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8 WORLD March 23,2001 Pope blesses North Pole-bound cross VATICAN CITY (AP) - Praising their courage, Pope John Paul II on Tuesday blessed the members of an expedition bound for the North Pole and the cross that they have planned to set up on the polar ice cap. The team includes a Vatican official,...

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Summary:8 WORLD March 23,2001 Pope blesses North Pole-bound cross VATICAN CITY (AP) - Praising their courage, Pope John Paul II on Tuesday blessed the members of an expedition bound for the North Pole and the cross that they have planned to set up on the polar ice cap. The team includes a Vatican official, Monsignor Liberio Andreatta, from the Vatican agency that deals with pilgrim-ages. "You offer a testimony of man's unfulfilled desire to explore little known pages in the wonderful book of creation," the pope told the 15 members of the team during an audience. The expedition is expected to reach the North Pole in mid- April. "God willing, you will reach the North Pole on Easter Sunday, and you'll be able to celebrate Mass," said the pontiff. The expedition marks the 100th anniversary of another mission, which was headed by Louis Amadeus of Savoy and was supposed to include the future Pope Pius XI, at that time a priest. Pius pulled out of the team at the last minute. The expedition eventually failed. "The desire that Pius XI could not fulfill in his time will therefore be fulfilled," John Paul told the group during the audi-ence. "And you will also fulfill his other dream: Setting up the Cross of Christ in that extreme strip of the terrestrial globe." •ATTITUDE FROM PAGE 7 napped at a checkpoint of the pro-Israel Christian militia, the Lebanese Forces, north of Beirut. Officials of the now-dis-banded Lebanese Forces have previously said the Iranians were killed in an artillery bom-bardment. No bodies have been found. Apart from Lebanese gov-ernment officials, Khairazi also met with Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, secretary-general of the Hezbollah guerrilla group, which Iran backs politically and financially. Asked if he discussed with Nasrallah the possible inclusion of the four Iranians in any even-tual swap with Israel for three Israeli soldiers and a business-man captured in Beirut as an Israeli spy, Kharrazi said: *vOf course we talked to Hezbollah and we are in contact with them and hope to clarify the fata of those Iranians." .• / Later on Tuesday, Kharazi left for a visit to Damascus Syria,: v.-^ -•;.<-•-;„;-; ;-,, #&&"=;:. Search at mall ends, fugitive not found BLOOMINGTON, Minn. (AP) - The In the afternoon, police found a sweat shirt nation's largest shopping mall was closed for and cap believed to belong to Zappa on a cart eight hours Tuesday as police searched inside in the transit area outside the mall, near where for a federal fugitive wanted in three states the car was found. Surveillance video spotted who apparently escaped on a motorized cart. Zappa on the second floor, on the same side More than 130 officers and at least one police dog methodically worked their way through the four-story Mall of America after surveillance video showed convicted felon Anthony S. Zappa, 29, entered the mall just before 8 a.m. Zappa, who has been known to carry weapons and resist arrest, is wanted in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa on charges and one floor up from where the clothing was found. Police said they didn't know whether Zappa abandoned his clothing on the way in or on the way out. The mall averages nearly 100,000 cus-tomers a day, but fewer than 1,000 employees and walkers were in the mall when the search started two hours before stores were set to including burglary, auto theft and weapon pos- open at 10 a.m., a mall spokeswoman said. session. Bloomington Police Chief Roger Willow said Zappa likely escaped in the morning as police The timing was fortu-nate, Bloomington Deputy Police Chief Ron Whitehead said. "You put this on "We had our momentum going, we were all were quickly cordoning pumped Up and all Ojthe Saturday afternoon at 2 p.m. sudden there's a fugitive that's running around." off the mall. "It appears as though it was not quickly enough/' Willow said. Police believe Zappa Linda Mahoney and I do it," Whitehead said. "1 think this guy would have been lost in the crowd." The mall has 125 securi-took a motorized cart P r e s i d e n t o f Citizens Scholarship ty cameras covering its 4.2 from the mall and may have boarded a bus near-by. Foundation of America million square feet, and one of them spotted Zappa inside a mall entrance, "xThe time frame is pretty wide," Willow according to the FBI. said. "We don't know where he might be." The mall also houses at least two schools, The hunt was called off just before 5 p.m., including an alternative school for about 60 and the mall was reopened about an hour later, students operated by the Minneapolis public "I am convinced people can safely return," school system. News of the search brought Willow said. "We have no reason to believe Cecilia Willis of Minneapolis to check on her he's in the building." 