beach n; beach racket; beach woman

beach n From "water horse" it is passed over to the fish makers who are then responsible for the drying.At Grand Bank, which is the home port for the largest number of banking or deep-sea vessels, it is the practice to contract with a group of women under the control of a forewoman, and to...

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Format: Manuscript
Published: 1988
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Summary:beach n From "water horse" it is passed over to the fish makers who are then responsible for the drying.At Grand Bank, which is the home port for the largest number of banking or deep-sea vessels, it is the practice to contract with a group of women under the control of a forewoman, and to this group is given the whole of the banker's trip for the purpose of drying. This forewoman is responsible for the care of the fish during the period of drying, and the group of women work under her direction. A fee is paid to each worker, including the forewoman, of so much a quintal, and a small additional sum is paid to the forewoman. PRINTED ITEM DNE Sup _beach_ n:for combs _beach racket_ and _beach woman_, add a reference to 1937 _Seafisheries of Nfld_ 50-1 [This is for headnote, or bracketed cite] GMS, 29 March 1983 MAR 8 1988 G. M. Story Used I and Sup Used I and Sup 2 Not used DNE Sup is written on card, but its contents are not used.