Summary:"Group of photolithographic stereos, trimmed and mounted on card. These are titled stereo History, in paper label on back. A large group of stereo cards were issued by The American Stereoscopic Co., Langenheim, Lloyd [sic] & Co., Philadelphia (ca. 1859-1860). They are on a standard stereo mount and are photolithographic copies of European glass stereoscopic views of the world. Isaac Rehn of Philadelphia created these cards, as stated in Osborne's handwriting on a card in the Osborne Collection, Graphic Arts Division, Museum of American History, Smithsonian Institution. These early photolithographs by Rehn are some of the only work extant by him as a photolithographer. He appears to have used the Bradford and Cutting patent, as he was a partner with Cutting years earlier and he exhibited work in 1858 in Philadelphia."--Hanson Collection catalog, p. 22