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Page 4 THE CONCORDIAN Friday, October 18,1985 Two Missionaries Talk at Week's Chapel Services Rev. Gunderaon, Helen Frost Are Speakers; College Takes Picture Tlie Rev. A. E. Gunderson, mission-ary of the Sudan region in Africa; Helen Frost, missionary to Alaska; the Rev. R. M. Vordale, Crooks t...

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Published: 1935
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Summary:Page 4 THE CONCORDIAN Friday, October 18,1985 Two Missionaries Talk at Week's Chapel Services Rev. Gunderaon, Helen Frost Are Speakers; College Takes Picture Tlie Rev. A. E. Gunderson, mission-ary of the Sudan region in Africa; Helen Frost, missionary to Alaska; the Rev. R. M. Vordale, Crooks ton; and short talks by Mr. Gabriel Hauge and Mr. Arthur Wigdahl were the speakers at chapel period during the past week. The respective deans took charge of the men and women of the college to-day. Mr. Hauge and Mr. Wigdahl spoke on the air. Mr. Hauge, on behalf of the Publicity Bureau, gave the first talk in the series of news broadcasts concerning the college. Mr. Wigdahl, chairman of the homecoming celebra-tions, presented announcements in con-nection with homecoming. Thursday's chapel speaker was Helen Frost, Igloo Station, Igloo, Alaska. Miss Frost has spent nine years with the Eskimos prior to her return from the mission field. She is the trained dea-coness from the Lutheran Deaconess Hospital in Chicago. Extending her education, she took a post graduate course at the Ancker Hospital in Min-neapolis. On Wednesday the student body as-sembled in front of the main building for a group picture. The regular cha-pel hour was turned over to the N.B. C. network for a feature program. The Rev. R. M. Vordale was guest speaker in chapel on Tuesday. He opened his address with these words: "Holy oracles of God portray to us the weaknesses of men and women." In discussing it he took influential men from the Old Testament and the life of Daniel to illustrate his points. He explained further that Daniel had a high aim and Jje became great because of his moral purpose and trust in God. Missionary A. E. Gunderson told of his work and experience with the Su-dan natives on Monday. He explained that it is not for gold and fame that they go to the Sudan country, but to help the natives. He further stated that out of the thousands of natives only sixteen missionaries are there to take charge of the work. Using Isaiah's words, "Here am I, send me," as an example, he made a plea for the stu-dents to .answer the missionary calL Literary Society News Dr. Brown To Speak At Devils Lake, N. D. Dr. J. N. Brown will speak at the fifth anniversary of the new church and the forty-eighth anniversary of the congregation at Devils Lake, N. D.t Sunday. This is a charge of the Rev. George Loftness. Last Sunday he spoke at the fiftieth anniversary of the First Lutheran church at Enderlin, N. D., with the Rev. O. J. Lutness as pastor. Dr. Brown gave the address at the Augustana homecoming exercises at Augustana college, Sioux Falls, S. D., on Saturday. See Us For PROGRAMS STATIONERY WINDOW CARDS AND TICKETS Ulsaker Printing Co, "Where the Concordlan Is Printed* Robert Rasmussen BARBER SHOP Opposite Postoffice 23 6th St So. Moorhead Good Workmanship Assured at Bud's Barber Shop Corner 4th & Center Ave. Moorhead Bad Clemens Body Kngaess The Home Candy Co. For Pure Good Candies Phone 269 719 2nd Ave. No. FARGO, N. D. A. E. S. Discusses Citizens Training Camp The Citizens' Military Training Camp was the subject of a talk by Oreal Hal-land at the last meeting of the Alpha Epsilon Sigma literary society. Herman Iverson spoke on the band's trip to Minneapolis. After the reading of Caviar, which was written by Kenneth Bergseid and Carl Grimsrud, the meet-ing was adjourned. Helen Boyum Plays Solo For Lambda Delta "Winter" was the theme of the Lam-da Delta Sigma society program Sat-urday. Helen Boyum played a piano solo and Clara Kortgaard gave a read-ing. A skit entitled "William Tell" was given by the following: Agnes Olson, Frances Hexom, Ruth Eidsaa, Margaret Broten, and Dolores Osen. The Sigmite was written by Melinor Myhra and Shirley Haight The meet-ing closed with the singing of society songs. Speaks . To Delta Rhoers on TUne , Sterling Rygg gave a talk at the meet- ing of the Delta Rho literary society last Saturday on "Time". The Chanti-cleer, written by Otto Lutness and Carroll Liane, was read by the latter. An impromptu talk was given by Man-ford Dahle '34. The meeting closed by singing the society songs. A. K. X., Mondamin Take Trip to Mars Society