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Thursday, April 23, 1942 THE CONCORDIAN PAGE 3 .COMBING THE COB. Here's This Week's All-Star Team By RED REITAN Softball is rapidly taking over the Spring's intramural spotlight, and many fellows, including yours truly, are cavort-ing nightly, hoping that the old soupbone will lose so...

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Published: 1942
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Summary:Thursday, April 23, 1942 THE CONCORDIAN PAGE 3 .COMBING THE COB. Here's This Week's All-Star Team By RED REITAN Softball is rapidly taking over the Spring's intramural spotlight, and many fellows, including yours truly, are cavort-ing nightly, hoping that the old soupbone will lose some of its glassiness and that one's eyes will ' allow one to at least tick a few fouls. However in spite of a few of us "has-beens", there still ex-ists some fine softball talent on the campus. Here's this week's all-star soft-ball cast: Cob Nine To Open Against Sacred Heart Academy Friday Infield Rover Outfield Catcher Pitchers IB—Charlie Beck 2B—Doody Norby 3B—Craig Hertsgaard SS—Hal Poier George Norlin LF—Bill Ilstrup CF—Howard Solheim RF—Dave Wiley Phil Misner Don Hagen Adler Strandquist Chances are that the Cobbers will play homecoming host to the Gustavus gridders if the Gusties are admitted back into the Minne" sota college conference next fall. Word from the Gustavus spring grid encampment boasts of more power than that sported by the 1940 championship aggregation. John Ronning, the Gustle's head coach, has resigned to accept a like position as mentor of the Gopher yearlings. George Lee, former Cobber star athlete, is being prominently mentioned as Running's successor. Another installment in the life of Bill Mattke, Cobber cage and diamond star—Bill just recently signed a contract with the Cardi-nals of Springfield, HI. The Cards are a member of the 3-Eye league, a class C ball club. Golf may be a hard game to some, but not to DeWayne Lee, junior from Pelican Rapids. Dew-ey lost his glasses before starting a round at the Moorhead Country club. Despite the loss of said spectacles he traversed the 18 holes in the 80's—which ain't bad even with a telescope. Former Grid Star Renne '34 Signs With F. B. Now playing on Uncle Sam's team is Theodore Renne '34, all-conference football tackle in 1933. Now a full-fledged Federal Bureau of Investigation agent stationed in New York, Ted, as he was known to all Cobbers, en-tered the FBI school at Quantico, Va., last fall and recently was graduated. Not only did Renne make a name for him-self on the gridiron, but he also was active in various ac-tivities on the campus. He was a member of Alpha Omega, Con-cordian staff, chorus, presi-dent of the Let- BENNE termen's dub, member of the Science club, president of his class during his freshmen and sophomore years and a member of the Inter- Society council. He majored in economics and minored in physics and physical education. He was a member of Alpha Epsilon Sigma literary society. Renne received his grade and high school education at Bagley. After graduating from Concordia he taught two years, one in North Dakota and one in Minnesota, re-tiring from the teaching field to enter the U. S. air corps at Ran-dolph Field, Tex. Returning to his home com-munity in 1937, Renne received the appointment of special inves-tigator for the Public Welfare association of Clearwater county',' where he worked with a brother footballer, Nels Larson '31. —W. S. J. Track Men To Enter Dragon RelaysMay2 Cobber Track Coaches Dr. T. O. Burgess and Alan Hopeman are sending the tracksters through the final stages in prep-aration for entering the Dragon Relays May 2. Tentatively the Cobber cinder-men plan to enter the following events: 100 yard dash, Curt Lind-berg; 120 yard high hurdles, Gar Lockrem; high jump, Alan Hope-man, Ken Willey, Charlie Beck and Curt Lindberg; shot put, Ken Willey and Alan Hopeman; two-mile, Reid Seastrand and Doug McArdle. Plans are also underway for the entrance of the Cobs in the fol-lowing events: 400-yard relay, 880-yard relay, and sprint med-leys. No definite team or individuals have been chosen as yet to enter these events. Coaches Burgess and Hopeman are hoping for more aspirants and football players to report this week. Workers Wanted . . The government and the business world are calling for trained workers. There are ten positions for each qualified worker. Why not do your bit in the national emergency by taking a course in