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Page Four. THE CONCORDIAN Thursday, February 24, 1938, / Fjelstad Hall Women To Hold Open House For General Public Saturday, Sunday Phi lota Members, College Men To Be Guest Saturday Evening; House Council Will Receive Open house for the general public will be held by the women of Fjel-stad hall Sat...

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Published: 1938
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Summary:Page Four. THE CONCORDIAN Thursday, February 24, 1938, / Fjelstad Hall Women To Hold Open House For General Public Saturday, Sunday Phi lota Members, College Men To Be Guest Saturday Evening; House Council Will Receive Open house for the general public will be held by the women of Fjel-stad hall Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 5 p. m. and Sunday from 7 to 10 p. m. Members of the Phi Iota chapter of Mu Phi Epsilon, national honor music sorority, and men of the college will be guests Saturday from 9:30 to 11 p. m. "Although all furnishings are not complete,". Dean Frida Nilsen said, "we do not feel that we can delay open house any longer." Members of the Fjelstad hall house council will be in the receiving line. Assisting at the tea table will be Mrs. J. N. Brown, Mrs. J. H. HJelmstad, Mrs. H. C. Nordlie, Mrs. Alice Olsen, Misses Frida Nilsen, Clara Paulson, Ada Fedje and Ruth Foss. Misses Melitta Muedeking and Delo-res Kron will give marimba and piano selections Saturday evening. Appear-ing on the program Sunday evening will be Misses Dorothy Holman, Barba-ra Rosenquist, Melitta Muedeking and Meda Westberg. Miss Ada Fedje, house president, is general chairman for the open house. On the music committee are Misses Belinda Solomonson and Martha Am-dal. Misses Eunice Estrem, Stella My-rom and Vivian Aas will serve on the food committee. The schedule ar-rangements committee consists of Miss-es Ruth Foss, Julie Daehlin and Leanor Fraase. Guests will be conducted through the dormitory by guides who will follow a predetermined route which includes the lounges, pressing rooms, telephone booths and other rooms of the three floors and basement. LDR Members Hear Talks On Church Architecture At Wednesday Meeting Architectural structure of the Old Testament tabernacles, the catacombs and the basilica, were discussed at the Lutheran Daughters of the Reformation meeting Wednesday at 6:30 p. m. Miss Dorothy Holm discussd the ar-chitecture of the Old Testament taber-nacles and Miss Lily Gyldenvand, the basilica. Miss Carol Zank spoke on the catacombs. Musical numbers were a piano solo by Miss Ellen Anderson and a vocal solo by Miss Belinda Solomonson. De-votion was led by Miss Dorothy Huff-man and Miss Bern ice Peterson was the pianist. pOED WPERS BY THORDIS AAS The Washington dinner Tuesday turned out to be pretty much like atL the other quaker meetings on the cam-pus with only a few couples to break (he monotony. • « • Now that two telephone lines come into Fjelstad hall, we have two telephone numbers to remem-ber and a whole new set of buzzer signals to learn. We come to the conclusion that it's all very com-plicated, j • * * At the tea following the international debate Tuesday we note that the wo-men seemed to be quite fascinated by the British accent of the Canadian visi-tors. • „ • * And still we get lost. The other day a coed was surprised to find visitors when she walked into the room. So she removed her wraps, piled her packages on the desk and then realized that she was on first floor instead of in her own room on second. • * • Since Cobber coeds will have a chance to wear their formals two evenings this week-end, a fashion pa-rade will be an unofficial feature of open house at Fjelstad hall. But it will be quite a come down to go back to sweaters and skirts on Monday. To Speak On Mexico Fanro Forum Photo The Rev. Charles T. Brewster, who will give an illustrated lecture at In-ternational Relations club Friday at 6:30 p.m. Personals . . . Resident head of Fjelstad hall, Miss Clara Paulson, returned Tuesday after spending a week at her home in Bux-ton, N. D. Fjelstad Furnishing Fund Now Amounts To $9,042.15 A total of $9,042,15 has been