songs opened the joint meet-ing of the Alpha Kappa Chi and Mon-damin literary societies last Saturday. The program, which centered around a trip to Mars, consisted of "Music Spheres" by Enid Ruth Reinertsen, a piano duet "Mars Bars" by Ruth Fjel-stad and Lois Flugekvam, and talks by Myra Reinertsen and Mathew Dordal. Walter Carlson and Gerald Lygre pre-pared the Husker. Short business meet-ings were held after the program. Nu SIRS Stage Tea For Uppcrclass Girls The Mad Tea Party, from "Alice in Wonderland", was the theme of the open house program for the upper class women at the Nu Sigma Rho literary society Saturday. The skit of the Mad Tea Party was presented by Ingeborg Akre who sang vocal solos; Gladys Dokken, the child; Beryl Jenson, Alice in Wonderland; Borghild Brager, the March hare; Lila Jones, the doormouse; Helen Gjesdal, the mad hatter; and Bemice Brevik, reader. Ann Bestul read the Nu Spectrum Rays after which Valborg Fossum and Beryl Jenson served tea. The meeting closed with the singing of the society songs Alpha Zctn, Athenians Combine Themes At Meeting Hans Nelson presided at the joint meeting of the Athenian and Alpha Zeta Phi literary societies last Satur-day. A mixed octet sang "Stars of the Summer Night" after which Lucile Oehlke gave a talk on "Tradition of the American Home". Two instrumental duets were played by Hans Nelson and Lowell Holte. Lloyd Storvick talked on "Phenomena of Norway", and was followed by a piano duet by Marjoric Heltne and Thelma Hefty. The com-bined Zetagin and Observer was read by E. Ruth Brady. The Alpha Zets held a short business meeting follow-ing the program. Geneva Johnson was accepted as a member of their society. Johnson, Aanestad Go to Conference Junior Class Picks Homecoming Groups Evelyn Johnson and Arne Aanestad, juniors, left Thursday to attend the national convention of the Young Peo-ple's Federation of the Norwegian Lu-theran Free Church at Rochester. They are among the delegates rep-resenting the Pontoppidan Senior Lu-ther League, Fargo. The convention opens formally with a session Thursday evening and will continue through Sunday. COLLEGE BAND PLAYS FOR M.E.A. OPENING The Concordia College Concert Band played at the opening session of the Northwestern division of Minnesota Educational Association conference at Weld Hall, Moorhead State Teachers' college Thursday. Special to Students! Haircut 25c Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week, upon pre-sentation of privilege ticket Berg Barber Shop 617 1st Ave. No., FARGO "Next to Stone's* See our new line of Silk and Wool Dresses. Also many new styles in Knits. OLSON SISTERS In The Plymouth Clothing Store Center Ave. Moorhead, Minn, Study Bibles $1.25 and up Pocket Testaments 15c to $1.25 • • • CONCORDIA BOOK STORE The executive committee of the jun-ior class had a special meeting Wed-nesday, October 16, at which time the homecoming committees were chosen. The general decorations committee consists of Eleanor Harris, Thief River Falls, chairman; Carroll Liane, Lisbon, N. D.; Evelyn Dale, Moorhead; Nor-man Scheide, Hendrum; and George Kester, Underwood. The throne decoration committee will be Norval Hegland, Plentywood, Mon-tana, chairman; Olav Njus, New Lon-don; and John Stenson, Gary. Henry Bjorge, Circle, Montana, and Walter Carlson, Felton, were appointed to assist the senior decorating commit-tee in decorating the main building. . Something New.for Cents HAMBURGER on Mrs. Monson's HOME MADE BUNS College Club I Block North and 3 Blocks Eaat of Main Building The Original Radio RexallOne Cent SALE Now Going On. Moorhead Drug Co. A. S. SIGURDSON, Owner 506 Center Ave. Moorhead KODAKS Film Finishing 25 c a Roll Free Enlargments 5x7 Johnson Pharmacy SQUIBB PRODUCTS First Nat! Bank Bldg. Moorhead, Minnesota Concordia Makes Homecoming Plans (Continued from Page 1, CoL 6) band will give a concert as the open-ing of the program. After the concert the audience will sing Hymn to Con-cordia. Following this number, greet-ings will be given by alumni. The Concordia choir, including alumni, will sing "A Mighty Fortress" (Monson). At the close of the program, Miss Eid-saa will present the trophies and awards to the winners of the various contests. Alumni members will have an oppor-tunity to talk over "old times" at re-union meetings arranged for Saturday evening. Several organizations will meet including the alumni of the Alpha Psi Omega, Pi Kappa Delta, the Nor-way Tour band, and the Wheel. The Mission Crusaders program in the college chapel at 8:30. will begin activities on Sunday morning. Home-coming services will be held at Trinity Lutheran church at 10:30. The order