Eunice Rasmus en, presented the Havagrin. Women's League Elects Executives Election of officers took place at the annual meeting of the Women's League in the parlors of Ladies' Hall Monday night. Mrs. G. L. Schoberg was named president; Mrs. Alice Olson, vice-president; Miss Josephine Bjornson, secretary; and Miss Mathildc Ostby, treasurer. The past year has shown a mark-ed accomplishment in the student loans. This year the Women's League has granted forty loans to students. All loans are now paid up and favorably compare with nineteen loans extended last year. The student loan committee for the past year consisted of Miss Emma Norbryhn, Prof. H. C. Nordlie, Dr. J. N. Brown, Dean Frida Nil-sen, and Mr. Gabriel Hauge. This committee will serve next year also. Hostesses at this meeting were Mrs. R. E. Fuglestad; Mrs. H. W. Monson; Mrs. J. W. Johnshoy, and Miss Mathilde Ostby. Seniors Appear In Voice Recital Pupils of E. T. Thormodsgaard Give Spring Voice Recital Former Concordia Student Is Ordained Simon Jepson, son of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Jepson of Glyndon, was ordained Sunday evening at services held in the First Presbyterian church, Moorhead, by the Red River Presbytery. Mr. Jepson attended schools in Glyn-don and was a student at Concordia in the years 1929-31. From here he trans-ferred to Jamestown college; at present he is completing his work at the Mc- Cormick Theological Seminary in Chi-cago. The Love Teachers' Agency Thirty-ninth Year Huntington Block, FARGO, N. D. Member National Association Teachers Agencies "A Reliable Placement Service for Teachers". SAVE AT THE SERVICE LAUNDRY ARNOLD JORGENSON Campus Agent CHOCOLATES for MOTHER'S DAY Her favorite confections . . . here direct from the makers . . . in a rich variety of beauti-fully decorated packages. Call in acd make your selection NOW. Mackall's Drug Store 510 Center Avenue MOORHEAD MINN. Two pupils of Prof. Engebret A. Thormodsgaard, voice instructor in the Concordia School of Music, were pre-sented in voice recitals Friday and Sun-day. They were Yvonne Sommemess, Columbus, N. D., soprano, and Helen Lindsoth, Bornup, soprano. Assisting Miss Sommerness were Alice Naas, McVille, N. D., accompanist. In-cluded in her recital were, "These are They Which Came" from Gaul's orato-rio. "The Holy City;" "One Fine Day" from Puccini's opera "Madame Butter-fly;" Gartland's comic song "The Lilac Tree;" and in conclusion she sang Johann Strauss' immortal "Blue Da-nube.' The second group of numbers and the performance of the "Blue Danube" de-monstrated most effectively the agility and freeness of Miss Sommerness' voice. Miss Lindseth was assisted by Blanche Waller '32, piano instructor in the Fargo schools, accompanist, and Marian Sorbon, Williston, N. D., pianist and organist. Included in her selec-tions were compositions of classical and contemporary composers. Her recital included Mendelssohn's "Hear Ye Is-rael;" Grieg's "Solveig's Song;" and Youman's work "Without a Song." Fullness was demonstrated in the wide range of Ardite's "II Bacio" but it was Youman's "Without A Song" that exhibited the rich lower register of Miss Lindseth's voice. /. R. Garners A Majority of Negative Answers on Concordia Social Status Dean Frida Nilsen Entertains Coeds Dean Frida Nilsen entertained the senior girls at an annual dinner in the home economics rooms, Tuesday eve-ning, May 5. Miss Josephine Bjornson was a special guest. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR jttotfjer'* Canty AT THE CONCORDIA BOOK STORE (Boxes, Wrappers for Mailing) KEEP GRADUATION alive with ulamllton Youll b« proud to hoar, ton from today, "Thaf• my Hamilton. Dad and Molh« oar* li to m* ton ywnagoonGBADUATTON DAYI" L«t us show you our MUKIIOII oj Ihese fino, accurate watches today. Martinson's MOORHEAD G u a r a n t e e d P e r m a n e n t W a v e s - - - - - $ 2 . 5 0 Finger WtfVea 25c, Shampoos 25c, Eva Rae Rinses 25c, 6 beauti-ful shades. Manicures 25c. Hair cuts: Adults 35c, Children 25c. Laliberte's Barber and Beauty Shop Phone 2022 Downstairs Waldorf Hotel A GOOD SCHOOL Thorough courses, trained experienced instructors, up-to-date requirement, service that satisfies. A business education is the best investment a young person can' make. Plan your course in business training now. Phone 1099 or write for catalog. INTERSTATE BUSINESS COLLEGE Fargo-Moorhead's Accredited Business Training School. Fargo, North Dakota The much discussed social activities question is brought to the front again by the Inquiring Reporter. Various opinions have been expressed in an-swer to this query: "Do you favor the present status of social activities at Concordia?" Marjoric Heltne, sophomore: No, there have been too many 'program* parties and too few really social ones. Let's have more formal affairs and less of the rather poorly