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-•- y . v s : ' . • - . . .-•* • • . Page Four CONCORDIAN Friday, March 4,1932 Cobber Literary Societies Admit Freshman Members Campus Groups Take In New F r o * Pledges After Council Meeting Following the applications made a an interaociety council meeting on February 15, freshmen were admitte...

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Published: 1932
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Summary:-•- y . v s : ' . • - . . .-•* • • . Page Four CONCORDIAN Friday, March 4,1932 Cobber Literary Societies Admit Freshman Members Campus Groups Take In New F r o * Pledges After Council Meeting Following the applications made a an interaociety council meeting on February 15, freshmen were admitted to the eight Concprdia college literary societies and attended the meetings last Saturday. The literary societies and their picdg cs are as foUows: Alpha Kappa Chi: Lillian Bjella, Efc ping, N. D.; Anna Eide, Fertile, Minn. Mildred Elkin, Laundale, Minn.; Har riet HalkestadJ Abercrombie, N. D. Agnca Dahl, Gwinner, N .D.; Leona Larson, Dorseth, Minn.; GJndys Nysct-vold, Twin Valley, Minn.; Hazel Steph enson, Gary. Minn.; Yvonne Somer ness, Columbus, N. D.; Cora Solmon son, Lake Mills, Iowa; Pearl Strand, Boyd, Minn.; Mabel Nybo, Internation al Falls, Minn.; Cornelia Reitan, Com stock, Minn.; Bernice Temanson, Un derwood, N. D.; Fern Lind, Donaldson, Minn.; and Thelma Sogn, Boden, N. D, Alpha Zeta Phi: Alice Narum, Fargo Evelyn Troseth, Fargo; Olivia Lutness, Enderlin, N. D.; Helen Settle, Cathay, N. D.; Rachel Johnson, Bismarck, N. D.; Mildred Iveraon, Moorhead; Alice Aanenson, Neilsville, Minn.; Lillian DaH Syre, Minn.; Margaret Moore Twin Valley, Minn.; and Jessie Ostrup Fairraount ,N. D. Lambda Delta Sigma: Sibyl Dahl Cottonwood, Minn.; Eve Nerhageri, Morris, Minn.; Mary Bareness, Esmond N. D.; Martha Bartelt, S t Paul, Minn. Virginia Quale, Thief River Falls Minn.; Agnetta Hagen, Grafton, N. D. Edna Reinisch, Mercer, N. D.; Thelma Bclgura, Farwell, Minn.; Lois Johnson Beltranu, Minn.; Florence Mcister Moorhead; Janet MUsten, Belfield, N D.; Kathrine Rysg. Moorhead; Doris Simmons, Oakes, N. D.; Alvhild Berg, Buffalo, N. D.; Esther Langehaug, Sharon, N. D.; Marie Sandanger, Fort Ransom, N. D.; Solveig Sattre, Moor-head; Doris Bell, Bowbell, Minn.; and Laila Olson, Colfax, iWs. Nu Sigma Rho: Olivia Torvik, Mada-gascar; Gertrude Rugland, Moorhead; Esther Pcderson, Madagascar; Helen Jacobson, Glendive, Mont.; Ada Jones, Tioga, N. D.; Norma Jacobson, Farwell, Minn.; Marion Undgreen, Ortonville, Minn.; and Beulah Johnson, Aneta, N. D. Alpha Epsilon Sigma: Arthur Bor-atad Tioga, N. D.; Rolf Daehlin, Moor-head; Alvin Langseth, Fessenden, N. D.; Thomas Silness, Bisbee, N. D.; Evan Silness,. Bisbee. N. D.; James Korstad, Thief River Falls, Minn.; Stanton Thorson, Milan, Minn.; Carvel Johnson, Bismarck; N. D.; Carrol Runs-void, Glyndon, Minn.; Wesley Gilbert-son, Finley, N. D.; John Ross, Manning, N. D.; Jerrald Solberg, HeimdaL N. D.; LeRoy Jorgenson, WilUatoo. N. D-; Gunnar Olson, Fort Ransom, N. D.; Joseph Lunstad, Forman, N. D.; Clay-ton Larson, Courtenay, N. D.; Ralph Miller, Fessenden, N. D.; Johan Berge, Underwooct Minn. Athenian: Erling Pederson, Madagas-car; Donald Schulke, Brandon, Minn.; Harold Olson, Cottonwood, Minn.; Obert HUdimyer, Petersburg, N. D.; Maurice