Newfoundland dog

Newfoundland dog The _Newfoundland dog_ is an animal well known in _England_, for its attachment to the water; but the true breed has become scarce, and is rarely to be found, except upon the coast of LABRADOR. Most of the _Fisheries_ are plentifully supplied with these _dogs_, and they prove of gre...

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Summary:Newfoundland dog The _Newfoundland dog_ is an animal well known in _England_, for its attachment to the water; but the true breed has become scarce, and is rarely to be found, except upon the coast of LABRADOR. Most of the _Fisheries_ are plentifully supplied with these _dogs_, and they prove of great utility in dragging home the winter fuel. They are also employed in NEWFOUNDLAND for the same purpose, where they are usually yoked in pairs. PRINTED ITEM G. M. Story MAR 1975 JH MAR 1975 Used I Used I Not used