young a: young ice

young a The young ice started to get watery so I made a short cut for the camp. Ed gloss: 'The first ice that forms in the fall.' PRINTED ITEM DNE Sup [Add to DNE young a 2, to T-1967 quot] G.M. Story FEB 15 1989 WK Used I and Sup Used Sup 2 Used Sup

Bibliographic Details
Format: Manuscript
Published: 1989
Online Access:
Summary:young a The young ice started to get watery so I made a short cut for the camp. Ed gloss: 'The first ice that forms in the fall.' PRINTED ITEM DNE Sup [Add to DNE young a 2, to T-1967 quot] G.M. Story FEB 15 1989 WK Used I and Sup Used Sup 2 Used Sup