Risk of natural hazards on technical-industrial cultural heritage in Svalbard : probability analysis including considerations for climate change

Climate change, particularly through Arctic amplification, poses significant concerns for the preservation of cultural heritage sites in the Arctic region, with Svalbard’s cultural heritage objects highly vulnerable to the exacerbating natural hazards like permafrost degradation, landslides, and ero...

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Bibliographic Details
Main Author: Vehola, Anni
Other Authors: Lappeenrannan-Lahden teknillinen yliopisto LUT, Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT
Format: Master Thesis
Published: 2023
Online Access:https://lutpub.lut.fi/handle/10024/166719
Summary:Climate change, particularly through Arctic amplification, poses significant concerns for the preservation of cultural heritage sites in the Arctic region, with Svalbard’s cultural heritage objects highly vulnerable to the exacerbating natural hazards like permafrost degradation, landslides, and erosion. This thesis presents a comprehensive assessment of the risks associated with ten specific hazards affecting 260 cable car posts and other cultural heritage objects in the Longyearbyen area and Ny-Ålesund, which house the most valuable heritage collections in Svalbard. The study employs a multidisciplinary approach, combining literature analysis, geographical information analysis, PCCH-Arctic Risk Assessment data, and fieldwork. By incorporating climate change projections, the research evaluates the natural hazards and determines the level of risk faced by cultural heritage in Svalbard. The outcomes of this study include an updated and enhanced Risk Assessment and an interactive ArcGIS Online map that highlights the risks associated with each cultural heritage object and cable car line. The findings indicate that approximately 16% of the studied cultural heritage objects in Longyearbyen are exposed to a high level of total risk, primarily due to permafrost degradation, snow avalanches, and rockfalls. Notably, Line 1b of the cable car system exhibits the highest overall risk. This assessment identifies the most vulnerable cultural heritage objects and cable car lines, thereby providing valuable data for prioritizing safeguarding efforts and protecting Svalbard's heritage in the face of natural hazards and climate change. Ilmastonmuutos aiheuttaa merkittäviä huolenaiheita arktisen alueen, kuten Huippuvuorten kulttuuriperintökohteiden säilyttämiselle. Nämä kulttuuriperintökohteet ovat alttiita ilmastonmuutoksen vaikutuksesta voimistuville luonnonkatastrofeille, kuten ikiroudan sulamiselle, maanvyörymille ja eroosiolle. Tämä diplomityö tarkastelee kymmentä luonnonkatastrofia ja niiden aiheuttamaa riskiä yhteensä ...