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Page Four. THE CONCORDIAN September 23, 1937. Societies To Go On Schedule With Joint Project Program A glance at society programs Satur-day finds new officers in charge and the usual variety of programs to be given as each 11:30 ajn. end-of-the-vreck period comes around. "Zippy Zetas," a t...

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Summary:Page Four. THE CONCORDIAN September 23, 1937. Societies To Go On Schedule With Joint Project Program A glance at society programs Satur-day finds new officers in charge and the usual variety of programs to be given as each 11:30 ajn. end-of-the-vreck period comes around. "Zippy Zetas," a talk by Hazel Dan-ielson will be given at the first Alpha Zeta Phi program with Thelma, Hefty presiding. Agnes Herseth will play her version of a trombone smear; Eli-nor Landgrebc will tinkle piano keys and Ruth Foss will give a humorous reading. Officiating with the president will be Sylvia Syvertson, Irene Rcsengren, Hazel Daniclson, Agnes Herseth and Mirth Lutnes. Hazel DajiieUon will be Intersociety council member. AKX Fete M Club With Mondamins as their guests, Alpha Kappa Chi will entertain at a joint meeting Saturday. Slated for the zero hour is a baritone horn solo by Martha Amdal and songs by Sylvia Reinertsen. Elvira Strand will read, while summer coincidences will be re-viewed in Carol Zank's edition of the Havagrin. Revolutionizing the executive set-up for elections, Kappo Chis voted Eve-lyn Thompson, president, Minerva Jenson, Anna Walla, Ada Fedje and Lois Wen berg to serve a semester period. Dorothy Holm was re-elected to the Intersociety council Saturday. Rhos Initiate, To Meet To initiate the Nu Sigma Rho sem-ester project, "acquaintance with bet-ter magazines," Marjorie Teisberg will speak Saturday. Building up the topic introduction are Eunice Carson, reader, a triad of songsters, Edna Hehn, Ellen Anderson and Lila Jones and Lucille Larson, pianist. Agnes Torvik was chosen Intersoci-ety council member at the general so-ciety election Saturday when Edna Hehn was made president. Other executives are Helen Rucslnk, Ger-trude Jones, Ellen Anderson and Vir-ginia Thoresen. Meeting for the first time this year, Delta Rho will feature an election. Three Men's Groups Meet Despite reduced ranks caused by the band journey to Winnipeg, tho Atheni-ans, Mondamins and Alpha EpsUon Sigma groups met. The one-initial so-cieties elected officers. Leading the Mondamins were Curtis ON YOUR TOES You will find HUB Clothes stand the "grind" of every day Strand, president, Allwin Monson, Willmar Thorkclson and Arnold Jor-genson. For the Athenians, Ernest Pederson topped the executive com-mittee with Vcrner Hanson, Engcbrct Midboe and John Thvedt assisting. Programming the scholars will be Lloyd Ogrcn and Freeman Holmer. Fngvald Thvedt will be the Intersociety representatve. AES men heard alumni members, John Hcdelund and John Carlson, both '37, at their first meeting. Election was postponed. Bcttger "Goes West" Rehearsing experiences from the west coast, Evelyn Bettger will relate her six-weeks trip this summer. Carol McDonald will sing and Beatrice Utne will solo on the ivories. Concluding the setto will be dramatic versions by Mildred Swanson. According to polling results Doro-thy Erickson, president, M e 1 i 11 a Muedeking, Valborg Berge and Carol McDonald will form the governing committee for Lambda Delta Sigma. God's Love a Challenge, Adviser Tells LDR Miss Martha Brennun, adviser, spoke on the "History and Purpose of tho Lutheran Daughters of the Refcr-mation," at their meeting Wednesday evening. "The fact that God loves us should send us out in the world to love," Miss Brennun said. Ellen Anderson and Edna Hehn sang a vocal duet and Martha Amdal played a horn solo. Margaret Hesby led in devotion. BJORNSON TO SPEAK AT PRESS CLUB Miss Josephine Bjornson, speaking about her work in journalism at the summer session of the University of Washington, will address the first meeting of the Press club tomorrow evening. Following the program Alf Stavig, president, will preside at the business meeting. Guaranteed Values PALACE Suits