received by the Women's league for the furnish-ing fund of Fjelstad hall. Of this sum $7,049.15 is in cash and $1,993 in pledges. The league has also purchased a Steinway grand piano for the north lounge of the new dormitory. On March 1 the league will sponsor a "Sm0rgaasbord" in the parlors of Trinity church in Moorhead to provide more funds for the furnishing of Fjel-stad hall Shirts - 15c "Fine Finishing for Fastidious Men" Quick Pickup Delivery Service Phone 1793 Best Hand Laundry 113 5th St. No., FARGO, N. D. Miss Carolyn Rem '37, Underwood, was a guest of Miss Helen Benson over the week-end. • • *• Guests of Miss Eleanor Pederson Friday were her sister, Miss T .illInn Pederson of Wahpeton, N. D., and Mr. and Mrs. Gerhardt Gunnarson of Veb-len, S. D. * * • Miss Beatrice Fedje '22, of Hoople, N. D., visited- with her sister, Miss Winifred Fedje, over the week-end. Both left for their home Tuesday. • • • The stitchery class was entertained Wednesday by the Misses Stella My-rom and Margaret Hesby. * * * On behalf of the board of directors, faculty and student body of Concor-dia college, Dr. J. N. Brown brought greetings at the dedication of the new Moorhead junior high school Tuesday evening. Moorhead Pastor To Give Illustrated Lecture On Mexico The Rev. Charles T. Brewster, pas-tor of the Moorhead Congregational church will give an illustrated lecture on Mexico at the meeting of the In-ternational Relations club Friday at 6:30 p.m. Showing motion pictures which he took on a two-week automobile trip to Mexico City last July, the Rev. Mr. Brewster will tell of his travel ex-periences. The movies will include scenic views of the trip, street scenes from Mexico City, the floating gardens, the pyra-mids and pictures of the various as-pects of rural communities and rural schools. He will also discuss the political and religious situation of the country. MUSIC CLUB WILL HOLD ELECTION OF OFFICERS AT MEETING MONDAY Election of officers will be held at the meeting of the Music club Monday at 6:45 p. m. Miss Lorraine Isakson will give a review of John Charles Thomas, bari-tone. Musical current events will be read by Miss Naomi Larson. Musical numbers on the program will consist of a cornet solo by Miss La Vaughn Skat-rud, a piano solo by Miss Beatrice Utne and a vocal solo by Miss Cajol McDonald. Waldo Lyden will play a baritone solo as the concluding number. TWO STUDENTS TO BE INSTALLED INTO ZETA SIGMA PI TONIGHT Miss Gladys Isaacson and Gilbert Scholin will be installed into Zeta Sigma Pi, national honorary social science fraternity when it meets at the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgess today at 7:30 pjn. Nu Sigma Rho, Delta Rho To Hold Second In Series Of Open House Events Sunday Second in the series of society open houses will be held Saturday, begin-ning at 11:30 a.m., by the Nu Sigma Rho and Delta Rho societies. Debates, group singing and skits will be In-cluded on other regular society pro-grams. "The Spirit of Nu Sigma Rho/' with its regular members and freshman wo-men as guest passengers, will take off Saturday at the Nu Sigma Rho open house meeting . Miss Frida Nilsen, society adviser, will act as pilot and Miss Agnes Elling-sen, honorary member, will be the co-pilot. The passengers will be enter-tained by talks, a vocal trio, vocal solos, piano duets and a short skit. The general arrangements commit-tee is composed of Misses Lillian Sy-verson, chairman, Dorothy Anderson and Sara Dorothy Nordic. Misses Frances Strong, chairman, and Cora Syltie have charge of the invitations. On the program committee are Misses Marjorie Teisberg, chairman, Inez Thorsen and Frances Steen. Re-freshments will be served by Misses Marion Ronsberg and Virginia Thor-sen. Misses Vivian Hager, chairman, Lucille Knutson and Alma Midthune have charge of decorations. The pro-grams will be made by Misses Helen Mickelson, chairman, Anna Modln, Ellen Eidum and Anna Rasmussen. At the Delta Rho open house Ed-ward Anderson, Arthur Bra the and Torval Torvik will play trumpet numbers, Norris Nereson will play a basson solo and Carstcn Fosmark and Unite Brodin. will sing solos. A dis-cussion on "Merry Moments" will be given by