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Hanson Clothing Co. The Home of Hart Schaffner and Marx CLOTHES M. O. Packard Shoes Stetson and Portis Hats Wilson Bros, and Eagle Shirts Van Heusen Collars The Way of Smiles. Too Bad "Lips that touch a clgaroot, Shall never rest beneath my snoot!" But now the saying's on the shelf, S...

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Published: 1922
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Summary:Hanson Clothing Co. The Home of Hart Schaffner and Marx CLOTHES M. O. Packard Shoes Stetson and Portis Hats Wilson Bros, and Eagle Shirts Van Heusen Collars The Way of Smiles. Too Bad "Lips that touch a clgaroot, Shall never rest beneath my snoot!" But now the saying's on the shelf, She even uses pills herself, And it looks as if the habits come to stay, English teacher: Mr. Bue, explain to us John Smith's grammar. Mr. B: Smith's grammar ain't much good. Science tells us that Minnesota has 270 days of sunshine a year, and 365 of moonshine. To short Senior: Now that you are a senior you will have to grow a lit-tle. Senior; How can you expect^it! With all the weight that I have in my head now it is lucky if I don't grow smaller. • "Why are all specimens of cow's hearts here In the laboratory so largo? "Only a big-hearted cow will sacri-fice it's life for UB." The Science of it. Hooks—Why do the leaves turn red in the fall? Raz—H'm they blush to think of what greenness they showed in the spring. Another: B—Will you go down to the book-store and get a Moody and Lovett? Bernice—Well I'll go down and get la Moody but 1 won't Lovett," (Love it) Madame—May I go stepping tonight? Yes—My dear girl do Meet your guy at the country store You needn't be in before two. History- Say what's that terrible racket I hear in the hall? Homme—Oh that's Laura chewing the gum I gave her last week. Briggs Floral Co. PHONE 762 "Say it with Flowers" MOORHEAD, MINN. LOCALS Miss Amundson returned from Min-neapolis Wednesday of last week. Miss Emma Rusten has returned to I school to continue her academy work. , She was a student here last year. B. P. MACKALL Incorporated ' Druggists Toilet Articles, Perfumery, Books Stationery and School Supplies 510 Front St. Moorhead, Minn Mr. Olaf Tollefson (Academy '13) spent the first part of the Week here j visiting with Mr. Lavik. i v Bennie Steen who is teaching at Clifford, N. D. spent Sunday at Con-i cordia. j Rev. Hauge of Hawley came up for I the St. Olaf-Concordia game. PHONE 2371-J The Concordia College Womans* League is very glad to report an in-crease of $15-1.00 since the last issue of the Concordian. This brings the to-tal fund to $783.20. Every member of the league wishes to express its sincerest appreciation to the following contributors: Young Peoples' Society, Finley__$25.00 Carrie Braaten, Fargo 10.00 Rev. h. A. Mason, Garretson__ 10.00 Bergseth Fish Co., Fargo 10.00 Fargo Food Products Co., Fargo 15.00 S. H. Halstad, Minneapolis 10.00 Mrs. P.,Malvey, City . 1.00 Mrs. M. L Weum, City 10.00 Mr. Harold Hoyne, Mpls. 10.00 Mrs. Eliza Olsness, City 2.00 Miss Edith Quist, Forest City, Iowa 3.00 The Misses Lobben, Fargo 5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Warttman, City 10.00 Clarence Evenson, City 10.00 Dr. Paul Clarke, City 6.00 Miss ClariBBa Nelson, CIty._ 10.00 Mrs. P, E. Hanson, City 2.00 Mrs. J. B. Jacobson, Fargo 1.00 Otis T. Wentzell, city 6.00 The writer wishes to make a correc-tion on the last issue of the Concor-dian; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Melberg pled-ged $25.00 to the fund and not $20.00. | Miss Ruby Olson spent the week end [with Miss Ragnhlld Hauge at her home j in Hawley. | Miss Helen and Mr. Howard Lerum j | of Buxton, N. D. spent the first part j I of the week with Laura Olson. Miss Agnes Skartvedt sang in Glyn-don Friday evening. Mr. John Larson sang at Trinity Church Wednesday evening. Otto Knutson returned recently to take up his studies after having at-tended his brother's funeral. DEBATERS BUSY WITH FINAL PREPARATIONS FOR CONTESTS. Our four debating teams have been working very hard and are now get-ting their speeches into final form, tor the be held on March 3 and March 15. Two changes in the teams have been made as Miss Haatvedt has left school and Mr. | Stenson will not be able to i>artici-| pate. Edgar Urn ess has been sub-stituted for Mr. Stenson on the Ne-gative and Olaf Homme for Miss Haa-tvedt on the Affirmative. Anna Ohm an has been substituted HOW ABOUT THAT GRADUATION SUIT? Our Spring and Summer "Line is here ready for your inspections. We give a special discount to students of 5% 41 Remember the early bird catches the worms.*' MEL EVANSON 401 Front St. Moorhead, Minn. IT '.W-r fe'&^&fr'vX/ UV.^^ir^^/i^.ViiL^':' 'l'f&t*L