Compendium of history and biography of North Dakota: containing a history of North Dakota . also a compendium of biography of North Dakota

COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. lOu'J voice and deeds has furthered the interests of his party and its principles. Integrity and judgment are marked upon his ]X)rtrait, which the reader will consult with interest. WILLIAM UKR. Among the gentlemen who are engaged in agriculture in Stevens t...

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Published: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
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Summary:COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. lOu'J voice and deeds has furthered the interests of his party and its principles. Integrity and judgment are marked upon his ]X)rtrait, which the reader will consult with interest. WILLIAM UKR. Among the gentlemen who are engaged in agriculture in Stevens township, Ramsey county, none are more useful in sustainmg and e.xtending its farming interests than Air. (Jrr. He is one of the substantial and successful agri-culturists and a man well versed in the most ap-proved methods of operating a farm, and he has a pleasant home in section 28 of Stevens township. Our subject was born in Egremont, county of Cumberland, England, August 21, 1843, and re-sided in his native place until June,- 1854, when he left the old home and came to the United States with his parents. He first lived in Lancaster coun-ty, Pennsylvania, about one year, and then went to Henry county, Illinois, where his parents removed, and he resided there until February, 1857, and then took up his residence in Peoria county, Illinois. He continued his residence there until August, 1872, and then removed to Springfield, Illinois, in which city he resided for over ten years. He came to North Dakota in the spring of 1883 and has since resided in Ramsey county. He settled on a claim in Stevens township and at once began the improvement of the land, and now has a fine farm of two hundred and forty acres. He has devoted his entire attention to agriculture since taking up his residence in North Dakota, and has made a suc-cess of his work and now has a valuable estate from which he obtains a good income and is pro-viding for his declining years. Our subject was married, in Peoria, Illinois, April 25, 1869, to JMiss Catherine Tracy, who was born in county Galway. Ireland, in 1843. ^^f. and jMrs. Orr are the parents of three children, as fol-lows: Alary E., who is now the wife of Henry Medelman, a sketch of whose life appears else-where in this work : William F. and El'zabeth R., now Mrs. T. P. Walsh. Mr. Orr and family are members of the Catholic church and are held in high esteem in the communitv in which they have resided for so many years. Our subject is a man of active public snirit and is deservedly popular with the people. He has been called upon to serve in various local offices and has performed his duties faithfullv and well. BARDI G. SKULASON. Intelligence and true worth are readily recognized and given due acknowl-edgment by the members of a community in which a man chooses his home. The subject of this review is yet a young man, and has resided in Grand Forks, a comparatively short time, but he is recognized as a leading citizen and well-read attorney. He is en-gaged in general practice in that city, and has al-ready gained a good patronage, and his earnest ef-forts and progressive spirit bespeak a prosperous fu-ture for him. Mr. Skulason was born in the northeastern part of Iceland, January 19, 1871, and was the son of Gudmundur and Gudridur ( (ludmundson ) Skula-son, who were also natives of Iceland. The family moved to the island in the close of the ninth century. The father was of pure Norse descent, while on the mother's side there is a strain of Irish blood. The father of our subject was a farmer by occupation, and moved to Manitoba in 1876, and to Pembina county, North Dakota, in 1880. where he still re-sides. Our' subject, one brother and three sisters are the only children living of the family. Mr.' Skulason was reared and educated in North Dakota, attending the State University, from which institution he graduated in 1895, in both the classical and normal courses. He then began the study of law with Tracy Bangs, and later with Judge Tem-pleton, both of Grand Forks, in the meantime teach-ing school, and was principal of the schools at both Tower City and Hillsboro. He was admitted to the bar in 1897, and at once established himself in his profession, meeting with success. Mr. Skulason was married, in September, 1896, to Charlotte H. Robinson, a native of Missouri. He is a member of the Order of Foresters and Modern Woodmen of America, and is a prominent young man throughout the locality in which he lives. ALFRED STEVENS. Among the honored residents of Stevens township, Ramsey county, North Dakota, may be mentioned Alfred Stevens. He is a gentleman of enlightened views, and wide experience, and has labored for the upbuilding and advancement of that region, and has gained an as-sured position among the agriculturists of his com-munity. Oiir subject was born in Oswego county. New York, December 23, 1831, and was reared to man-hood on a farm, and in 1864 began farming for him-self in Oswego county, where he continued about two years, and in 1866 went to Wisconsin. He settled on a farm in Jackson county, that state, and continued his residence there until 1878, and then removed to Humbird, Clark county, Wisconsin, where be embarked in mercantile pursuits, and fol-lowed the same there about four years. He removed to North Dakota with his family in 1886, but had located land in Grand Forks county, near Larimore. in 1881. He has been a resident of North Dakota since 1881, and in 1882 located land three miles northeast of Devils Lake, which claim he afterward lost, and in 1883 located the claim in Stevens town-ship on which he now makes his home. He has placed valuable improvements thereon, and has pro-vided every arrangement for the economical conduct of the place, and has a fine farm of two hundred acres, most of which is tillable. Mr. Stevens was married in Oswego county. New York. May 24, 1864. to Miss Frances L. Wil- Internet Archive