trap n: trapline

trap 2 n He wanted to know if any of the Labrador trappers ever found strangers along their traplines during the war. PRINTED ITEM DNE Sup G.M. Story JUN. 1988 WK [Add to DNE trap� n, to 1977 quot] Used I and Sup Used I and Sup Not used ~house, ~line Card marked DNE Sup, but not used.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Manuscript
Published: 1988
Online Access:
Summary:trap 2 n He wanted to know if any of the Labrador trappers ever found strangers along their traplines during the war. PRINTED ITEM DNE Sup G.M. Story JUN. 1988 WK [Add to DNE trap� n, to 1977 quot] Used I and Sup Used I and Sup Not used ~house, ~line Card marked DNE Sup, but not used.