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Page 4 THE v Friday, March 15, 1935 Eight Societies Admit Students To Membership Freshmen Make Applications To Literary Organizations March 5 New members have been admitted to the eight literary societies on the cam-pus during the past week. Applications were made March 5, and notification of accept...

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Published: 1935
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Summary:Page 4 THE v Friday, March 15, 1935 Eight Societies Admit Students To Membership Freshmen Make Applications To Literary Organizations March 5 New members have been admitted to the eight literary societies on the cam-pus during the past week. Applications were made March 5, and notification of acceptance is being conducted this week. The new members in each so-ciety are: Delta Rho: Donald Baccus-. Fargo; Uoyd Wattne, Twin Valley; Arthur Ernst, Hankinson, N. D.; Clarence Kjorlien, Devils Lake, N. D.; Myron Hoff, Douglas, N. D.; Harold Mestad, Mohall, N. D.; Arnold Matthees. Good-hue; Palmer Tang, Cooperstown, N. D.; Lawrence Lindgren, Cooperstown, N. D.; Peer Helblad, Saum; Harvey Jen-sen, Winger; Otto Lutness, Enderlin, N. D.; Martin Husby, Akeley; Victor Hehn, Leith, N. D.; Morris Swedlund, Williston. N. D.; Earl Mannes, Dazey, N. D. Eight Join Mondamin Mondamin: Fredrick Miller, Barnes-ville; Sidney Rand, Rothsay; Richard Burgess, Edgeley, N. D.; Harold Brown. Moorhead; George Ericson, Baglcy; Curtis Strand, Edmore, N. D.; Arnold Jorgenson, Velva, N. D.; Jack Davis, Akeley. Athenian: Freenuin Holmer, Fargo, N. D-; Philip Lysne. Pekin, N. D.; Vern Hagen, Oakes, N. D.; Verner Hanson, Ulen; Carlyle Hoi to, Upham, N. D.; Kenneth Somingson, Halstad. Alpha Kappa Chi: Avis Arhart, Thief River Falls; Ardis Bilstad, Fargo. N. D.; Glendora Garvik, Crookston; Dorothy Holm, DUworth; Minerva Jen- • son, Jamestown, N. D.; Jeanne Le- Clairc, Flaxton, N. D.; Mae Reicrsgord, Ulen; Helen Robertson, Trotters, N. D.; Clarice Smestad. Bainsville, Mont.; Martha Thorpe. Sanish, N. D.; Evelyn Thompson. Beach, N.D. Alpha Zets Accept 23 Alpha Zeta Phi: Jeanette Anderson, Moorhead; Grace Rostad, Crosby, N. D.; Eva Felde, Barnesville; Marjorie Heltnc. Lake jVlills, Iowa; Valborg Lut-ness Enderlin, N. D.; Agnes Herseth, Bertha; Esther Fossum Minne- ! apolis; Gladys Johnshoy, Moorhead; LuVerne Steinolfson, Moorhead; Cleo Taylor, Frazer, Mont.; Stella Lee, Verendrye, N. D.; Eva Gilbertson, Mad-dock, N. D.; Ruth Foss, Christine, N. D.; Alice Rondestvedt, Dawson; Syl-via Syvertson, Fargo; Alice Berge, Rawson, N. D.; Borghild Larson, Black-duck; Agnes Fischer, Washburn. N. D.; Hazel Danielson, Twin Valley; Alina Nordtune. Walker. Nu Sigma Rho: Alma Janke, Gran-ville, N. D.; Edna Hehn, Leith. N. D.; Lila Jones, Tioga, N. D.; Agnes Torvik, Moorhead; Lucille Berg, Horace, N. D.; Helen Jensen, Fisher; Marian Rons-berg, Oakes, N. D.; Gladys Dokken, Esmond, N. D. 12 Received by L. D. S. Lambda Delta Sigma: Shirley Haight, Audubon; Stella Myrom, Thief River Falls; Lois Aanestad. Esmond, N. D.; Frances Hexom, Flaxville. Mont.jMeli-nor Myhra, Fargo; Grace Wik, Fargo; Irene Satrom, Page, N. D.; Dorothy Nelson, Devils Lake. N. D.; Mildred Swanson, Crookston; Marjorie Peter-son, Moorhead; Dorothy Erickson, Moorhead; Hazel Bjerkness, Gonvick. Alpha Epsilon Sigma: Dennis An-derson, Gascoyne, N. D.; Orville Berg. Hooplc, N. D.; Melford Bruer, Alberta; Mike Chupich, Ironton; John Butorac, Ironton; Gordon Engen, Bismarck. N. D.; Glenn Enger, Ada; Otto Gilbert-son, Crosby, N. D.; Carl Grimsrud. Hitterdal; Henry Held, Minneapolis; Kenneth Hillier, Hoople. N. D.; Manley Johnson, Henning; Robert