An Honor roll containing a pictorial record of the gallant and courageous men from Wells County, No. Dak., U.S.A., who served in the Great War : 1917-1918-1919

Oct. ,10—Since beginning- of St. Mihiel offensive United States anti-aircraft cannon and machine guns have brought down 32 enemy planes; 20 by machine guns; 12 by heavier guns. —Irish mail steamer Leinster, carrying 087 passengers and a crew of 75, torpedoed in Irish Channel by German submarine; 480...

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Summary:Oct. ,10—Since beginning- of St. Mihiel offensive United States anti-aircraft cannon and machine guns have brought down 32 enemy planes; 20 by machine guns; 12 by heavier guns. —Irish mail steamer Leinster, carrying 087 passengers and a crew of 75, torpedoed in Irish Channel by German submarine; 480 lives lost. Oct. 11—French continue pursuit: of Germans east of St. Quentin, advance 4 miles, occupy Ficulainc, Neu- villette, Regny, Cbatillon-sur-Oise, and Thenclles; south of Oise. take Servais; between Ailette and Aisne take Beaulieu-et-Chivy, Vermeuil, Cortonne and Bourg-et-Camin; cross the Aisne, occupy Parg- nari and Beaurieux and capture Terrnes, and Grand- pre -railroad station. British capture lurvy (in angle between Selle River and Scheldt Canal) and Village of Briastre; between the Scarpe and Quicry-la-Motte, take Sailly-cn-Ostrevcnt, Vitry-cn-Artois, Izcl-les- Equerebin, Drocourt and Fouquieres. Oct. 12—Hen. Haig and British advance within a mile of Douai. Germans retire behind the Suesce Canal. French capture Vouziers. —At Metropolitan Opera House, New York City, the President receives from Associated Press unofficial text of Germany's reply to his questions of Oct. 8— accepts terms of Mr. Wilson's address of Jan. 28, 1918; suggests a mixed commission lo make arrangements; agrees to evacuation and claims to be supported by- great majority of the Reichstag and to speak in the name of the Herman people. —The British hold villages of Hamel, Brcbieres and Ceuincy and capture Montigny, Harries and Anany. United States troops take Consenvoye Woods and Mollevillc Farm and are before St. Juvin and Cumel, which are in flames. United States troops gain 5 miles on 40-mile front, defeat 7 Herman divisions; capture 10,000 prisoners; take St. Mihiel, Thioncourt ami other towns. —United States transport Anipbian (7,-109 tons), homeward bound, has 2 hours' running fight with U-boat 800 miles off .Atlantic coast; 8 men wounded, 2 fatally. —Serbians capture Nish. —Japanese troops, under Gen. Aluto. arrive at Irkutsk; are welcomed by Gen. Ivanoff, War Minister of Omsk Government. Oct. 13—French take Laon and La Fere reached Aisne bend below Rethel, 27 of Rheims. The British cross the take 200 prisoners. 5,000 civilians towns taken are liberated. —Since beginning Champagne offensive French have taken 21,567 prisoners (409 officer machine guns, 200 mine throwers, munitions and war materials. —President Poincare, in Paris, make of Australia a grand officer of the Oct, 1-1—-In Albania, Italians take Hen. Gouraud miles northeast Sensec Canal; in villages and -; ), 000 guns, 3,500 a great quantity of s Premier Hughes Legion of Honor. Durazzo. French Hlll.l, llltllilll, !,:ll\.*. J- ' ll 1 il/./-.'). , i -.-." take Prizrend and Mitravitsa; are now 150 miles from Monastir and same from Sarajevo. Oct. 14—British cavalry advance; occupy Tripoli. —British attack on 20-mile front toward Lys River and get canal. Gen. Plumer's troops capture Mcnin Junction. Belgians and French take Thourout and Roulers. French advance in Champagne, near Rethel. Allied line is within 2 miles of Courtrai. To the south British cross ffaute-Deul Canal, on a 5-mile front. French and British reach the Courtrai-1ngel- nianistcr railway. —In Flanders offensive so far 10,000 prisoners have been Liken. —United States troops pass beyond Cumel and Ronag- ny, pierce positions of St. Georges and Landres-ct-St. Georges; take about 750 prisoners. United States patrol crosses Selle River near