A chart of part of the country of Labrador: taken by order of Commodore Shuldham in a tour up the coast in the year 1773

Black and white. Decorative title cartouche. Two compass roses. Relief shown by hachures. "NB. the pricked line denotes Mr. Curtis' track up the Coast, but the same passage must not be attempted by a Ship of burden" (title cartouche).

Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Curtis, Roger, Sir, 1746-1816
Format: Map
Published: [London] 1774
Online Access:http://collections.mun.ca/cdm/ref/collection/maps/id/165
Summary:Black and white. Decorative title cartouche. Two compass roses. Relief shown by hachures. "NB. the pricked line denotes Mr. Curtis' track up the Coast, but the same passage must not be attempted by a Ship of burden" (title cartouche).