Compendium of history and biography of North Dakota: containing a history of North Dakota . also a compendium of biography of North Dakota

COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. ICOl troit, r^lichigan, where he learned the pkiinber and gas fitter's trade, and then returned to Canada. He spent two years there, and thei) two years on the great lakes and in the pineries, and then went to \ icksburg, JMississippi, in the employ of the g...

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Published: Allen County Public Library Genealogy Center
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Summary:COMPENDIUM OF HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY. ICOl troit, r^lichigan, where he learned the pkiinber and gas fitter's trade, and then returned to Canada. He spent two years there, and thei) two years on the great lakes and in the pineries, and then went to \ icksburg, JMississippi, in the employ of the government ni the geographical survey on the lower Mississippi river. He later became engineer on a tug, and remained in the south until 1887, when he went to Cass county, North Dakota, and settled on section 12, in Arthur township, which he purchased in 1885. He engaged in farming thereon until 1898, when he purchased the farm on which he now resides. He is the owner of one section of choice land, and has surrounded him-self with all the conveniences and appointments of a model farm, and is among the substantial men of Bell township. Our subject was married at Chester, Illinois, in 1889, to Nettie AI. Beare, a native of Illinois. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Hockridge, as follows : Jessie B., Thomas B., Floyd and Earle R. 2ilr. Hockridge is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and in political sentiment is a Republican. He takes an active interest in local affairs, and has served as a member of the town board, and school treasurer for manv years. CHARLES PETERSON belongs to that large class of intelligent and enterprising farmers whose homes are places of social refinement and culture, and whose work as developers of the country is a credit alike to themselves and the community. His estate is located in section 6 of Lake township, Ramsey county, and is one of the well-developed tracts of that region. ]Mr. Peterson is of foreign birth, but is thoroughly identified with the better interests of his adopted land, and is one of the worthy citizens of his township. Our subject was born in Sweden, February 7, 1866. His parents came to America when he was about three years of age, and he has continued his residence in this country since that time. They reside in St. Croix county, Wisconsin, where our subject was reared and resided until 1885. In IMarch of that year he went to Ramsey county. North Dakota, and was employed at different oc-cupations and then spent one year in Alontana, after which he returned to Ramsey county and has since resided there. He owns five hundred and thirty acres of land, wliicli he has placed under high cultivation and engages in diversified farm-ing" with good results. Our subject was married in Devils Lake, North Dakota. December 25, 1895, to Miss Rosa Ambuhl. Two children have been born to bless the home of Air. and Mrs. Peterson,who are named as follows : Joseph J. and Blanche T. Airs. Peterson was born in Austria, Germany, and at the age of twelve years came to America with- her parents, Leo and "Theresa (Weis) Ambuhl. The family located in Ramsey county, where they now reside, in New-berry township. Mr. Peterson is a gentleman of broad mind and active public spirit and has served as a member of the board of supervisors of Lake township and taken nuich interest in local aft'airs. LEWIS S. HELGELAND. One of the farms of Norway township, Nelson county, best adapted to diversified farming is owned and operated by the subject of this review. It consists of three hundred and twenty acres, of which seventy acres is meadow land, forty acres in timber and the balance is prairie and well adapted to crops, and the entire place furnishes a model farm. Mr. Helgeland has a comfortable home in section 24, and was one of the early settlers of Nelson county. Our subject was born in LaFayette county, Wis-consin, November 28, 1858, and was the second-in a family of eleven children. His parents, Sever and Catherine Helgeland, were natives of Norway, and reside in Worth county, Iowa. Our subject re-mained on the Iowa farm from his third, to hi'i twenty-first year, and worked for others one year, and in the spring of 1881 came by team to the Sheyenne valley, in what w?.s then (irand Forks county. He settled on land on the banks of the river, and erected a small log house and passed the winter with neighbors, and in the spring of 1882 filed claim to the land, taking a memorable trip to Larimore for the purpose. It was in Alarch, and the snows were heavy and there were no roads. Four days were consumed, and during two days on the trail blizzards raged. Our sub-ject and his brother lived together and became pro-ficient cooks. He erected a house on his home-stead on the prairie and lived there from 1883 to 1888, when he moved to his present location, and until 1893 he worked much for others, but has since devoted himself to diversified farming on his own estate and has made a success of his work. Our subject was married, in 1894, to Aliss Hannah Tenold. Mr. and Airs. Helgeland are the parents of three children, Simon A., Emma C. and George D. Air. Helgeland was the leading spirit in the organization of Norway township, and he was elected county commissioner for dis-trict No. I and served six years. He is a mem-ber of the Lutheran church, and politically is af-filiated with the Republican party, and has at-tended many county conventions, and is now a member of the countv central committee. ORJANS H. BRENNA, in whose honor the township of Brenna, Grand Forks county, is named, is a representative farmer and citizen of his com-munity. He owns and operates one section of land and is one of the extensive general farmers of that region. He is a gentleman of the strictest integrity of word and deed, loyal and determined in his adherence to the right and to his friends. Internet Archive