St. Souplet; takes 30 prisoners. Allies take Denaat, Bosehmolen, Gulleg- hein, Wulverghem and Wervicq. French capture Roulers Belgians take Ilazebrook, Gitsberg and Bev- Dav's total, 7.100. Cer- ilers. erin. All take prisoners. Day': mans react heavily in area north of Le Cateau. —Week's British casualty list; Killed or died of wounds, officers 552, men 6,937; wounded or missing, officers 1,741, men 26,480. —France breaks diplomatic relations with Finland. —The President replies to Germany's peace offer in effect that military supremacy of armies of United States and Allies must be safeguarded, processes and methods left to military advisers; illegal and inhumane practices must cease and German people must alter their government so that no one power can of its single choice destroy the peace of the world. —M. Frank Bouillon, head of Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Affairs, says France will insist on evacuation of occupied territory, including Alsace- Lorraine; will demand guarantees for everything, taking German word for nothing. —New Turkish Cabinet, Tevvlik Pasha Premier, notifies Austria-Hungary that owing to military conditions Turkey must conclude a separate peace with the Entente. Oct. 15—United States troops widen breach in Kriem- hild line. German counter attacks fail. Left wing crosses the Aire and pass Grand Pre; center takes Hill 286. British, in Selle Valley, take village of Haussy and 300 prisoners. Gen. Plumer in last 3 days advances 8 miles in Flanders; takes towns of Comines, Wervicq, Mcnin, Wulverghem, Heule and Guerne. States transport America sinks at Hoboken —United pier. - -British —Czechs iceupy Honis without opposition. -v^.^ii„, in Prague, Bohemia, start: revolt against rule of Austria; martial law proclaimed throughout Bohemia. Oct. 16—British cross the Lys, between Armentieres and Meuin. Southwest of Rethel French capture village of Acy-Romance; northwest of Sissonne take Notre Dame de Liesse and village of Talma. United States troops occupy town of Grand Pre; capture La Musari Farm, French cavalry approach Thielt, 7 miles from Ghent-Bruges Canal (10 miles from Holland border). British reach Quesnoy, 4 miles north of Lille; take Linselles. Belgians attack Bavichae, northeast of Courtrai. Liege division of Belgium captures German colonel, his staff and 2,000 men. Belgians cut Thourout-Ostend road and are astride of Thourout-Bruges Road. —Allied forces, including United States troops, repulse Bolshevik attacks on banks of Dvina. Americans and northeast north of had eon- First rtill Russians advance toward Welsk, .125 miles of Vologda. — British cavalry occupy Tripoli, 15 miles Beirut. —London reports that up to July 31, India . trihuted 1,115,180 men to the 'British Army Indian war loan, $200,000,000; a second loan greater in amount not specified. —Germany's Federal Council accepts amendment to the Constitution hereafter consent of Federal Council and of the Reichstag required for peace treaties in ease of declaration of war, except in case of invasion. —Baron Burian, Austro-llungarian Foreign Minister says to Foreign Affairs Committee of Austrian delegations, in discussing President's note: "We always establish an agreement with Germany." Oct. 16—Serbian troops capture Krushevatz, northwest of Nish. German airplanes bomb ■The French take Ipek, in Montenegro. Oct. 17 Allied troops capture Ostend. Bio 10 miles Nish. ml Lille, and occupy Douai. King Albert of Belgium and Queen Elizabeth enter Ostend. The French cross the Oise, 8 miles southwest of Guise. United States troops take Chatillon Wood. —Germans bombard Dunkirk with long range guns; 2 Americans killed; 1 man wounded. Oct. 18—Allies take Zeebrugge, Bruges, Thielt, Tour- coing, Roubaix and many other small towns. British take more of Lille salient. United States and British troops attack east of Le Cateau, take Bazel. French troops retake Forest of Andignv and izel lage \'XV Scanned with a Zeutschel Zeta book scanner at 300 dpi. Edited in Multi-page TIFF Editor.