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Concofafan, Marcn 30,1984 Pagd 15" Fair encourages high school scientists by KIrsten Anderson Forty-eight exhibits lined the halls of the Science Center as Concordia College hosted the Western Min-nesota Regional High School Science Fair and Research Program Sat., March 24. High school students...

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Published: 1984
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Summary:Concofafan, Marcn 30,1984 Pagd 15" Fair encourages high school scientists by KIrsten Anderson Forty-eight exhibits lined the halls of the Science Center as Concordia College hosted the Western Min-nesota Regional High School Science Fair and Research Program Sat., March 24. High school students in grades 7-12 from Barrett, Climax, Fisher, Lake Park, and Mahnomen (Minn.) par-ticipated. They displayed exhibits and research papers from the categories of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics and computer science. Robert Brummond, associate pro-fessor of physics, served as director of the science fair, coordinating the regional fair with area high school teachers. "The science fair gives high school students a chance to get into a pro-ject of their own and hopefully ad-vance their knowledge of science and mathematics," said Brummond. Meade Carlson, a Concordia senior, added, "The fair provides an oppor-tunity for high school students to get involved in science and research." Other Concordia students involved in the Science Fair were Barb Peter-son, Becky Larson, Mark Ranum and Greg Moen. They assisted with registration. Judges included*five Concordia faculty members.and several representatives from the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marines. The Lake Agassiz Chapter of the American Meteorological .Society also presented awards.' The first science fair on Concordla's campus was held in 1961, and has been an annual event. According to Brummond, there have been more participants in past years, but this year there were more than in the last three years. Purple Ribbon winners who will ad-vance to the Minnesota State High School Science Fair in St. Paul April 12-14 from the Western Minnesota Region include: Jim Mazour, Kelly Walz, Erin Vettel, Karla Vanish, Melanie Stall and Kris Vanish of Mahnomen High School; Todd Trom-mes and John Dufner of Climax High School; Ronnie Slberg, Mike Christoffers, Darryn Wallace and Ron Siberg of Lake Park High School; and Lisa Ann McDonald and Alanna Ziegler of Fisher high School. Dr. Gustav Dlnga, professor and chairperson of the chemistry depart-ment, compares the Science Fair to a basketball tournament: It's exciting because these kids are going to the top. The fair is Impor-tant to these kids and we want it to be exciting for them." Classifieds Pregnant? 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