Newfanlan men

Newfoundland man The late Hon. Stephen Rendell has often told me that even when he came to the Colony in 1834, hundreds of sturdy Devonshire lads came out every spring./Mr Rendell said nearly every labouring man about Coffinwell had been a servant in Newfoundland. The coming and going of the Newfoun...

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Summary:Newfoundland man The late Hon. Stephen Rendell has often told me that even when he came to the Colony in 1834, hundreds of sturdy Devonshire lads came out every spring./Mr Rendell said nearly every labouring man about Coffinwell had been a servant in Newfoundland. The coming and going of the Newfoundland men was an event in Devonshire. The rurals reckoned the time by the old Church of England lectionary: "Jan! the Parson be in Pruverbs, the Newfanlan men will soon be a coming whome." PRINTED ITEM DNE-cit GMS Mar 75 Used I Used I 1 Used I