
本研究將(1). 加強分類學能力建設,逐年完成台灣微生物誌之編撰。我們過去在農委會與國科會的部分支持下,在彰化二林溪出水口、淡水河域與墾丁海域附近收集純化甲烷太古生物,純化鑑定三十六株,其中四株已確定且發表為新種,Methanofollis aquaemaris、Methanofollis formosanus、Methanocalculus taiwanensis及Methanocalculus chunghsingensis。我們也由「台灣車籠埔斷層深井鑽探計畫」於大坑的鑽探的深井取樣,純化出取自地表底下545 m岩心樣品純化Methanolobus chelungpuianus St54...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: 賴美津
Other Authors: 國立中興大學生命科學系(所), 行政院國家科學委員會
Format: Report
Published: 2011
Online Access:http://hdl.handle.net/11455/53789
Summary:本研究將(1). 加強分類學能力建設,逐年完成台灣微生物誌之編撰。我們過去在農委會與國科會的部分支持下,在彰化二林溪出水口、淡水河域與墾丁海域附近收集純化甲烷太古生物,純化鑑定三十六株,其中四株已確定且發表為新種,Methanofollis aquaemaris、Methanofollis formosanus、Methanocalculus taiwanensis及Methanocalculus chunghsingensis。我們也由「台灣車籠埔斷層深井鑽探計畫」於大坑的鑽探的深井取樣,純化出取自地表底下545 m岩心樣品純化Methanolobus chelungpuianus St545MbT and 自地表底下694 m 岩心樣品的Methanobacterium palustre FG694aF。此外,我們也自苗栗通宵的鹽山上收集純化十八株特殊方型或三角形菌體的極端高鹽太古生物Haloarcula屬與Natrinema屬菌株。將陸續將這些本土太古生物的分類鑑定資料,依台灣生物多樣性資訊網(TaiBNET)之生物誌(Biota Taiwanica)規範與Bergey’s Manual of systematic Bacteriology 規範建議撰寫中英文生物誌。(2). 我們規劃進行臺灣深海原核生物多樣性探討。過去三年參與經濟部地質調查所委辦台灣西南海域新興能源-天然氣水合物資源調查與評估計畫,藉由海研一號及三號及法國研究船Marion Dufresne,我們自台灣西南海域取得超過百個深海岩心不同深度底泥的樣品,我們目前已經分析超過2400個地質微生物(細菌與太古生物)16S rRNA基因,經由生物資訊分析與資料庫比對,發現這些樣點的微生物和目前已知的菌種相似度低,顯示台灣西南海域深海微生物的驚人多樣性,是重要的微生物資源寶庫。希望能進一步純化鑑定我們自西南海域甲烷水合物區的樣品中之原核生物(細菌與太古生物)。這些台灣深海微生物菌株之多樣性資源,可提供台灣海域微生物物種與基因的多樣性資料;將來可推動發展應用本土生物的生物技術,促進本土生物資源的永續應用。 In this grant proposal, first, we would like to write the Taiwan microbial biota related to methanogenic archaea and extreme halophilic archaea isolated from Taiwan. With the partial grant support from Council of Agriculture and National Science Council, we have isolated and characterized 36 strains of methanogenic archaea from Estuarine in Eriln Shi, Kaomei wetland, Aquaculture fishpond in Wang-gong, Danshuei River, Kenting and Anaerobic Digester. Among them, four strains have been identified and characterized as new species and they are Methanofollis aquaemaris, Methanofollis formosanus, Methanocalculus taiwanensis and Methanocalculus chunghsingensis. Additionally, new methanogen isolates, Methanolobus chelungpuianus St545MbT and Methanobacterium palustre FG694aF, were isolated from core samples obtained from deep subsurface of the Chelungpu fault, which is the fault that caused a devastating earthquake in central Taiwan at 1999. Strain FG694aF was isolated from a fault gouge sample obtained at 694 meter below land surface (mbls). Also, 18 strains of extreme halophilic archaea, Haloarcula and Natrinema, were isolated and characterized from the salt crystals obtained from the salt mountain at Miaoli, Taiwan. We will gradually compose above Taiwan local archaeal information as biota format according to the TaiBNET requested format. Second, we would like to investigate the diversity of deep sea Prokaryotes. During the past three years, we joined the project initiated and supported by Central Geological Survey in methane hydrate energy investigation off shore of Taiwan. From core drilling cruises by Ocean Research I, Ocean Research III and RV Marion Dufresne, we have obtained more than 100 sediment samples from various depths of cores and more than 2400 clones of 16S rRNA gene sequence of archaea and bacteria were analyzed. Through the database comparison and bioinformatic analysis, the16S rDNA sequences of all clones slowed low similarity with known cultured organisms, which indicated these are all unknown living organisms and these sites can be great pool for bio-resources. We would like to further isolate, characterized these deep sea prokaryotic organisms. These investigations should enhance our understanding in our marine microbial diversity and should further supply the species, genetic information for further biotechnological application.