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Page Four. THE CONCORDIAN October 21, 1937. Alumni To Be Honor Guests At Societies' Homecoming Breakfast Reunions Oct. 3O Sigmas To Entertain At Final Open House Program Saturday Lambda Delta Sigma and Alpha Ep-silon Sigma societies will entertain un-pledged upperclassmen Saturday at the last o...

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Published: 1937
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Summary:Page Four. THE CONCORDIAN October 21, 1937. Alumni To Be Honor Guests At Societies' Homecoming Breakfast Reunions Oct. 3O Sigmas To Entertain At Final Open House Program Saturday Lambda Delta Sigma and Alpha Ep-silon Sigma societies will entertain un-pledged upperclassmen Saturday at the last open house program preceding pledging Oct. 26. LDS will feature a musical program. Piano numbers will include a solo by Miss Delorcs Kron and a duet by Mis-ses Dorothy Nelson and Delight Stock-ton. Miss Elvira Olson will direct a hu-morous skit. The LDS trio consist-ing of Misses Affie Highland, Mildred Nelson and Gladys Borstad will sing and Miss Melitta Muedeking will play a marimba solo. The Sigmite will be written by Mis-ses Gladys Isaacson and Annabel Ahl-berg. Tap skits will be presented by Misses Ida Ah 1 berg, Ruth Rosvold and Phyllis Stuvland. Howard Nelson '36, WDAY announ-cer, will be guest speaker at the AES meeting. After Loyal Netteland's wel-come, Ernest Lasseson will lead a sing accompanied by Orville Onstad at the piano and Milton Iverson on the guitar. Musical numbers will include a trombone solo by Merton Pederson, a vocal solo by Obert Salveson, a piano solo by Orville Onstad and a saxa-phonc trio by Paul Thorson, Walton Myhrum and Sidney Lee. The Caviar is being prepared by Vernon Hukee and Dennis Anderso. Introducing die conservatory to mem-bers of the Alpha Zeta Phi Saturday will be Miss Ruth Foss as impersonator with her band of conservatives. Miss Alice Berge will give a talk and Miss Hazel Danielson a reading. A piano solo will be played by Miss Mirth Lut-nes. The Zetagin, echoes from the conservatory, will be written by Misses Marion Moen and Dorothy Vaswig. Musical numbers will be furnished by John Rode and Carlyle Holte at the Athenian meeting Saturday, Leon-ard Hegland will give a speech and Freeman Holmer and Verner Hanson will present a skit. The Observer will be given by Selmer Knutson and Ern-est Peterson. "Greater Concordia" will be the theme for the Mondamin program on Saturday. John Allison will speak on "Fjelstad Hall," the first step toward greater Concordia." James Olson will further develop the topic speaking on "Mondamin's contributions toward greater Concordia." Music will include society songs by the group and a vocal number by Olav Eidbo* The Husker is being prepared by Lyle Lee and Martin Eidbo. The Atlantic Monthly magazine will be the topic of a round table discussion at the Nu Sigma Rho society program Saturday. Misses Erna Akre and Agnes Torvik will sing a duet Editing the Nu Spec-trum Rays will be Misses Ellen Eidum and Ida Marie Madsen. "Savings & Loan" "Where The Chimes Are" FARGO, N. DAK. Money Loaned On Homes Interest Paid On Sayings Eight Brother-Sister Groups Name Committees To Arrange Affairs In Local Cafes Old society bonds will be united when alumni members will be honor guests at homecoming breakfasts to be held at 7:30 a.m., Oct. 30, in Moorhead- Fargo cafes. At the College club cafe in Moorhcad Lambda Delta Sigma's arrangements will be taken care of by Misses Beatrice Ume, Dorothy Nelson, Gladys Borstad and Eunice Simmons. Their Alpha Epsi-lon Sigma brothers will meet at the Golden Maid cafe in Fargo. Dennis Anderson, Robert Nick and Walton Mhyrum compose their committee. Alpha Kappa Chi will breakfast at the Comstock hotel, Moorhead, with the program in