Strange Customs : Incipient Social Differentiation in Kamchatka through the Eyes of the First Russian Explorers

A new approach to local traditional social organization in Kamchatkais being developed by the author based on comparative studies ofcomplex hunter-gathering and early farming societies as well as on ecologicaldata and an analysis of traditional subsistence economy amongthe settled and semi-settled K...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: ヴィクトル A. シュニレルマン, Victor A. Shnirelman
Format: Report
Published: 国立民族学博物館 2001
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Summary:A new approach to local traditional social organization in Kamchatkais being developed by the author based on comparative studies ofcomplex hunter-gathering and early farming societies as well as on ecologicaldata and an analysis of traditional subsistence economy amongthe settled and semi-settled Kamchatka fishermen. The development ofa highly effective subsistence economy as well as a relatively high populationdensity, large settlement size and substantial population in thepre-contact and early contact periods make it reasonable to include theKamchatka inhabitants of the early 18th century in the category ofranked societies. Some distinct features of those societies can help toexplain the ((bizarre)) customs of Kamchatka Itel'mens and other populations,which were a surprise for the explorers of the 18th century. Aritual of establishment of partnership in relation to a system of exchangeis analyzed as well as connections between hospitality, feasts and somebasic characteristics of subsistence economy and social organization.Traditional attitudes to the shaping of identity and its cultural basis arealso discussed. The author argues that the Kamchatka culturesmanifested an incipient social stratification by the contact period. 筆者は,現在,定住漁撈民や半定住漁撈民に関する生態学的なデータと伝統的生業経済の分析とともに,複雑なシステムを持つ狩猟採集社会と初期農耕社会の比較研究に基づいて,カムチャツカにおける伝統的社会組織に対する新しいアプローチ方法を模索している。18世紀初期のカムチャツカの住民が,既にロシア人との接触以前から,あるいは接触初期に,高度に効率化した生業経済,比較的高い人口密度,広く,大きな人口を抱>xる集落といった特徴を持っていたことから,彼らの社会を階層性のある社会に位置づけることができる。そして,それらの社会の際だった特徴のいくつかは,カムチャツカのイテリメンその他の諸民族が持っていた,探検家たちを驚かせた「奇怪な」習慣に納得のいく説明を与えてくれる。本稿では,その中から,交換システムと関係して行われるパートナーシップを築くための儀礼を,客に対するもてなしや饗宴と生業経済や社会組織の基礎的な特微との関係から分析し,さらに彼らの伝統的なアイデンティティとその文化的基礎の生成について議論していく。筆者は,カムチャツカの文化が,接触期以前に彼らの社会で萌芽的な階層分化が始まっていたことを示していた,ということを主張したい。