cunny kin

cunny kin Bill: (1) Bob Hollett has heard it from Bonavista friends. He will have data for us during the next week. (2) Rex Clark, the anthropologist, _may_ have data. If firm additional evidence turns up, we'll reconsider. G. NOV 1980 Not used Not used Queried Checked by Jordyn Hughes on Tue 1...

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Bibliographic Details
Format: Manuscript
Published: 1980
Online Access:
Summary:cunny kin Bill: (1) Bob Hollett has heard it from Bonavista friends. He will have data for us during the next week. (2) Rex Clark, the anthropologist, _may_ have data. If firm additional evidence turns up, we'll reconsider. G. NOV 1980 Not used Not used Queried Checked by Jordyn Hughes on Tue 12 Jul 2016