business training. If interested, write for particulars. Interstate Business College FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA Model Laundry and Cleaners "The Ultimate In Service" DIAL 7578 — - By WARREN JOHNSON Manager Adrian Megrund's Cobber nine will play their first spring practice game at 6:30 p. m. on Friday, when they meet the Sacred Heart academy team of Fargo. The contest will be played on the Cobber diamond. Because many experienced men are out for spring football Me-grund has not yet been able to tell exactly what he will have for the team. Probable line-up and/ batting order for the Sacred Heart game will be Harold Swenson, second base; George Norlin, left field; Howard Solheim, first base; Craig Hertsgaard, short stop; Winfield Hefty, right field; Kenneth Ros-vold, third base; Evan Salveson, catcher; Vernon Stenseng, center Women's Sports By BERTHA GRONSETH WAA women are reminded of the play at MSTC next Friday from 4 to 9 p. m. by President Irene Johnson. Everybody is urged to sign their names on the sheets provided on the bulletin boards in Fjelstad and Grose halls. With the much-longed-for com-pletion of the tennis courts, the unused tennis rackets can be dusted off and put to work. There is no reason now why Concordia can't have a superior women's tennis team. There are rumors of a badmin-ton tournament to be run off next week, so now is the time for co-eds to polish up on badminton before participating in the event. With the advent of these re-cently beautiful days, numerous golf bags are coming out of their winter hiding. The boys have been practicing on their drives in the vacant places around here, why not the girls? field and Milrane Mickelson, pitcher. Megrund reports that two promising freshmen are William Ilstrup, outfield, and Donald Ha-gen, infield. Some of the teams that will probably be scheduled this season include Moorhead State Teachers, Fergus Falls, Wahpeton Science, Moorhead "Red Sox", Valley City and Hawley. Tennis Candidates To Begin Practice The call for tennis candidates Monday was answered by 20 students. They are Ralph Esper-seth, Mineva Madland, Bernard Hauge, Jerome Olson, Phyllis Stenehjem, Lorraine Homestad, Conrad Michaelson, Paul John-shoy, Arvid Hagen, Blanche Pe-terson, Rudolph Skogerboe, Robert Johnson, Clyde Odin, Sigurd Bjertness, Harold Lunde-berg, Alister Bellerud, Archie Lindseth, James Solum, Ralph Hvidsten, and Alvin Isachsen. Jay Malvey, contractor for the courts, announces that they pro-bably will be completed and ready to play on the first of next week. Practice will then go into full swing. Plans are being made for an intercity tournament between the three colleges in Fargo and Moorhead. —W. O. J. Buckeyes Lead In Softball League By VARBEN JONES Starting with a trio of bang-up games, the intramural Softball tourney has gotten underway and Ray Grande's Buckeyes, basket-ball champs, are leading the league with two wins and no losses. Games scheduled for Thursdays have now been moved to Friday because of the Scoutmaster's Training course which is being offered on Thursday evenings. For Friday we find the Boiler-makers- Buckeyes, Gophers - Wol-verines and Wildcats - Badgers meeting. On Tuesday the mighty Buckeyes square off against the Gophers. Other games for Tues-day are Wildcats-Wolverines and Boilermakers-Badgers. In games played the past week we find that the Buckeyes de-feated the Wildcats 8-7 in a 11- inning thriller and later easily overpowered the Badgers, 25-9. The Gophers have a win and a loss for the season thus far, win-ning over the Boilermakers 14-10, and losing to Craig Herts-gard's "Cats" 20-10. Southpaw Warren Johnson's Wolverines have forfeited one game each to the Badgers and Buckeyes. Pete Soberg, intramural super-visor, wishes to announce that all students are requested to sign this week with their respective group leaders for the tournaments which are to be conducted next week. The tourneys are archery, golf, tennis and horseshoe. Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted A HANDY DDCTIONARY REASONABLY PRICED Make it a practice to learn a new word or two every day and you will soon have n Kood vocabulary. Our Modern Webster Dictionary and Word Book is an up-to-date, authoritative publication of 20,000 words in common uae. H includes special supplement* containing new words, standard abbreviations, foreisrn words and phrases, common errors, curious word oriffini, words derived from persons and places, short words, long: words, and official fruide to com-, pounding.