charge of Misses Alpha Huso, Lorraine Isakson and Vivian Johnson. Misses Ada Fedje and Avis Hermanson complete the arrangements committee. Mondamin will entertain their alumni at the Teacup Inn cafe, Fargo. Curtis Strand is making ar-rangements. Misses Helen Benson and Cora Walen are arranging for the Alpha Zeta Phi event at the Comstock hotel. Decora-tions for the Athenian breakfast in the Comstock hotel, Moorhead, will be ar-ranged by Lloyd Ogren and Leonard Hegland. The general committee is composed of Carlyle Holte, Gilbert Scholin and Loren Spaulding. Nu Sigma Rho alumni will be enter-tained at the Graver hotel, Fargo. Misses Lila Jones, Gertrude Jones and Francis Steen comprise the committee. Delta Rhoers, under direction of Arnold Matthees, Maynard Silseth and Joel Njus will meet at the Bluebird cafe, Fargo. Sock and Buskin Admits 40 Members After Tryout As a result of tryouts held recently 40 members have been admitted into Sock and Buskin dramatic club includ-ing 24 freshmen, seven sophomores, five juniors and four seniors. Freshmen admitted were Joy Bloom-quist, Lorraine Osen, Marguerite Eich-ler, Martha Flaten, Evelyn and Mar-celle Reitan, Mae Bellemd, Irene Quanbeck, Orvin BUstad, Mercedes Mickelson, Dorothea Dosland, Jessie Dedrickson, Adella Ahlness, Marjorie Evenson, Dorothy Waag, Margaret Gustafsbn, Elizabeth Dahlen, Helen Rohlffs, Eleanor Peterson, Judith Njaa, Beatrice Erickson, Alice Egeland, Ei-ther Hanson and Clifford Gronberg. Sophomores include Carl Sanderson, Margaret Elton, Charlotte Bareness, Evelyn Bettger, Alvin Selid, Julie Daehlin and John Holsen. The five juniors include Thordis Aas, Naomi Larson, Dorothy Anderson, Margaret Hesby and Melitta Muedek-ing. Seniors admitted were Gladys Isaacson, Helen Benson, Ruth White and Marion Ronsberg. Music Club Hears Anderson Speak On Galli Curci Monday At Music club Monday Miss Val-borg Berge played a piano solo and Orvis Hanson a flute solo. Miss Louise Horton sang a solo and Miss Ellen An-derson spoke on Galli CurcL From here, there and everywhere. Features that appeal to one and all. IN The Fargo Forum Published MORNING - EVENING - SUNDAY National President Of- Music Sorority Visits Local Chapter MRS. BERTHA KING Mrs. Bertha Marron King of Minne-apolis, national president of Mu Phi Epsilon, inspected the local Phi Iota chapter of the national music sorority yesterday. Mrs. King gave an address at the program last night. Rolf Logan, violin instructor at the Concordia conserva-tory, played a solo and Miss Sybil Dahl sang a solo. Other Concordia musici-ans appearing were Misses Clara Duea and Esther Fossum, pianists. In the afternoon the sorority held model initiation services after the busi-ness meeting. A banquet was served in the First Methodist church, Fargo, where the meetings were held. Miss Clara Duea was in charge of the pro-gram and Mrs. W. S. Shaw, chapter president, in charge of the business ses-sion arrangements. Selid To Continue Book Review Project At Sock, Buskin Continuing the semester book re-view project, Alvin Selid will present a resume of chapter one at the Sock and Buskin club Monday evening. Other numbers on the program will be a piano duet by Misses Thelma Hefty and Esther Fossum, a reading by Miss Marian Ronsberg and a vocal solo by Harold Brown. Helen Mickelson To Speak On Norse Songs; Games Introducing the semester's theme, "Norwegian Songs and Games," Helen Mickelson will speak at Norse club this evening. Prof. J. A. Holvik will direct group singing and Ruth Boyum will speak on "Current Events in Nor-way." A Norse duet will be sung by Olav Torvik and Glendora Garvik. Alf Stousland will give a humorous Norse reading and Martin Eidbo will play a trumpet solo. Personals ~ Concordia Socially Speaking The Faculty club will hold a dinner meeting Oct. 25 at 6:30 pjn. The pro-gram will be given