Prairie past and mountain memories: a history of Dunseith, N.Dak., 1882-1982

"y -> "■' equipments, will be mustered out of the service of the state. (adv) DUNSEITH STATE BANK, C.F. Porter, President; P.M. Conoboy, Cashier. FISH FOR ROSE LAKE. . .Mr. A.N. Satrang has succeeded in interesting the U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries in our "Turtle Mount...

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Published: North Dakota State Library
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Summary:"y -> "■' equipments, will be mustered out of the service of the state. (adv) DUNSEITH STATE BANK, C.F. Porter, President; P.M. Conoboy, Cashier. FISH FOR ROSE LAKE. . .Mr. A.N. Satrang has succeeded in interesting the U.S. Commission of Fish and Fisheries in our "Turtle Mountain lakes and an assignment of black bass will be sent here soon. These fish will be put into the waters of Rose Lake. Next spring the department will send Mr. Satrang a good supply of bull-heads, pike, crappies and sand fish. TWALA NEWS ITEMS. . .Lemuel Carpenter was here Friday from Penny Hill. . .W.D. Await made a trip to Dunseith and Kelvin Saturday. . .OB. Cleveland and Geo. Davy made a business trip to Omemee Saturday. . . Louis Linde is up in the Northwest Territories on a land hunting expedition. . .Oscar Ousted is felling the grass at a great rate with his new McCormick. . .Lars Aamodt called at Oustad's Wednesday evenino. (adv) W. RIENDEAU & CO, Dealers in the Very Best General Merchandise, Alcide, ND. (adv) LIVERY & FEED STABLE, Cote & Cassidy, Good Rigs to Let and Careful Drivers Furnished. ALCIDE NEWS ITEMS. . .Sirnon Robert is back from Oak Lake with his family. . .Areus Riendeau started Tuesday for the west to sell cheese for the Alcide creamery and cheese factory. . .Edmund Casavant's blacksmith fire is red hot from morning to night and he cannot do all the work that is corning for him, he is looking for a helper. . .Albany Riendeau and S.C. Pigeon is doing the carpenter work for S. Robert. . .Louis Ledaux of Twala was here on Monday visiting his family. (adv) The Time to Stop Eye Trouble. . .Prof. M.F. Theel, Ref. D. Until further notice I can be consulted every Wed. and Sat. from 2 to 5:30 at Dr. Farrel's office, Dunseith. (adv) OLE HOVIND, CARPENTER. . .If You Have a House fo Build or Any Extra Fine Work That You Want Done, Come and See Me. THE DUNSEITH MAGNET, Dec. 1, 1910, JUNO COMMUNITY NEWS ITEMS. . Adolph Brenden is staying with Hans Haagenson. . .Ole Olson still leads all others when it comes to trapping. Ole seems to get the animals when others cannot see them. . .A surprise party was given on Martin Johnson some time ago. Nels Nelson presented him with a billy goat,and gave him a talk on how to raise thern with success. The evening was spent in playing Norwegian whist. THE DUNSEITH MAGNET, Dec. 8, 1910, JUNO NEWS TTFJV1S. . .Hans Haagenson and Adolph Brenden have almost completed a modern jumper. . .Rev. Hen drickson of Valley City and Rev. Eikness of Overly were guests at St. Johns Friday and Saturday. . .B.C. Johnson took in the oyster supper at Thomas Kirkwold's last Wednesday. From the very high price that articles sold for it is evidence enough to prove that Little Prairie must have had enormous crops. . .Mr. Cooper of Park Rapids, Minnesota, is up in the Mountains buying fur. . .Gust Momb and M.R. Johnson are now at Ole Amundson's looking for water with their machine. . .Ole & Gutram Medlang of Rolette are visiting relatives on Little Prairie. THE DUNSEITH MAGNET, Feb. 16, 1910, JUNO NEWS. . .Gust Momb footed it to the party Friday night . . .Adolph Brenden is very busy selling tickets on his unique quilt. All should buy, as it is to purchase pews for our church. . .A basket social is soon to be given at Flalvor Nelson's and ought to be well attended as he has a large home to receive a good crowd. . K.K. Haugen of Butte Lake spent Saturday and Sunday visiting with Haagen Amundson. . Lee Stickland returned home last Friday from Little Prairie. He has been staying with his uncle, Mr. Fee, the past seven weeks. . .The trustees of the Juno church met at Nels Nelson's last week to con sider the matter of finishing our church. . .Simon Johnson left for Calgary and Lethbridge, Alta, Canada last Wednesday. He will visit his son at Lethbridge. . ,A very large crowd of mountaineers surprised Ole Medrud "en masse" at his new home last Friday night. Cards, dancing and lunching kept thern busy until daylight. They left him a beautiful set of chairs for his new house. . .Patrons and others around here are trying to have the Beaver Dam school moved and then fixed up. It's too near dangerous water now and will undoubtedly be condemned. The Appreciation Week edition of THE DUNSEITH MAGNET, Nov. 18, 1915, contained, in addition to pictures of San Haven & Dunseith buildings (including the Dunseith State Bank building which burned in 1947) advertisements for the following businesses: DUNSEITH STATE BANK, P.M. Conoboy, Cashier; GEORGE GOTTBREHT, General Blacksmith & Machine Shop; COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Charles E. Watkins, Prop.; THE CITY MEAT MARKET, Thomas Fassett. Prop.; HOTEL GRAHAM, Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Graham, Props.; POOL & BILLIARDS, Amos LaFrance, Prop.; JOHN A. STORMON, Lawyer; DR. D. LEMIEUX, Physician & Surgeon; DUNSEITH RESTAURANT, T & C Landsverk, Props.; DUNSEITH LAND & LOAN CO; and ads for the SECURITY STATE BANK interspersed among the local news items. A city directory was printed on the inside pages. CITY OFFICERS were: E.S. Johnson, Mayor; Peter Jardine, S.R. Cook, J.F. Washta & W.J. Johnson, Aldermen; J.F. Stormon, Auditor, pro tern; Amos LaFrance, Treasurer; and J.J. Douglas, Chief of Police. MASONIC LODGE OFFICERS were C.E, Goodsell, S.R. Cook, R.M. Bickle, W.J. Johnson and F.A. Mariner. Miss Cora Intermill was postmaster & F.A. Mariner, the GN station agent. DUNSEITH SCHOOL OFFICERS were: H. Christen- sen, President; K.B. Van Meter, Clerk; Dr. Lemieux & J.J. Murray, Directors. . . Dr. J.G. Lamont was Medical Superintendent at the State Tuberculosis Sanatorium and there were forty sight patients enrolled at that time. Serving the spiritual needs were Rev. Montague Bickle, M.E. Church; Father Bachand, Pastor, Tarsus, St. Louis Catholic Church; and Rev. Wellington Salt, Episcopal Church. LOCAL NEWS ITEMS. . .Mr. & Mrs. R.G. D'Evelyn moved to Thorne List Sunday. . .Flowing well at Sanatorium 135 feet deep, flow about 48 barrels in 24 Scanned with a Zeutschel Zeta book scanner at 300 dpi. Edited in Multi-page TIFF Editor.