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12 OCTOBER 11, 1996 BE A HERO. BE A TEACHER. Call 1-800-45-TEACH. Leisure Laundry &Tanning Centre 801 N. University Drive* 293-6900 Moti. - sat. 7:30 d.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. •40 Maytag Washers •26 Maytag Dryers •1 Extractor •7 Wolff Tanning Beds Dry Cleaning Available "The...

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Published: 1996
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Summary:12 OCTOBER 11, 1996 BE A HERO. BE A TEACHER. Call 1-800-45-TEACH. Leisure Laundry &Tanning Centre 801 N. University Drive* 293-6900 Moti. - sat. 7:30 d.m. to 10 p.m. Sunday 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. •40 Maytag Washers •26 Maytag Dryers •1 Extractor •7 Wolff Tanning Beds Dry Cleaning Available "The Area's Largest Full-Service Laundry Center and Getting Larger tn Rptfpr $pn/p Our TANNVNG SPECIALS1 10 Tanning Sessions.$20 1 month >» unlimited tanning $3995 ftwry * • » —otmi V M 4 #er 90 i t y i fcvna y«ur 1st vtett Not valid with other discounts. One coupon per customer per day. Expires October 31, 1996. Kevin Goodno > Married, wife Linda >Concordia College Graduate ^Former Moorhead City Council Member ^Homeowner & Lifelong Moorhead Resident •Minnesota State Representative Committee Assignments - Tax - Labor-Management - Commerce, Tourism and Consumer Affairs •Member, Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission •Board Member, Advantage Minnesota Working for Change STATE REPRESENTATIVE • MOORHEAD Paid for by the Elect Kevin Goodno Committee Box 478, Moorhead, MN 56561 1 12 2 A 14 16 5 22 6 20 7 ••8 I4 n •23 10 11 27 31 35 tt 28J• 36 24 26 |40 Plants from page 10 Household plants good for the soul and interior decorating lasting for up to six months, such as home a healthy specimen. may be damaged. Green scum on a "Schultz-Instant" Professional Wherever you finally go to pur- clay pot points to overfeeding and a Potting Soil Plus. chase a plant, inspect both the plant slimy pot indicates over-watering. Some experts on house plants and the pot it is in before you buy. No matter how much informa-would probably contend that you If you take home an unhealthy tion you soak up concerning the should only purchase your plants at plant you will be needlessly disap- proper care of house plants, experi-a reputable greenery. If you feel pointed. No insects should be on ence offers the best instruction, this is necessary, indulge your intu- your plant. Be sure your plant is a Once you get a little potting ilion. rich green color, the leaves are free soil under your fingernails and However, plenty of people of tears and holes and there is no watch the leaves unfold one by one, have successfully reared a healthy excessive discoloration. you won't be able to imagine life plant that made its way into their If possible, steal a look at the without dear Henrietta again (or carts at Target or the grocery store, bottom of the plant's pot. If roots Inez, or Esteban, or Rubs). Either way, you should look for a are growing through the drainage few things to ensure that you bring holes, pass it by because the roots Philodcndron from page 10 Hardy plant ideal for college students Philodendrons don't need much attention, but for the best results they should be misted daily with warm water, fed occa-sionally with fertilizer, watered liberally in the summer and less in the winter and kept in a humid, warm location. While these suggestions will yield the best results, experience has shown that these plants can grow just about anywhere: In a dry dormitory, in a brightly lit window sill or under the artificial lights of an office. Plant growers1 experience indicates that these plants are the Rambo of house plants: No matter how much you torture, neglect and mutilate them they keep com-ing back for more. Parlor Ivy will grow roots to start a new plant if you place the stem of a single leaf or vine in a jar of water. You can start a new plant with one stem or with many, depending on how long you are willing to wait for the plant to fill out. Transplanting is unnecessary as these plants flourish despite being crowded in their pots. Luckily for the college stu-dent, these plants survive long vacations without water, and require very little food as they naturally grow quickly. Philodendrons are tolerant of deep shade and polluted air, a quality that might be desirable if you are unfortunate enough to have a roommate A'ith poor hygiene habits. If your philodendron is exposed to excessive cold or heat or is otherwise neglected and seems to be dying, do not despair and send it to plant heaven. Even a plant that appears to be dead can often recover with a lit-tle tender loving care and time. The roots usually have some life left in them that can be coaxed back above ground. Other plants belonging to the Easy-to-Grow category include: Boston fern, Chinese evergreen, dieffenbachia, dracaenas, fiscus, grape ivy (cissus rhombifolia), kangaroo vine (cissus antarctica), maranta (prayer plants), neph-thytis (or syngonium), palms, pig-gyback (tolmiea), pothos, sanse-vieria, and spathiphyllum. 47 52 55 48 49 [53 156 50 51 54 S7 45 46 ACROSS 1. Winglike structure 4. Arabian prince 8. Note 12. Tattered cloth 13. Ice cream holder 14. Used in fishing (2 wds.) 15. HaU! 16. Part 18. Predictable 20. Aquatic plant (sing.) 21. Football score (abbr.) 22. Pigpen 23. High wind 27. Centimelengram-second (abbr.) 29. Araer. short-story writer 30. High male singing voice 31. College degree (abbr.) 32. Painting 33. Conflict 34. Equally 35. Servitude 37. Hearing organ 38. Toward (Naut.) 39. Hearty 40. Paper sack 41. Impersonal pronoun 42. Relative (abbr., pi.) 44. Mitten 47. Divider 51. None 52. Stars and stripes 53. Serum (PI.) 54. Answer (abbr.) 55. State 56. Cable car (Brit.) 57. Confederate general DOWN 1. Native of Arabia 2. Volcano ash 3. People with authority to act 4. Ecclesiastic (abbr.) 5. Cow noise 6. Prisoner 7. Answer 8. Person in charge 9. Direction (abbr.) 10. Males 11. Mel (ballplayer) 17. Officer of the Guard (abbr.) 19. Notice (slang) 22. Drunkard 24. Article 25. Bread 26. Formerly (Archaic) 27. Money 28. Festive occasion 29. Prior time (prefix) 30. Black street substance 32. Typical; usual 33. Swish back and forth 36. Southern state (abbr.) 37. End of Lent 38. Without tone 40. Explosion 41. Mid-west state (abbr.) 43. Erbrlum symbol 44. One-thousandth of a kilogram 45. Climbing plant 46. Or 47. Sergeant 1st Class (abbr.) 48. Whitney 49. Tap gently 50. Os (plural) Stonewilly's Pizza Normandy Tuesday Special 6" Personal Pan or Signature Sub 50% Off 11:00am to 5:00pm Coupon Exp: 10/15/96