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november 14, 1980 the concordian page 5 Anderson votes for Carter; Carter votes for Reagan Believe it or not, John Ander-son says he voted for President Carter and Jimmy Carter says he voted for Ronald Reagan. Anderson said he decided to vote for the incumbent because "I thought we should stick...

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Published: 1980
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Summary:november 14, 1980 the concordian page 5 Anderson votes for Carter; Carter votes for Reagan Believe it or not, John Ander-son says he voted for President Carter and Jimmy Carter says he voted for Ronald Reagan. Anderson said he decided to vote for the incumbent because "I thought we should stick with so-meone with experience," adding that he decided a third-party can-didate was not a viable choice. Carter said the former California governor was his choice because "from what I've heard, Reagari has some good ideas." Both Anderson and Carter ex-pressed surprise at the wide margin of Reagan's victory, par-ticularly in light of the Anderson victory in a straw vote on campus. Oh, yes, this John Anderson and Jimmy Carter are students at Con-cordia. Sons of Norway to hold meeting At"9 p.m. next Tuesday in Frida Nilsen Lounge, the Concordia College Sons of Norway Lodge will hold its second meeting. The meeting will feature two speakers from the focal Sons of Norway, Einar Bergh, who is vice president of the supreme lodge and Dr. Keith Sehnert, who has appeared on "The Johnny Carson Show." Both acknowledge taking a little ribbing about their names during this election year, although each * said he received more comments . earlier in the campaign. "When I'm writing a check, people will say, 'Oh, you're runn- - ing for president,"' Anderson said. "Then they'll ask my posi-tion on some issue." Carter, who uses Jim rather than Jimmy, said the joking generally occurs when he meets someone for the first time. Neither is named after someone in his family. Lyndon Johnson — a Concordia student, could not be reached ment. yes, He's too Paul Erickson, leader of (he expedition which skiied Greenland, described the journey across the world's for com- largest island with the help of slides at a presentation to the C-400 Club and others last weekend. [Pete Spilde photo] i New discovery: canoeing helpscure cancer By DeAnn Adams Canoeing 1,575 miles helps cure cancer? Alex Stig, a Moorhead resident, has planned a round trip from Fargo-Moorhead to Grand Portage, Minn. The Clay County Unit of the American Cancer Society is sponsoring the fund-raiser. Stig, the organizer and leader of this fund-raiser, has set a goal to CC student to attend New York conference By Steve Anderson To gain a better understanding of the relationship between government and business, Theo Olson, a Student Association commissioner will attend a con-ference in New York City, Nov. 23-25. Over 100 students selected na-tionwide from 1,400 applicants will be attending. Guest speakers include former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger. The conferences is sponsored by "Business Today" magazine and Princeton Universi-ty. Titled "Private Enterprise and Public Policy," the conference will discuss what business should ex-pect from government. Olson has picked three areas that he will study while in New York: advertising and its effect on buyers, the decision on buying American or foreign products and international business interests and how. they work with govern-ments. Olson learned of the conference through a letter sent to Morris Lanning, dean of students. To apply he answered eight essay questions on various topics. Olson is looking forward to the total experience. "I've never been to New York before, so that will be an educational experience in itself," he said. "And I'm going alone, " he added "so I will be forced into getting to know some people." worn fheo Olson raise $1 million. This goal will be accomplished through pledges per mile canoed. All pledges will go to the American Cancer Society for research and public education "to increase the chances for prevention of and successful recovery from cancer." The canoeists will leave Fargo- Moorhead on June 2, returning in the latter part of August. Some of the counties they will be canoeing through are working with and backing them. On Nov. 20, Stig and his colleagues will go to St. Cloud, Minn., to gain state back-ing. If they attain state backing, their monetary goal becomes most realistic. The group consist of eight canoeists: Alex Stigs, leader; Kate Stenso, assistant leader; Cyndi Wagner; Dave Coplbraith; Eric Swanson; Maggie Harrison; Carolyne Lange; and Steve Wessonberg. Other people can and are encouraged to canoe along with them whenever and wherever they want, but those part-time canoeists must realize that they are responsible for their own provisions. Why is Alex Stigs so determined to make this project go? His mother, brother, and sister died of cancer. Now, he is determined to do something that's not only helpful, but that will give some hope to others. classifieds BROKE? Have cash for diamonds, rings, or-anything gold or silver, any condition.Ph.235-3256, leave message. NEED'CASH? Buying class rings, wedding bands and diamonds, any condition! Ph.235-3256, leave message. The Family Birthstone TreeT.M. What more lovely way to show how much your family tree truly means. For Mom or Dad, or your husband or wife, here's an oppor-tunity to make the ancient art of engraving highlighted by beautiful birthstones speak for you. • . Your Family Birthstone Tree is engraved in jewelers brass and holds the appropriate birth-stones to identify each family member and his birthdate. The eight canoeists, members of the Clay County unit of the American Cancer Society, and members of the AH-KE society worked together and held a bake sale in October to raise money for food/provisions for the trip. In addition, there are hopes to get some grocery chains to donate food. ' ' - ^ The eight canoeists are a "hodge-podge" group as Kate Stenso observes. She continues, "They are interesting people and will make the trip interesting." Kate graduated in 1980 from Con-cordia with a double major in English and physical education. As far as trying to get to know the others, she feels the bake sale in October was an asset in that respect. Cyndi Wagner comments on the few times that they have all gotten together to visit or watch movies saying "Those times were impor- CANOE TRIP to page 8 WELCOME! To Bethel Evangelical Free Church 1602- South University, Fargo Bible-Centered Preaching Sunday Services: 8:00 & 11:00 am, 6:00 pm. Bus Pick-up: Livedalen Hall - 10:15 a.m. For further information phone 232-4476 . i j "PARADISO" "Truly a Dining