Prof. A. M. Sattre, society ad-viser. Arnold Matthees will give Del-ta Rho highlights. Gunnar Kjol and Unite Brodin will edit the Chanticleer. In conclusion Clifton Thompson will lead the group in "barber shop" har-mony. A vocal trio, composed of Misses Belinda Solmonson, Louise Horton and Sylvia Reinertson will sing at the Alpha Kappa Chi meeting. Miss Lorraine Isak-sc( n will give a review on spring fashions. A piano solo will be played by Miss Helen Robertson. Miss Thordis Aas will speak about Fertile, and Miss Louise Horton will give a reading. The Havagrin will be read by Misses Avis Hermanson and Julie Daehlin. The newly elected officers, who will take over their duties at this meeting, are Misses Martha Thorpe, president; Miss Hermoine Hagen, vice-president; Miss Marguerite Hansen, secretary, and Miss Leanor Fraase, treasurer. R. B. NEWTON, O. D. O P T O M E T R I S T G07 1st Ave. No. Phone 626 FARGO, N. D. To The Students of Concorclia . . . May we express our thanks for your kind patronage and may we say it is our desire to serve you to the best of our ability at all times. Make the Alamo your meeting place as well as eating place, and feel assured you are always welcome. Alamo Cafe College Printing. For Fine Printing for College Societies come and see us . . . Newest type faces and up-to-date Lay-outs. Will be pleased to show you sample* and quote you prices. • • Ulsaker Printing Co., Phone 791 315 Broadway, FARGO Send Flowers for every Occasion. Just Telephone 762 BRIGGS FLORAL CO. MOORHEAD, MINN. The Student's Choice. • Fairmont's Better Pood Products We Cater to Banquets and School Parties — Punch and Frapp© — Free Pouch Bowls and Cups with Every Order A debate, with Willmar Thorkelson, Sidney Rand, Erling Hallanger and Lylo Lee participating, will be held at the Mondamin meeting. Martin Eidbo will sing. Editing the Husker will be Richard Burges and Norris Hcder. * • * Miss Hazel Danielson is director of a skit to be presented at the Alpha Zeta Phi meeting. Miss Esther Wik will sing and Miss Mirth Lutnes will play a piano solo. Hie Zetagin will be writ-ten by Misses Margaret Hesby and Helen Benson. • • • At the regular meeting of the Athe-nian society Abner Wollan will speak and John Rode will play a violin solo. The program will be concluded with group singing led by Vern Hagen. • • t Dennis Anderson will speak on the "Good of Society" at the Alpha Epsi-lon Sigma meeting. A saxophone solo by Orville Berg and poetry by Einar Johnson are also included on the pro-gram. Carl Grimsrud will tell a story and will assist Philmore Dahlberg in edit-ing the Caviar. Hopeman, Johnshoy Will Head Staff Of Third Cobber Classic Miss Jean Hopeman and Howard Johnshoy have been named co-editors for the third issue of the Cobber Clas-sic, Concordia literary magazine, which is being written by the Lamba Delta Sigma and Alpha Epsilon Sigma liter-ary societies. Other staff members appointed were Miss Marilynn Knudsen and Loyal Netteland,( associate editors; Miss Ruth Rosvold and Philip Anderson, art edi-tors, and George Braseth, business manager. This Issue will go on sale March 15. %Z,ri. . • : Special Purchase Sale - SUITS. rf wim YOUR THUMBI Press top of pen-cil. a new point —a new lead. New Eversharp Repeating Pencil feeds continu-ously. Six models. *2 H *I Office Specialties Co., Inc. Across from Black Bldg. 115 Broadway. FARGO, N.D. Ask Your Dealer for Midnight Sun Brand and Bergseth Pride Fish Products Bergseth Fish Co. DISTRIBUTORS Fargo, North Dakota Beatrice Utne Will Present Second Graduate Piano Recital Of Year Saturday At 7:30 P.M. Miss Beatrice Utne, a pupil of Mifl Clara Duea, will be presented In a graduate piano recital In the college auditorium Saturday at 7:30 p.m. In her first group she will play "Bourree" by Bach and "Aus Holberg1* Zeit" by Grieg. "Concert Impromptu" by Adams, "Nocturne in F Sharp Major" by Cho-pin, "Caprice Viennots" by Kreisler and "Polichinelle" by Rachmaninoff com-prise the second group. The concluding number will be "Fourth Concerto in C Minor" by Saint-Sanes. Misses Ruth Rosvold and Gladys Borstad' will be ushers. Miss Esther Fossum who was to have given her recital Saturday is ill with scarlet fever.