doctor prickley

doctor1 n The largest variety of prickley, about 1 to 2 inches long. GMS Sept 73 DNE-cit Used I Used I 4 Not used WIZARD, WATER DOCTOR, PRICKLY: PRICKLEY, doctor's box Checked by Cathy Wiseman on Mon 23 Feb 2015; Card marked DNE-cit, but not used.

Bibliographic Details
Format: Manuscript
Published: 1973
Online Access:
Summary:doctor1 n The largest variety of prickley, about 1 to 2 inches long. GMS Sept 73 DNE-cit Used I Used I 4 Not used WIZARD, WATER DOCTOR, PRICKLY: PRICKLEY, doctor's box Checked by Cathy Wiseman on Mon 23 Feb 2015; Card marked DNE-cit, but not used.