by the new faculty members. Miss Edith Skaugc, college nurse, spoke to the ladies of North hall at 10 o'clock devotion Monday evening. After her talk an open discussion was held on physical health. This meet-ing marked the beginning of a series of special devotions to be held the first and third weeks of each month. Coeds who attended the Concordla- Hamline game in St. Paul Saturday were Misses Adelheid Haugen, Shir-ley Haight, Dolores Kron, Erna Akre, Delight Stockton, Grace Wik, Melinor Myhra, Doris Quammen and Evelyn Bettger. Miss Josephine Bjornson spent the week-end at her home at Twin Valley. Miss Clara J. Paulson, resident head of Ladies hall, spent Sunday at her home in Buxton, N. D. Miss Josephine Bjornson, speaking on the art of the Eskimo of St Lawrence Island, Alaska, addressed the Fine Arts club in Fargo Tuesday afternoon. Misses Agnes Ellingsen, Josephine Bjornson and Florence Kruger were entertained Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Espelie. Miss Frida Nilsen, dean of women, will speak at a missionary service at Hitterdal Sunday. All new faculty members were en-tertained Oct. 14 at the home of Dr. and Mrs. T. O. Burgess. Wayne Wallin is a patient in St. Luke's hospital, Fargo, where he un-derwent an operation for appendicitis Tuesday. The advanced foods class inspected the Armour Packing plant in West Fargo Wednesday. Miss Lillian Chow, Chinese student at the NDAC, visited with Miss Nilsen Saturday. St. Olaf, Augustana, Luther MEA Delegates To Be Guests At Alumni Banquet Tonight Alumni of St. Olaf, Augustana and Luther colleges attending the Minne-sota Educational association conven-tion will be guests of the Concordia Alumni association at a 5:30 banquet in the Trinity Lutheran church par-lors, Moorhead, tonight. Included on the program will be col-lege songs and talks by representatives from each alumni group. These talks will be given by George Fevig, Moor-head, representing St. Olaf; Eugene Stime, student pastor at Trinity church, representing Augustana; Ernes' Espelie, Concordia college librarian, representing Luther; and Supt. Kalmer Ostby of Twin Valley '25, Concordia. Group singing win conclude the pro-gram. "About 100 guests are expected," stated Miss Gilma Rugland, Fargo '27, who has made arrangements for the event. Miss Rugland will be toast-master. Serving Christ As A Nurse Discussed By Garvik At LDR "How Can I Serve Christ As a Nurse," was the subject discussed by Miss Glendora Garvik at the regular meeting of the Lutheran Daughters of the Reformation last evening. Irene Rosengren gave the biography of Martha Kulberg, A vocal trio, com-posed of Helen Bondy, Gladys Borstad and Valborg Berge, presented a musi-cal number. Judith Njaa led devo-tion. Alarm Clocks Phone 4154 FARGO, N. D. Three Additional Committees Appointed For Carnival Nov. 6 With plans progressing for the car-nival to be sponsored Nov. 6 by women of the college, three additional com-mittees have been appointed. Miss Phyllis Crosby is chairman of the publicity committee, assisted by the Misses Ellen Anderson, Hazel Danielson and Ruth Foss. The foods committee consists of Miss Minerva Jen son, chairman, Misses Margaret Hesby, Hermoine Hagen, Stella My-rom and Lorraine Isakson. The cleanup committee is in charge of Miss Doris Larson, chairman, Missed Edna Hanson, Louraine Lageson, Hazel Ask, Jeanette Johnson and Jean Pit-sen barge r. Alpha Phi Gamma Installs 15 Pledges Into Membership At formal installation services Mon-day evening, 15 pledges were admitted to membership in the Alpha Eta chap-ter of Alpha Phi Gamma. Miss Evelyn Thompson, chapter presidents, was in charge of the initia-tion. Misses Hazel Danielson, Lucile Oehlke '37, and Josephine Bjornson, adviser, assisted. At the reception after the service, Miss Bjornson poured. "The Store of Friendly Personal oervtce