Uticaj nekognitivnih faktora na rezonovanje: može li kvazikognitivni test biti test ličnosti?

Indirektno merenje liĉnosti je u poslednjem periodu postalo konkurentno standardnoj eksplicitnoj proceni. Najĉešće primenivani testovi implicitnih asocijacija nisu pokazali visoke korelacije sa eksplicitnim merama liĉnosti. U ovom istraţivanju konstruisana je alternativna indirektna mera procene liĉ...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Hadžiahmetović, Nina N.
Other Authors: Opačić, Goran, Teovanović, Predrag, Knežević, Goran, Purić, Danka
Format: Doctoral or Postdoctoral Thesis
Published: Универзитет у Београду, Филозофски факултет 2020
Online Access:https://nardus.mpn.gov.rs/handle/123456789/10112
Summary:Indirektno merenje liĉnosti je u poslednjem periodu postalo konkurentno standardnoj eksplicitnoj proceni. Najĉešće primenivani testovi implicitnih asocijacija nisu pokazali visoke korelacije sa eksplicitnim merama liĉnosti. U ovom istraţivanju konstruisana je alternativna indirektna mera procene liĉnosti zasnovana na kvazikognitivnom pristupu, prema kom se test liĉnosti zadaje u formatu testa kognitivnih sposobnosti, odnosno testa deduktivnog i induktivnog rezonovanja. Konceptualni okvir rada ĉine pristrasnost uverenja i teorija hiper-emocije. Prema pristrasnosti uverenja se oĉekuje da će osobine liĉnosti inhibirati, dok se prema teoriji hiper-emocije oĉekuje da će facilitovati rezonovanje na ego-sintonim silogizmima. Ispitan je uĉinak u deduktivnom i induktivnom rezonovanju u zavisnosti od sintonosti osobina liĉnosti i karakteristika zadatka. Testirana je uspešnost u deduktivnom rezonovanju na sadrţaju rezonovanja kongruentnom i inkongruentnom suprotnim polovima dimenzije liĉnosti. Na induktivnom rezonovanju je procenjivan stepen biranja alternativa na zadacima višestrukog izbora kongruentnim mehanizmima opravdavanja dominantne crte liĉnosti. Nalazi generalno pokazuju da je, samo na osnovu sadrţaja, deduktivno rezonovanje uspešnije na sadrţaju suprotnog smera. Na induktivnom rezonovanju nalazi nisu konzistentni s obzirom na smer. Razlike u rezonovanju izmeĊu smera i kontrasmera se delimiĉno mogu objasniti kognitivnim sposobnostima i u potpunosti kovarirajućim efektom osobina liĉnosti. Efekat liĉnosti na uĉinak u deduktivnom i induktivnom rezonovanju na sadrţaju liĉnosti nije konzistentan. Efekti na nivou faceta upućuju na mogućnost facilitovanja dedukcije na sadrţaju pripadne domene ili njenog korelata. Vreme odgovaranja na rezonovanju upućuje na duţe procesiranje silogizama većeg uĉinka, te na moguće duţe procesiranje ego-sintonih silogizama. Interkorelacije upitniĉkih sa indirektnim deduktivnim i induktivnim kvazikognitivnim merama indiciraju odreĊeni stepen konvergencije. Preklapanje njihovog prostora upućuje na procesni nivo latentne povezanosti njihovih struktura na nivou faktora drugog reda. Faktori liĉnosti nemaju inkrement varijanse u objašnjenju rezonovanja u odnosu na kognitivne sposobnosti, ali sami faktori liĉnosti imaju inkrement u varijansi rezonovanja na sadrţaju liĉnosti naspram rezonovanja na deontiĉkom neutralnom sadrţaju. Indirect personality assessment has recently become concurrent with standard explicit personality assessment. The most frequently administered tests of implicit associations have not shown high correlations with explicit measures of personality. In this research, an alternative indirect measure of personality has been devised, based on quasi-cognitive approach, whereby a personality test is administered in the form of cognitive ability test, specifically deductive and inductive reasoning test. The conceptual framework of dissertation is comprised of belief bias paradigm and hyper-emotion theory. According to belief bias paradigm personality traits are expected to inhibit ego-syntonic syllogistic reasoning, whereas according to hyper-emotion theory, personality traits are expected to facilitate ego-syntonic reasoning. A deductive and inductive reasoning performance was assessed in relation to personality traits syntony and reasoning tasks characteristics. The efficacy of deductive reasoning was tested on task content congruent and inconguent with opposite poles of personality dimensions. On inductive reasoning tasks, the selection rate of multiple choice alternatives congruent with dominant personality trait was assessed. Generally, findings showed that, based on task content only, deductive reasoning was more efficient on the opposite pole of personality trait. Inductive reasoning did not show consistent pattern depending on the pole direction. Differences in reasoning between the contents representing opposite personality dimension poles can partially be accounted for by cognitive ability and entirely by covarying effects of personality traits. The effect of personality on deductive and inductive reasoning performance on personality relevant task content was not consistent. Facet level effects indicated the possiblity of deducting facilitation on the corresponding domain content or its correlates. Reasoning response time indicated longer processing of syllogisms with higher performance rate, as well as potential longer processing of ego-syntonic syllogisms. Intercorrelations of questionnaire measures and indirect deductive and inductive quasi-cognitive measures showed some degree of convergence. The overlap between their respective spaces indicated the process level of latent correlations between their structures on the level of second-order personality factors. Personality factors did not show incremental variance in reasoning compared to cognitive abilities, but they did show incremental increase in personality content reasoning variance compared with neutral deontic content reasoning.