Report of a counselling internship at the Newfoundland School for the Deaf, including an evaluation study of a pilot distance career counselling intervention programme for teenage mothers and pregnant teens

This report provides a comprehensive account of an eleven week, full time counselling internship completed from April 15, 1991 to June 28, 1991 at the Newfoundland School for the Deaf and a two week placement from July 1, 1991 to July 12, 1991 at the Newfoundland Coordinating Council on Deafness (NC...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Paddock, Lenora Lorraine
Format: Thesis
Published: Memorial University of Newfoundland 1991
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Summary:This report provides a comprehensive account of an eleven week, full time counselling internship completed from April 15, 1991 to June 28, 1991 at the Newfoundland School for the Deaf and a two week placement from July 1, 1991 to July 12, 1991 at the Newfoundland Coordinating Council on Deafness (NCCD), St. John's, Newfoundland. -- This report encompasses two areas: -- 1. a statement of the internship rationale and objectives, as well as a description of the internship setting and activities conducted to fulfill the objectives. Details of supervision and evaluation at the Newfoundland School for the Deaf setting are also described. -- 2. an evaluation study of a pilot distance career counselling intervention programme for teenage mothers and pregnant teens. A discussion of the results and a list of recommendations for improvements in the programme are also described. -- The internship setting at the Newfoundland School for the Deaf was considered appropriate by the intern and supervisors for several reasons; (1) supervision could be on-going, (2) an opportunity could be provided for an experience in a variety of student counselling services, and (3) it would provide further overall experiences related to an area that the intern has great interest in and in which she will eventually be employed. -- As a result of the internship the intern gained new and worthwhile insights into the helping relationship. Moreover, a feeling of greater competence in using these insights was also achieved.