Summary: | Приведены результаты археологического исследования скребковых орудий VI палеолитического слоя Ушковских стоянок. This article introduces the results of the functional analysis of scraping tools of Ushki sites, the VI cultural layer (Kamchatka). During longtime excavations, N. N. Dikov identified a collection of stone artifacts including a series of end-scrapers and side-scrapers. Most of these tools of such type were found during the study of the remains of dwellings as well as burials. In 1989, N.A. Kononenko (Vladivostok) performed trace evidence analysis of stone inventory of the late Ushkovskaya culture. The wear marks from skin scraping were recorded on typologically marked scraping tools as wellas on wedge-shaped micro cores, their preforms, shatters, chippers, microplates, retouched flakes, and fissures without processing. One artefact with scraping morphology was interpreted as wood chisel. Some tools with glossing microtraces and scraping kinematics were used for dredging. Our studies of scrapers of the VI layer allow to judge about the specialization during the process of leathermaking, point out the discrepancies of some typological definitions of stone ware with their real functional purpose, reveal the peculiarities of the reissue process of the tools in the industry of the late Ushkovskaya culture.