Felde, BarnesviUe, Minn.; Edwin Herwick, Nome, N. D.; Rudolph Dahle, Nekoma, N. D.; Stanley Ostrom, Warren, Minn.; Julius Swanby, War-ren, Minn.; Otto Lande, Parahall, N. D.; James Foss, Christine, N. D.; Elmo Hegg, Glenwood, Minn.; Carl Nelson, New Spring Hats in all Pastel Shades $2.95 Hawkinson-Mjovig Co. 506 Front S t FARGO Regular Meals Hot Meat Sandwiches ._ -25c 10c Berrigan & Iverson Across from City Hall MOORHEAD, MINN. Cf your Hair Ain't Becoming To You, You Better Be Coming To Us. COMSTOCK BARBER SHOP Society Elections Robert Malvey, Moorhead, was elect-ed president of the Alpha Epsilon Sig-ma at the regular meeting Saturday, February 27. Hardcan Bjcrke, Twin Valley, Minn., was named vice presi-dent; Arthur Dronen, Sharon, N. D., secretary; and Cornell Otteson, Glen-wood, Minn., sergeant-at-arms. The Nu Sigma Rho literary society elected Evangeline Mortenson, Willis-ton, N. D., president at a recent meet-ing. Esther Rugland, Moorhead, was named vice president; Elsie Fossum, Loma, N. D., treasurer; Agnes Norlie, Flasher, N. D., secretary; and Sigrid Jevne, Russell, N. D., curiatrix. William Chell, Clitherall, Minn., was named president of the Athenian liter-ary society. Others officers are: Arnold Olson, Farwell, Minn., vice president; Mayborne Eid, Walhalla, N. D., secre-tary; and Willis Thompson, Warren, Minn., treasurer. Thelma Ivesdal, Edmore, N. D., was elected president of the Lambda Delta Sigma literary society at a recent meeting. Other officers are: Margaret NATIONAL FRATERNITY CONSIDERS CQNGORDIA Application For Charter Made To Phi Kappa Delta Con-vention At Tulsa Application to establish a chapter of the Phi Kappa Delta, national debating fraternity, at Concordia college will be •<x>nsidered at the national convention of the organization, according to word received here this week. The conven-tion will be held in Tulsa, Oklahoma, from March 28 to April 1. A complete record of the debating work at this institution since 1922, comprising the last ten years of activ-ity, has been forwarded to the conven-tion. Applications for charter membership in the local fraternity for which Con-cordia is applying, have been made by several Cobber debaters. These will also receive consideration from the con-vention. Two debating teams returned Sunday from a trip to the Twin Cities and Northfield, where they engaged in dis-cussions with similar teams from other Minnesota colleges . Gabriel Hauge, Hawley, Minn., Milford Tysseland, Barnesville, Minn., Eunice Lunde, Cooperstown, N. D., and Ruth Haug-seth, Twin Valley, Minn., upheld the Maroon and Gold in the debates. They Hilde, Moorhead, vice president; andlw e r e a c ^ mPa n i ^ 1 o n ***, **}?, b y Camille Andvik, Man dan, N. D., curia-trix. Reuben Reiersgord, Ulen, Minn., was elected president of the Delta Rho at the last meeting. Ralph Johnson, Washburn, N. D., was named vice president and Elmer Rostede, Middle River, Minn., was chosen as secretary. Erskine, Minn.; and Jacob Jerstad, Fargo. Delta Rho: Wallace Bakke, Ada, Minn.; Eddie Dahl, Hawley, Minn.; Clinton Raugust, Washburn, N. D.; Fred Marsdcn, Hendrum, Minn.; Oscar Swanson, Mclntosh, Minn.; Manfred Ohnstad, Fargo; and Guy Larson, Bis-marck, N. D. Mondamin: Re in art Gruttle, Twin Valley, Minn.; Harvey Gunderson, Gary, Minn.; Alfred Saugstad, Kath-ryn, N. D.; Stanley Anderson, Lock-hart, Minn.; Nels Sahl, Brocket, N. D.; Homer