Results of the permafrost investigation of road: (A case study of the Tsagaannuur-Ulaanbaishint route)

In recent years, despite the intensive expansion of our country's asphalt road network, building roads in permafrost areas without scientific study have become the main reason for an increase in the formation of damaged, subsided, and low-aged roads. Therefore, we conducted a permafrost investi...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Authors: Ganbold, Ulambayar, Yamkhin, Jambaljav, Ganbold, Byambabayar
Format: Article in Journal/Newspaper
Published: Institute of Geography and Geoecology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences 2022
Online Access:
Summary:In recent years, despite the intensive expansion of our country's asphalt road network, building roads in permafrost areas without scientific study have become the main reason for an increase in the formation of damaged, subsided, and low-aged roads. Therefore, we conducted a permafrost investigation in the selected 25.8 km asphalt road sections, which included K13+600:K13+800, K14+360:K14+500, and K15+160:K15+300, and covered areas from Tsagaanuur village of Nogoonnuur soum in Bayan-Ulgii province to Ulaanbaishint border crossing with Russia, which are in the region with a continuous extent of permafrost in Mongolia. The road sections were selected due to the observed subsidence and deformation on the surface during the construction of the road embankment. In this study, high-precision geophysical electrical measurement, drilling, soil and rock samplings, and borehole temperature measurements were performed in the field and analyzed in the laboratory. According to the results, after excavating in the base of the road embankment at the road sections K13+600:K13+800, K14+360:K14+500, K15+160:K15+300, the thawing of permafrost was 1.5-3 meters at the center and also observed on both sides of the excavated areas. When comparing the amount of ice, it was three times less at the depth of 1.5-3 meters than at below 3 meters, which indicated the necessity of building a road with preventing pipes in the above three areas. Such preventing pipes could be thermosyphon pipes, which are widely used to prevent damage to road embankments from thawing in permafrost regions of the world. Автозамын цэвдгийн судалгааны үр дүнгээс(Цагааннуур-Улаанбайшинт чиглэлийн автозамын жишээн дээр) ХУРААНГУЙ Сүүлийн жилүүдэд манай улсын хатуу хучилттай авто замын сүлжээ эрчимтэйгээр тэлж байгаа хэдий ч цэвдэгтэй бүс нутагт зам барихдаа цэвдгийн нарийвчилсан судалгааг хийж, тухайн зурвас хэсгийн цэвдгийн шинж чанар, онцлогт тохирсон далангийн шийдлээр авто замыг төлөвлөж барьдаггүй нь эвдрэл, суулт ихтэй, насжилт багатай замуудыг нэмэгдүүлэх ...