fly dope

fly dope The writer believes that both head net and gloves are almost as bad as the flies, and suggests going without them and in their place carrying "a little on the hip," the flask or bottle being full of what is usually termed "fly dope," liberal applications of which on expo...

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Bibliographic Details
Format: Manuscript
Published: 1974
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Summary:fly dope The writer believes that both head net and gloves are almost as bad as the flies, and suggests going without them and in their place carrying "a little on the hip," the flask or bottle being full of what is usually termed "fly dope," liberal applications of which on exposed parts will usually be sufficient to ward off the flies. In point of efficiency there is nothing like the black oil of Stockholm tar. It is disgusting stuff to use, but gives peace. PRINTED ITEM G.M.Story August 1974 Not used Not used Withdrawn