of the service will be as follows: Pre-lude, Fuge in G (Bach); liturgical ser-vice, Rev. O. A. Hofstad;^ announce-ments, Pres. J. N. Brown; selection, "Blessed Is He Who Cometh" (Gounod), the Concordia choir; sermon, "Our Day of Memories,* the Rev. Sigurd T. Sor-enson; Postlude, Recessional (John-son). League To Sponsor Tea The Womens' League will sponsor an open house tea in the gymnasium from 3:00 to 5:00. The Luther League pro-gram will be given by alumni members in the college chapel at 6:00. Follow-ing this the qlosing exercises of the nomecoming schedule will take place at the Moorhead municipal auditorium where the Luther Reformation Rally will be held. The principal speaker will be the Rev. A. A. Zinck, D.D. Special music will be provided by the Concordia choir and the Concordia band. Short Cuts in Campus News The following girls spent the week-end at their homes: Vivian Broten, Pe-tersburg, N. D.; Geneva Johnson, Thief River Falls; Ruth Rosvold, Margaret and Valborg Berge, Underwood, Avis Lasse-son and Adeline Haga, Northwood, N. D.; Martha Amdahl, Lake Park; Helen Ann Tallakson, Fergus Falls; Irene Flaten, Twin Valley; and Lorraine Isaacson, Oakes, N. D. • * • Avis Arhart and Jean LeClairc visit-ed In Thief River Falls last weekend. • • • Shirley Haight and Minerva Jenson spent the weekend at Audubon. • * * Mr. Norbert Matthees "34, who is now on the high school staff of Bcraidji, visited the campus recently as guest of his brothers, Nick and Arnold. Mr. Matthees was recently appointed chem-ist for the city. His principal duties as such arc to make daily analysis of the city water. • * * Mildred Johnson is at her home in Blabon, N. D., because of illness. • • • Cora Loberg, Wimbledon, N. D., vis-ited at North Hall with her neice, Fran-ces Strong, last weekend. • * • Esther Fossum, Minneapolis; Alma Midthun, Borup; Palma Dahl, Fergus Falls; Eunice Rasmussen, Audubon; and Lucille Dahl en, Detroit Lakes, spent the weekend at their respective homes. EAT Midnight Sun Brand FISH AND SEA FOODS And Be Healthy Bergseth Fish Co. FARGO MINNEAPOLIS For Mother's Kind of Cooking EAT •--AT— BLUEBIRD COFFEE SHOP 918 Coster Avenne MOORHKAD, BONN. STONE'S Distributors of THB WORLD'S FINEST MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Musical Instrument Repairing of all Kinds. * • Stone's Music Store "Largest Music House In the N. W." 613 1st Ave. No. Fargo, N. D. C. W. FREEMAN MERCHANT TAILOR Alterations, Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing WORK GUARANTEED No. 7 Sixth St No. Moorhead, Minnesota Avis Hcrmanson spent the weekend in Twin Valley. • • * Elizabeth S ten eh j em visited In May-viUe, N. D., Saturday and Sunday. * • • Mr. and Mrs. Morton Tclsberg, Ash-by, visited at the home of Prof, and Mrs. H. C. Nordlic on Sunday. Mr, Tcisberg is Mrs. Nordlie'a cousin. • • • Girls who attended the Concordla- St Thomas game in Minneapolis last Friday were Edith Anderson and Oresta Paulson, Fargo, N. D.; Ruth Rygg, Mil-dred and Grctel Gosslce, Moorhead; and Clarice Moen, Dalton. • • • FVances Hexom, Haxville, Mont, was the guest of Mildred Swanson at Crooks ton last weekend. * • * Lois Flugekvam '37, attended the fu-neral of her uncle, Mr. John Johnson, of Edinburg, N. D., last Monday. Mr. Johnson died suddenly last week. • • • Mrs. William Bender '22, of Bemidji, visited with her brother, Dr. Charles A. Skalet, on Monday. Mrs. Bender attended the meetings of the Women's Missionary Federation held on the cam-pus 'Monday. MOORHEAD Women's Apparel for TEACHERS AND STUDENTS Coats, Dresses, Millinery, Shoes, Hosiery, Lingerie, Blouses, Sweaters, Etc Also Piece Goods and Notions Cough Syrups, Nose Drops and Cold Ointment of reliable Make and known Ingredients. MACKALL'S DRUG STORE 510 CENTER AVENUE MOORHEAD, MINN. WATCH DEPARTMENT Is qualified to give your timepiece the expert attention it deserves. MARTINSON'S Fine Jewelry Moorhead 4th St. & Center Ave. "REMEMBER THE ALAMO". Your Fortress of Good Meals. Tasty Lunches and Courteous Service THE ALAMO GAFE CENTER AVENUE MOORHEAD. MINN. SPECIAL OFFER To Concordia STUDENTS 6 LOVELY 3x4 .$ PHOTOGRAPHS for ONLY. This Offer Expires October 31st GENELLI Studio Located in Magill Block, Fargo Hart Schaffner & Marx, Clothcraft and Year-Craft SUITS and O'COATS Without a doubt, this Is the season's greatest value presentation. T'cre are Suite and Overcoats richly tail-ored at these low prices. Take ad-vantage of this remarkable, value-giving •pportunlty. ALEX STERN & CO. Fargo's Finest Store for Men £ ^^ *&s£;-*:i.kb-?'Ju*,-\:i'\z.:.- ':. '.::'.'.':-. ';.".:_--. \ *:\£;&ixrlc W e r ^ r . . ^ : ^ H.V.;' <v:ilt''J-j. iW%&k±'vfi&&*,i'*::\''