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Main Authors: 神田 啓史, Hiroshi Kanda
Format: Report
Published: 2005
Online Access:https://nipr.repo.nii.ac.jp/?action=repository_uri&item_id=9337
Summary:本編は第45次南極地域観測隊夏隊行動の概要報告である.観測隊は総勢62名で構成され,このうち越冬隊は40名,夏隊は22名であった.他に越冬隊に2名,夏隊に6名が同行者として参加した.2003年11月14日,観測船「しらせ」は晴海を出港し,観測隊は11月28日,航空機でオーストラリアに入り,翌日「しらせ」に乗船した.「しらせ」は海洋観測を実施しつつ,12月14日には氷縁に到着し,24日には昭和基地に接岸した.夏期間は,昭和基地への物資輸送,同基地でのインテルサット衛星アンテナの建設,発電機のオーバーホール,エアロゾル観測小屋建設などの基地作業を行った.輸送量は空輸,氷上輸送,パイプ輸送を含めて,1107.2tであった.昭和基地では南極周回気球実験,回収気球実験,高々度気球によるオゾンゾンデ観測など大型気球実験が実施され,それぞれ成功した.その他,超伝導重力計観測,重力絶対測定,露岩域地形調査,潜水調査などを実施した.「しらせ」は帰路,海洋観測を実施しつつ,シドニーに到着し,観測隊は航空機により3月27日,全員成田に到着した.一方,ノボラザレフスカヤ基地からドームふじ観測拠点間の日本南極地域観測史上初めての航空機によるアクセスは往復便とも順調に行われ,第二期南極氷床深層掘削計画がスタートした. The summer activities in the 2003-2004 austral summer of the 45th Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition (JARE-45) are reported. The JARE-45 consisted of 62 members including 22 members of the summer party and 40 members of the wintering party. Besides, two wintering members and 6 summer members companied the expedition as observers. The Antarctic research vessel (icebreaker) Shirase" reached the pack ice edge near Lutzow-Holm Bay on 14th December 2003 and anchored at Syowa Station on 24th December. Including light oil transported by pipe, and freight transported by snow vehicles and by helicopter, a total of 1107.2 t of cargo was transported. Construction of facilities at Syowa Station was carried out. The construction of an INTELSAT antenna and shelter continued throughout the summer at Syowa Station. Summer research programs included atmospheric observations, geodesy at Syowa Station, and geological and biological field surveys in ice-free areas along the Soya Coast and the Prince Olav Coast. All of the summer party left Syowa Station on 15th February and headed to Sydney, east Australia. En route, oceanography, marine biological observations and marine geomagnetism were carried out on board. Members of the summer party of JARE-45 returned to Narita on 27th March 2004. Transport of personnel to Dome Fuji Station by airplane via the Russian Antarctic Station, Novolazarevskaya was performed for the first time.