17-year-old daughter, Candace Hill. Jon Stevens, 17, of Woodbury, wasn't com- sTm worried. I guess I'm really not clear pletely convinced. He and two friends decided what's going on," Willis said as she waited out-to stop by after hearing of the news. side. Moments later, Candace and about a "I'm kind of scared he's still here, because dozen other students emerged from one of the there's so many nooks and crannies," Stevens said. Police converged on the suburban Minneapolis mall after a passing motorist spotted someone at about 7:15 a.m. who looked like Zappa, the target of an extensive mall entrances, scared but unhurt. A charity celebrity bowling event designed to raise college scholarship money for under-privileged students was pre-empted by the manhunt. ""We're all sitting around here with our manhunt in St. Paul on Monday. During a bowling shirts on," sighed Linda Mahoney, police chase, Zappa drove a car over a 4-foot president of the Citizens Scholarship embankment at an area hotel. The car, a red Foundation of America, which sponsors the 1990 Pontiac Bonneville registered to one of Dollars for Scholars program. Zappa's relatives, was later found in a mall s%We had the momentum going, we were all parking area. pumped up, and all of a sudden there's this fugitive that's running around," Mahoney said, noting the event was expected to raise about $20,000. NVIt's really a downer." Maureen Bausch, Mall of America vice president, said businesses probably lost some-where between $1 million and $3 million. On a normal Tuesday, at least 75,000 people visit the mall. "We hope they will come back," Bausch said. Mall officials gave coupon books to those who were turned away. It was only the second time the mall had to close for such a long peri-od, Bausch said. In 1994, a power outage caused the mall to close for a day-and-a-half. On Monday, police cordoned off a St. Paul neighborhood while searching for Zappa, also known as Anthony S. Wright. Members of the Minnesota Fugitive Task Force had cornered him, but he sped off, said FBI spokesman Paul McCabe. He abandoned a car and ran though a neighborhood, where police searched on foot and with a helicopter. One shot was fired. "He's shown himself to be an astute escapee," Whitehead said. Zappa is wanted in Wisconsin's Polk County on suspicion of being a felon in pos-session of a weapon; in Wisconsin's Barron County on suspicion of burglary; and in Iowa's Floyd County on a warrant filed Monday on a charge of vehicle theft.* After a shooting incident March 14 at a farm in Floyd County, Zappa evaded officers in a hunt that lasted more than 12 hours, said Sheriff Rick Lynch. Authorities believe that he stole a car, got a ride from a fanner and then was picked up as a hitchhiker. He was seen in Charles City, Cowell and Mason City. Zappa was convicted in Floyd County for burglary in 1994, Lynch said. After being arrested in Minnesota last November on warrants, Zappa was released pending a court appearance. When he failed to show up, a fugitive-from-justice warrant was issued. Zappa is described as 6 feet tall and about 250 pounds. In 1993, three people were wounded at the mall when a juvenile fired shots in a dispute over a jacket. In 1996, a tourist who stood in the path of a foot-chase caught a glimpse down the barrel of a pistol wielded by a teen, Thanks to the 2000-01 Resident Assistant Staff for "putting the pieces together. We appreciate all you do! Apartment Staff Kathleen Mumm Lori Lotthammer Michelle Miller Kim Anderson Alex Earnshaw Melissa Ulven Kim Thucscn Kent Narum Brown Amanda Renchin Nathan Gossai Sam MacDonald Carly Heupel Michelle Mathson Lindsey Arnold Lindsey Aakre Kelly Quaal Fjelstad Darla Leverson Jessie Peterson Brita Prestholdt Sarah Eckert Erin Husby Krista Johnson . . Shayla Swedlund Erickson Aaron Rudningen Dustin Little Scott Kummrow Chris Lebsock ^JfCcee Tripled .,. m\ .JakeLaabs . ,/- «James Johnson f ,:-,;- ;*,Ben O'DonnelJ r ,-t-- Hallett :• Rebecca Bemtson Kate Olson Mikal Kenfleld Kimberly Swenson Melissa Stenehjem Evelyn Owusu-Afriyie Kimberly Cole Caryn Johnson Hoyum Reagen Thalacker Charlotte Rissmann -MelanieNieml Ana Sawdey : Esther Agyeman-Budu Alison Blake Elizabeth Dougherty Ruth Bowman Zh r/ 01 Livedalen ' JahanDawlaty'-' > -• " ArdayArdayfio'••u't' Eric Akiwumi •' " ' Ernest Owusu-Afriyie i A 1 1 • / • M v:-. iy' *jsephSirnansen: •hi MattSteiner i!>' Park Region ' ShellcEhleis Natalie Person KariTrinka^ -. -: Elizabeth Maieris "., .Sainu George " Amanda Blum t Sara Steinmuller - • - • " * » / , International Center Heather Sheehan - * . Thanks!! —The Professional Staff "'•Jc