Jorgenson, Blackduck; Sidney Lee, Crookston; Walton Myhrum, Thief River Falls; Reuben Onstad, Ada; Herman Peder-son, Ada; Arnold Schneider, Bismarck, N. D.; Lawrence Schneider, Bismarck, N. D.; Harold Thornby. Moorhead; and Archie Turnquist, Tunbridge, N. D. Literary Society News Daehlin Talks At A. E. S. Meeting The Alpha Epsilon Sigma program opened Saturday with a talk by Rolf Daehlin. Merlin Rostad played a piano solo, Melvin Wedwick gave a talk, sev-eral songs were sung by the society, and Trygve Runsvold gave an im-promptu. Omar Magelssen and Merrill Pederson presented the Caviar and Julian Johnson acted as critic. Delta Rhocrs Hear Debate "Who is more important, Christopher Columbus, who discovered America, or George Washington, who defended it?" was debated by Carroll Liane and Ed-monde Evanson, at the Delta Rho pro-gram Saturday. Other numbers were a duet by Magne and Peter Syvrud, Chanticleer by Lowell Stennes and Kenneth Ingebrigtson, and critic, Je-rome Skeim. Smith Speaks At Mondamin Meeting "Our Viking Forefathers" was the subject discussed by Burton Smith at the meeting of the Mondamin literary society Saturday. Hobart Skilbred played a piano solo and Harvey Gun-derson read the Husker. After a short business meeting the program closed with group singing. Athenians Install Dahlc as President Rudolph Dahle was installed as pre-sident of the Athenian literary society at the regular meeting Saturday. Other officers taking office at this meeting were Ludolf Gjerde as vice president and Carl Holm as secretary. Lowell Holto and Hans Nelson have been ap-pointed new members on the program committee. Following the installation a program consising of a talk on snakes by Jacob Jerstad and the read-ing of the Observer by Norval Hegland was presented. Charles Burseth acted ns critic. Simmons Sings At Lambda Delta Meeting At the meeting of the Lambda Delta Sigma society Saturday Oresta Paulson gave a reading, Doris Simmons sang a solo, Clarice and Thora Moen played a piano duet, and Margaret Berge re-viewed Edna Ferber's latest novel "Come and Get It." Edith Anderson and Delores Olsen presented the Sig-mite. Nn Sigs Hold Amateur Radio Contest An amateur radio contest was held by the Nu Sigma Rho literary society last Saturday from broadcasting station NSR. The first contestants were Alina Neuman, Tina Midboe, and Ethel Roos, who sang a trio num-ber, after which Agnes Haugan display-ed her ability as a tap dancer. A vocal duet by Helen Hooverson and Agnes Haugan was followed by the Nu Spec-trum Rays read by Alina Numann. The last contestant was Agnes Haugan who played a piano solo. Agnes Adrian, the judge, gave first place to the vocal duet. Alpha ZcLs Meeting A short program was held at the meeting of the Alpha Zeta Phi society Saturday. Evelyn Ruth Brady sang and Irene Monson and Ruby Green presented the Zetagrin. The rest of the hour was given over to a business meeting. Eunice Plann was appointed to have charge of Alpha Zeta and Athenian music at the society one act play contest. A. K. X. Elect Liken President Mildred Elken was elected president i-t the Alpha Kappa Chi at the meeting Saturday. Other officers are: Muriel Markholt. secretary; Irene Larson and Eunice Rasmussen, sergeant-at-arms. Eunice Lunde, a former member, spoke at the meeting. Other numbers included a piano solo by Myra Reinert-sen. a piano duet by Harriet Holkestad and Irene Larson, and the Havagrin by Lois Ha Hanger and Carolyn Rem. Sororities Meet At Fine Arts Club Clara Duea Welcomes Group To Annual Reciprocity Program Fire Drills, Social Grace Don't Mix; Books Are Saved "What's that?" "Nothing—g'wan back to sleep. Must have been