An Act incorporating certain persons, for the purpose of building a Bridge uniting the Towns of Eastport and Perry

Inscription of the text: An Act incorporating certain persons, for the purposes of building a Bridge uniting the towns of Eastport and Perry. SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That Aaron Hayden, Jonathan Bartlett, Samuel Wheeler, Leonard Pier...

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Main Authors: Maine State Legislature, King, William
Format: Text
Published: Digital Maine 1820
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Summary:Inscription of the text: An Act incorporating certain persons, for the purposes of building a Bridge uniting the towns of Eastport and Perry. SECT. 1. BE it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Legislature assembled, That Aaron Hayden, Jonathan Bartlett, Samuel Wheeler, Leonard Pierce, Ichabod R. Chadbourn, and Jery Burgin with their associates, be, and they hereby are, made a corporation by the name of the Proprietors of the Eastport Bridge, and by that name, may sue and be sued, and may have a common seal and change the same at pleasure and may make any by-laws, for the management of their concerns not repugnant to the laws of this State and may at any meeting choose a Clerk and any other officers for managing the business of said corporation by a vote of A majority of the members present allowing one vote to each share : Provided, No person shall be entitled to more than ten votes. SECT. 2. Be it further enacted, That the said bridge shall be erected and extended from the northwesterly point of Moose Island, at Tuttle's Ferry, to or near the point of land at which said Ferry is established in the said town of Perry and shall be built of good and sufficient materials, not less than twenty-four feet wide, and all covered with plank or timber suitable for such a bridge, with sufficient rails on each side for the safety of passengers. SECT. 3. Be it further enacted, That a Toll be, and here by is granted for the sole benefit of said corporation, according to the rates following, viz. for each foot passenger or one person passing said bridge, four cents one person and horse, twelve cents single horse cart, sled or sleigh, eighteen cents; each wheelbarrow, hand-cart, and every other vehicle drawn by hand, four cents each team, including cart, waggon, sled or sleigh, drawn by more than one beast, and not exceeding four, thirty cents and for every additional beast above four, six cents; each single horse and chaise, chair or sulkey, twenty- five cents; each coach, chariot, phaeton or curricle, forty cents; neat. cattle and horses, exclusive of those rode on, or in carriages, or in teams, six cents each sheep and swine, one cent each and in all cases the same toll shall be paid for all carriages, passing said bridge, whether the same be loaded or not and to each team one man and no more, shall allowed, as a driver, to pass free of toll. And all persons who shall actually be on military duty, shall be permitted, with their baggage, to pass the said bridge, free of toll. And at all times when the toll gatherer shall not attend his duty at the said bridge, the gate or gates shall be left open and the said toll shall commence on the day of the first opening of said bridge for passengers, and shall continue for and during the term of seventy-five years, from the said day, and be collected as shall be prescribed by said corporation : Provided, The said corporation shall at all times, keep the said bridge in good and passable repair and at the end of said term of seventy-five years, the said bridge shall be delivered over in good repair to and for the use of this State. Provided, nevertheless, The Legislature may dissolve said corporation whenever it shall appear to their satisfaction, that the income arising from said toll, shall have fully compensated said corporation for all monies they have expended in purchasing, repairing and taking care of said bridge, together with an interest thereon at the rate of nine per cent, per annum. Property and ownership of said bridge shall thereupon be vested in said State, and be at their disposal. Also, that at the place where the toll shall be collected, there shall be erected by the said corporation, and constantly exposed to open view, a board or sign, upon which shall be written the rates of toll, and all the tollable articles, in large or letters. It is also provided that all wheels, the rims of which shall be not less than six inches wide, and drawn by one or more beasts, shall have a right to pass and repass said bridge free from toll for four years from the time said toll shall commence. SECT. 4. Be it further enacted, That if the said corporation shall neglect or refuse for the space of seven years from the passing of this act, to build and complete said bridge, then this act shall be void. SECT. 5. Be it further enacted, That if at any time hereafter, the Legislature shall deem it necessary that a draw for the passage of vessels should be made in the bridge by this act authorised to be erected, the proprietors thereof shall be obliged to build such draw therein as the Legislature shall direct. SECT. 6. Be it further enacted, That Aaron Hayden and Jonathan Bartlett, or either, may call a meeting of said corporation, to be holden in Eastport, aforesaid, by advertisement in the Eastport Sentinel, printed in said Eastport, fourteen days at least before the time of said meeting. [This Act passed June 27, 1820.]