Summary:Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris) is one of the pets that are favored by humans because it is easy to adjust and can become friends and dogs can also get sick. Zoonosis is an infectious disease from animals to humans from about 200 species of zoonoses or animal-borne parasites, in fact not all can be transmitted by dogs to humans. Therefore it is necessary prevention for transmission can be avoided. Prevention of disease transmission should be offset by dog owners' knowledge of the types of dog diseases as well as knowledge of the symptoms that appear in dogs to ascertain whether the dog is positively affected by the disease or not. Sometimes dog owners see symptoms such as scratching, hair loss is a natural thing. Along with the development of information technology today, almost anyone can get information on how to care for the dog either through the books, which is currently the most popular is through the internet. In the development of technology in the field of health there is a system capable of solving problems like a human called expert system. This learning system using forward chaining method to determine the disease by seeing the symptoms that appear in dogs. Expert systems can also be developed within android where every human being has it. Android in expert system can present information anywhere and anytime.