Summary:Source location estimation from single station earthquake data collected at King Sejong Station (62°13'3l"N, 58°47'07"W) from 1995 to 1996 provides seismic activity around King Sejong Station. Analysis of local events, less than 1.5°in angular epicentral distance, finds epicenters located near the Shackleton Fracture Zone, the South Shetland Platform, Deception Island, and North Bransfield Basin. Estimated magnitudes range from 2.2 to 4.5 on the Richter scale, averaging 4.0 in North Bransfield Basin, and 3.2 in the South Shetland Platform. Active seismicities along the NW-SE oriented gravity-low line, penetrating from the southwestern end of North Bransfield Basin into the South Shetland Trench, have been observed, averaging 3.3 on the Richter scale. No clear seismicity has been observed in the central segment of Bransfield Basin, although clear seismicities have been observed at both ends of Bransfield Strait including North Bransfield Basin and Deception Island. An active linear seismic zone along the South Shetland Platform, almost parallel to the South Shetland trench, is observed. The seismic activity along the South Shetland Platform is less than that in North Bransfield Basin.