red a; red (indian

red a The Beothucks.were also called the Red Indians, from the manner in which these natives smeared their faces and bodies and sometimes even their clothing with red ochre. PRINTED ITEM DNE Sup [A dd to DNE red a 3, 1947 cite] G. M. Story FEB.9 1988 WK FEB 9 1988 Used I and Sup Used I and Sup 3 Use...

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Summary:red a The Beothucks.were also called the Red Indians, from the manner in which these natives smeared their faces and bodies and sometimes even their clothing with red ochre. PRINTED ITEM DNE Sup [A dd to DNE red a 3, 1947 cite] G. M. Story FEB.9 1988 WK FEB 9 1988 Used I and Sup Used I and Sup 3 Used Sup