Rognlie, Grand Forks, N. D.; Joseph Malkewick, Watford City, N. D.; Gabriel Hauge, Hawley, Minn.; Kermit Swore, Osakis, Minn.; and Carl Lokken, Ulen, Minn. A synonym is a word that is used when you can not spell the other one. EAT MIDNIGHT SUN Brand High Quality Food Products and be healthy Bergseth Fish Co. Fargo, No. Dak. Minneapolis, Minn. We Develop Your Films FREE Bring In Your Kodak Finishing MOORHEAD DRUG CO. 77i« 'fowaJUL Drug Stor* A. S. SICURD5ON. Owner bourne Koldcn, Blackduck, Minn., and Miss Frida Nilsen of the faculty. On the trip the men upheld the negative against teams from Augsburg, Macnlester, and Carleton; the women , argued for the affirmative against squads from Augsburg and St. Olaf. At all except the Carleton debates the national Phi Kappa Delta topic of fed-eral centralized control of industry was debated. The debaters also acted as representatives of Concordia college at a meeting of the Minnesota Student Volunteer association. An overnight trip to Jamestown is scheduled for March 6 and 7. A men's affirmative team will meet representa-tives of Jamestown college before the Methodist church there Sunday eve-ning. A women's negative team will debate at the convocation of the stu-dent body Monday morning. Another trip is planned to Mayville and Grand Forks in the near future. Gustavus Adolphus will come here for a decision debate during the first week in April COMSTOCK TAXI Phone 1717 pfcoae Office: Comstock Hotel NEW LOW RATES 25c first mile—10c each add-% mile Office Phone 778 Res. 2944 DR. EL D. ROSTAD D E N T I S T Room 6 Gletne Block MOORHEAD, MINN. Neubarth's The City Hall i« aerois the street DIAMONDS Brln< Us That Next Rep«ir Job MOORHEAD SHOE HOSPITAL Let Soule Sole Your Shoes C. W. SOULE, Prop. 17 Fifth St. So. MOORHEAD, MINN. Lutheran Students Assemble Here For Annual Convention (Continued from Page 1) committee will make their report and officers for the ensuing year will be elected. After the election the morning session will begin with devotion. A vocal solo will be sung by Gabriel Aarthun, Concordia, after which Rev. J. C. K. Prcus, Educational Director, N. L. C. A., will give an address on "In a World of Great Opportunity." A violin solo will be given by Lydia Buslec. The convention will be divid-ed into four parts and each group will be given a topic to discuss. Four Group Discussions Group discussions will consist of: "Students and the Campus," '^Students and the Community," "Students and the Church," and "Students and World Christian Service." The chairman of group number one is Chester Myrom, Luther college; the lender is Curtis Ritland, Waldorf college; and the ad-visor is Rev. Selmer A, Berge, Fargo. For number two the chairman is Hel-mer Myklebust, Augustana college; the leader is Hilmey Olson, Park Region college; and the advisor is Prof. Abner Haugen, St Olaf college, Christian Lystig, Concordia college, is chairman of group number three; Eric Hauke, Pacific Lutheran college, is the leader, and Rev. J. C. K. Prcus, Minneapolis, is the advisor. For group four Carol Hinderlie, St. Olaf, is the chairman; Egbert Boe, Luther Theo-logical seminary, is the leader, and Rev. Fredrick Schiotz, Duluth, Minn., is the advisor. Groups To Report At 2:00 o'clock Saturday afternoon Miss Edith Okerlund, Fargo, will give an address, "Face to Face With a Great Challenge." A ladies' vocal group