attended all-col-lege parties of the past year. Nick Matthees, senior: No, it does not offer a wide enough range of en-tertainment for all the students to en-joy. I believe in more all-college func-tions where the students can get to know each other better. Wayne Wallin, freshman: I believe that the student body should have more of theso activities. It fosters bet-ter feeling and makes for a better and more ideal group. Ruth Fjelstad, junior: No, but I think the fault lies with the students in their lack of cooperation. Otto Lutness, sophomore: Yes, as far as I personally am concerned the social activities at the college fill my available time with recreation and enjoyment. Signe Bestul, senior: Yes, I think the social activities at Concordia are an ex-cellent training in etiquette but perhaps they might be bigger and better. Helen Gjcsdal, junior: They are usu-ally were good as far as the programs are concerned but there seems to be a lack of interest on the part of the stu-dents. They would, undoubtedly, be better attended and enjoyed more if recreation would be furnished where everyone might take part rather than just listening to a program. The Home Candy Co. For Pure Good Candies Distributors of Schraffts Chocolate and Bars Phone 269 719 2nd Ave No. FARGO. N. D. jftlotfjer'g Cards Candy Gifts Moorhead Drug Co. A. a SIGURDSON, Owner 508 Center Ave. Moorhead EAT Midnight Sun Brand FISH AND SEA FOODS And Be Healthy Bergseth Fish Co. FARGO MINNEAPOLIS HANNAHER & O'NEBL, Inc. Wholesale Grocers Have Your.,. Application Photos Made Now. Phone 1066 10 4th St North MOORHEAD. MINN. Cobber Students Speak at L L Meets (Continued from Page 1) movement will be pointed out by Low-ell Holte, Upham, N. D. As a member of the panel discussion group dealing with spiritual problems, Everett Gilbertson, Binford, N. D., will speak on "How to Overcome Doubt." Martha Olson, New Rockford, N. D., will tell "How I May Effectively Wit-ness for Christ." A protest against cheap literature and a protest against intoxicating liq-uors will be discussed by Sigrid Quarve, Fessenden, N. D.; Lucile Oehlke, En-derlin, N. D.; Harold Olson, Cotton-wood and Eunice Larson, Binford, N.D. A one-act play entitled "Luther League Officers Meet," completed by Dean Frida Nilsen, will be presented by the Concordia group at the sessions. Bcrnico Brevik, Canby, directed the production. Gabriel Hauge, assistant dean of men, is also attending the convention. Esther Fossum, Minneapolis; Thelma Hefty, Walcott, N. D.; Agnes Torvik, Moorhead ;and Harriet Thorn, Moor-head, will leave this afternoon to attend the Student Volunteer Retreat in St Paul, Saturday and Sunday. ASK FOR. Congress Candies They are Better Congress Candy Co. FARGO CHOCOLATES In Gift Boxes.i Mother's Day Cards Johnson Pharmacy MOORHEAD, MINN. Waldorf Hotel We Cater to. Banquets and Parties • Phone 2900 Dr. Arthur H. Joistad Eye, Ear, Noee and Throat SPECIALIST 410-414 deLendrecie Bldg. FARGO, N. D. LUNCH AT BRENDEN'S HOME COOKING We Sell No Beer Phono 780 Moorhead College Instructor Talks on Alaska At an informal meeting May 2, at Olivet Lutheran church, Fargo, Miss Josephine Bjornson, instructor in the department of English at the college, gave on illustrated lecture dealing with life and habits on St Lawrence Island, Alaska, where she spent a year em-ployed in the public schools. Appearing on the same program, Helen Lindseth, Borup, sang a group of three selections. She was accompanied by Blanche Waller '32, piano instructor in the Fargo schools. Tomorrow at the Congregational church in Moorhcad, Miss Bjornson will address the Federated Women's club of Clay county. Collegiate Styles • V, KINNEY'S Shoes 55 Broadway, Fargo, N. D. AT $2.98 - $3.30 $3.98 Large Variety of Styles on WWte, Black and Brown Buy your White Shoes at KINNEY'S and SAVE XI DR. G. L. GOSSLEE Physician & Surgeon DR. V. E. FBEEMAN Dentist No. 10 6th St No. Mooxfaead See Us For PROGRAMS STATIONERY WINDOW CARDS AND TICKETS Ulsaker Printing Co. "Where the Concordlan Is Printed* 1 i Quality Candies McKone Cigar Co* FARGO. N. D. Picnickers and Hikers. . . WE PREPARE DELICIOUS PICNIC LUNCHES CONVENIENTLY PACKED FOR CARRYING. HOT DISHES — SANDWICHES — CAKES and COOKIES COFFEE — POP — ICE CREAM CONCORDIA BOOK STORE For the Finest in Home Cooking visit THE ALAMO CAFE M Til The Taito Th*t Tell. The Tale" Ceuter Avenne Moorhead, Minn. Fargo Paper Company -PHONES 829-830 Wholesale Paper and Stationery Your Business Is Appreciated Largest selection of Student Suits in single and double-breast-ed sport models. We have a credit plan if desired. SUITS 1475-16 7 5-22M Hawkinson-Mjovig Co. ALL NEW PATTERNS See your Representatire, Bob Borstad—Call for Bob 514-516 FRONT STREET FARGO, N.D. ^ ' V ' ' ~ * ' J ^ ' a ' A ' ' - '.W'A'V'.-i.-' • * * v ' . " a , •: • ? - - * • • - ' • , : - < • • ' ,>