kissing dance

kissing dance The chief dances of the old days were the cotillion, eight-hande reel, single step and kissing dance. PRINTED ITEM DNE-cit W. J. KIRWIN FEB 1971 JH FEB 1971 Not used Not used Withdrawn Checked by Raji Sreeni on Wed 12 Aug 2015; Stamped but not used

Bibliographic Details
Format: Manuscript
Published: 1971
Online Access:
Summary:kissing dance The chief dances of the old days were the cotillion, eight-hande reel, single step and kissing dance. PRINTED ITEM DNE-cit W. J. KIRWIN FEB 1971 JH FEB 1971 Not used Not used Withdrawn Checked by Raji Sreeni on Wed 12 Aug 2015; Stamped but not used