con-sisting of sixteen voices will sing after which Rev. Andrew Burgess, Madagas-car, will talk on "To Win a World for Christ" Following this address the groups will report their discussions to the convention proper. A reception will be held at 6 o'clock. At 8:00 Rev. Fredrick Schiotz will give DR. L. P. MOOS D E N T I S T 205 American State Bank Bldg. Phone 700 Moorhead, Minn. For Mother's Kind of Cooking Us r \ 1 At BLUEBIRD COFFEE SHOP 618 Center Avenue Moorhead, Minn. New Dresses Value to $9.95 New 1932 Style Printed and Plain Colors Void's Department Store THE OYLOE STUDIO MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA Any Size Film—six exposure developed and printed 25c ONE DAY SERVICE STUDIO PORTRAITS HOME PORTRAITS KODAK FINISHING SERVICE COMMERCIAL PHOTOGRAPHY an address on "A Student's Part." John Moan, Concordia, will sing a vocal aolo. Rev. Andrew Burgess will then show films from the missionary fields. Student Communion Service On Sunday morning at 8:30 Rev. C. B. Ylvisaker, Concordia college, will conduct a student communion service at Trinity church, Moorhead. Visiting pastors will preach at the morning ser-vices in the Lutheran churches of Far-go and Moorhead. At 2:30 the Con-cordin choir will give a special concert for the convention members only in the Concordia college chapeL A fireside hour will be held at Trini-ty church at 5 Sunday afternoon. At this meeting greetings will be brought to tho convention from various of the mission fields. Those who will give greetings are: Hjalmar Astrup, Luther, from Zulu; Solveig Torvik, Concordia, Madagascar; and Ansgar Sovik, St. Olaf, from China. An instrumental duet DR. V. R FREEMAN Dentist Br Appointment (Over W-wlworth's Store) MOORHEAD MINN. Ted Evenson Tailoring Men's Furnishings 210 Broadway Fargo will be rendered by Lauren Buslee and Edficld Odegaard, Concordia. At the close of this meeting the committee on resolutions will give their report The closing session of the convention will be Sunday evening at 7:30 at which the main address, "Hie Glory of the Crusades," will be given by Rev. F. S. Hjortland, Eau Claire, Wis. on This may be leap year to us, but it's ily another year to the pedestrian. YOU CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER AT BERGSTROM STUDIO 619 First Ave. So. Phone 1068 Mooched, Hhm. Sheaffer Pens and Pencils Sheaffer Skrip Ink Johnson Pharmacy WHERE THE STREET CAR STOPS. First National Bank Building MOORHEAD, MINN. CHEAT BANKING INSTITUTION NORTHWEST BANCORPORAT1ON an affiliated group of leading northwestern banks, trust companies, securities and livestock loan com-panies with combined resources of $495,000,000. In Moorhead you'll find this group represented by FIRST NATIONAL BANK MOORHEAD, MINNESOTA IT COSTS MORE THAN YOU THINK to wear a CHEAP Watch It moMj look alright—for awhile t fceep good time —for n i n e month* 1 Bat da 70a pay, erentual]yt Yon can be proud of a Groan wateh* Y««r friends will mdmlre your good judgment. And ttfl fe&o quality, emjurt style and lasting dependability will more than justify your choloe* 14 kt Mild ffiumu. 14 kt wild OB 15 jtvcb. g*td cmM, II Jtwd Gauiv. I4T.SQ rnrsons Moorhead, Minn. Hear the Palacd Feature Program Every Tuesday and Friday 6:15 p. m. See The Ne>v Spring Suits a^ Top Coats W5 • W Every Inch a Clothing Store MOORHKAD, MINN. Clothes for the College Man Watch Our Windows