your brains rat-tling!" But no, it was the gong Thursday morning, at about a quarter to six. in Ladies' Hall. A fire drill! Scrambling out, the ladies left their social graces behind them, fast nslocp in bed. How should flue window shades be. up or down? Better leave them down this time to keep from spreading the fire. The lights? Better leave them on. It might help the townspeople to find their way to the big fire. Then grabs for the most precious things came. The evaluation these girls give to material goods would keep an economist in hazards for a week. Some grabbed alarm clocks, the nearest things. Some grabbed text books, perchance the tear stains and red underlining be destroyed in tihe flames. A few baby elephants were called most precious; perhaps they promise a bigger future. A box of letters, love's 3-cent blossoms, went sailing down the stairs. Half of the herd arrived at the parlor. It was an escape drill! Tlicy tramped up the stairs again. The ring of Peterson's, Johnson's, and Knutson's and all the otiher sons on the roll call ceased. "O.K. Two slow. Well have to try it again soon. Go on bock to bed,** said the litle fire captain— and so all were off to bod. Seeling fairly secure, for a few days at least, from such alarming disturb-ances. Miss Clara Duea, president of Alpha Delta Rho, honorary musical sorority of Concord in conservatory, gave the welcome address at the annual recipro-city program of the affiliated music groups of Fargo and Moorhead in the Fine Arts clubhouse Monday evening. The Alpha Delta Rho organization was hostess this season. Talent from the Moorhead and Fargo Music clubs, the Sigma Alpha and Alpha Delta Rho so-rorities, and the music section of the Fine Aits club presented a program comprised of instrumental and vocal numbers. The guests were received by the of-ficers of the group. In addition to Miss Clara Duen. president, they were Edna Hector, vice president; Miss Alice Narum, recording secretary; Mrs. W. S. Sharp, corresponding secretary; and Miss Marcella Ike, treasurer. Mrs. Paul Rasmussen and Miss Duea were at the tea table. Mrs, T. M. Manchester headed the ar" rangements committee and was assist-ed by Mmes. Joseph Sullivan, Paul Ras-mussen. W. S Shaw, and Miss Eunice Plann. Choir Itinerary for First Week March 15—Mahnomcn March 16—Erskine March 17—Roseau March 18—little Fork March 19—International Falls (morning) March 19—Bemidji (evening) March 20—Walker March 21—Coleraine (afternoon) March 21—Grand Rapids (evening) March 22—Virginia (morning) March 22—Nashwauk (afternoon) c-o the Rev. Albert Stortroen c-o Supt. Carl B. Narveson c-o Mr. E. O. Anderson c-o the Rev. P. E. On*tad c-o Mr. C. A. Christoferson c-o the Rev. H. Magelssen c-o Supt. H. W. Dutter c-o the Rev. O. V. Charlson c-o Supt. J. E. Lunn Onstad Presents Books to Library Mr. Peter O. Onstad, Ada, recently presented our college library with a complete set of A. O. Vinje's works. This collection makes a valuable ad-dition to the Norse section of our li-brary. Mr. Onstad is the father of the Rev. Peter Onstad, '25, Esther Onstad, '33, and Reuben, a freshman at the col-lege. Two Concordia women's teams will meet two women's teams from Hamline in debate here Tuesday and Wednes-day on the Pi Kappa Delta question. Lucile Oehlke and Bern ice Brevik will uphold the affirmative in a debate in room 14, Tuesday afternoon. Wednesday evening a team composed of Margaret Haugseth and Dorothy Holm will take the negative side in a debate in the college chapel. The Love Teachers' Agency Thirty-ninth Yew Huntington Block, FARGO, N. D. Member National Association Teachers Agencies 'A Reliable Placement Service for Teachers".