Summary: | The author has identified the following significant results. The study of the ERTS-1 imagery of Alaska indicates the following: that areas of different topographic expression affecting the distribution and character of permafrost can be distinguished clearly; that on the Arctic North Slope, regional differences in the distribution and character of permafrost-related oriented thaw lakes can be observed; that the distribution of certain types of geologic materials having a significant effect on the character of permafrost can be delineated on a regional scale; and that the resolution of the imagery is adequate to identify large scale geologic hazards such as landslides, glacier-dammed lakes, aufeis fields, etc. The information concerning the distribution and character of permafrost and geologic hazards to the gained in accomplishing the objectives of this project will be an invaluable aid in solving engineering-geologic and environmental problems related to route and site selection for structures such as roads, railroads, pipelines, and large installations; to distribution of natural construction materials; and to construction and maintenance.