and Overcoats Lead the Style Parade this Fall. See the Greatest Assortment of smartL snappy Clothes in the Northwest. Panama Instructor Enroute To Study S. E. Esscr '25, who for several years has been assistant high school and jun-ior college principal at Balboa, Canal Zone, visited the campus Sept. 17 en-route to Leland Stanford university, Palo Alto, Calif., where he will take a year of graduate study under a leave of absence. He will study toward a doctor's degroe, doing his major work in edu-cational administration and English, Esser was president of the local branch d the Canal Zone division of the American Federation of Teachers. Before leaving the states, Esser taught at Kindred, N. D. Alpha Psi Omega Plans Year's Work Alpha Psi Omega, honorary dramatic fraternity, met yesterday to outline a schedule of activities for the year. It was decided that meetings will be held every three weeks when vari-ous phases of dramatic work will be discussed. These studies will be of staging, costuming, make-up and other essentials. Mrs. Norma Gooden Ostby, adviser, will serve the annual Alpha Psi din-ner at her home next Thursday. At the organization meoting of the Music club Monday evening, Martha Amdal was elected president. Lorraine Isakson was named vice-president and Gladys Borstad, secre-tary- treasurer. Doris Quammen played a piano solo. Gladys Borstad, retiring president, presided — Concordia Socially Speaking Using her experience while a teacher on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, as a subject, Miss Josephine Bjornson spoke at a meeting of the Presbyterian Missionary society Wednesday after-noon. • • • Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Espelie, accom-panied by Dean Frida Nilsen and Miss Clara Rugland, spent the weekend with friends in Winnipeg, Canada. • • • Ingeborg Pederecn '28, visited in Ladies hall last week. • • • Miss Alice Lindquist, who teaches at Fosston, visited her sister, Adella, on Sunday. • • * Judith Njaa ajid LaVaughn Skatrud spent Sunday at Miss Njaa's home in Northwood, N. D. They accompanied Dr. J. N. Brown, who made an address there. • _. • • Enroute to the Wahpeton Science school, Miss Lillian Pedersen, Almont, N. D., spent Friday and Saturday with her sister, Eleanor, jtt North hall. • • • Alvina Bekkerus spent the weekend at her home near Glyndon. • * * As dinner guests of their big sisters, 12 freshman coeds were entertained Friday at the Tea Cup Inn, Fargo. After the dinner, an informal "sing" provided the program. • • * Miss Eileen Becklund ex '40, visited with friends on the campus last week-end. Miss Becklund was enroute to the University of Minnesota where she will study a nurses' training course. But It's True C. Nordlie and Dean Frida Nilsen spoke at Concordia day held by the Twin Valley circuit of the Women's Missionary federation at Sundal church near Fertile Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. Brown spoke at the morning session and Mrs. Nordlie and Miss Nilsen in the afternoon. Mrs. Nordlie is Northern Minnesota district president of the W. M. F. Homecoming plans will be discussed by the Fargo-Moorhead Alumni club at the annual picnic to be held tonight in the Fargo Tourist park. In charge of the picnic are Konrad Loe '19, Omar Magelssen '36, Clara Rugland '27, Lucile Oehlke '37, and Mrs. Elton Strand '31. The Bookstore '42 Request Loans Of Women's League That 42 upperciassmen have applied for student loans was reported to the Women's league Monday evening. These loans and a fund for furnish-ings for parlors of Fj elds tad hall con-stitute the league's projects for this year. Directing ways and means of raising money will be a committee consisting of Mrs. A. O. Wigdahl, chairman, MnC Norman Nordstrand, Mrs. Ernest M. Espclie, Mrs.'Joseph Rognstad and Mrs. Paul Christiansen. The Monday meeting was held at the G. L. Schoberg home. Hostesses were Mrs. Schoberg, Mrs. Edgar Olscn, Mrs. T. O. BUrgess, Miss Mae Ander-son and Miss Josephine Bjornson. The DeLuxe Barber Shop is known to instructors and College students for its neatness and high standard of workmanship. Enjoy the latest magazines and get the sport dope here.