lobster factory

lobster n This is where the Bay of Islands men come to fish. There is also a lobster factory here belonging to Anguin. DNE-cit GMS Feb 76 Used I Used I Used I lobster box, lobster buoy, buoy, lobster factory, factory, lobster-fish, lobster float, lobster head, head, lobster lath, lath, lobster pole...

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Bibliographic Details
Format: Manuscript
Published: 1976
Online Access:http://collections.mun.ca/cdm/ref/collection/elrcdne/id/47506
Summary:lobster n This is where the Bay of Islands men come to fish. There is also a lobster factory here belonging to Anguin. DNE-cit GMS Feb 76 Used I Used I Used I lobster box, lobster buoy, buoy, lobster factory, factory, lobster-fish, lobster float, lobster head, head, lobster lath, lath, lobster pole Checked by Jordyn Hughes on Mon 27 Jul 2015